Friday, July 29, 2005

Bad news lah!

Hostel really bored lah,everyday do da same routine like machine....wat a robotic life!

Bad news ah............Math lecturer Ms See got appointed to teach AUSMAT again...then she has to give up her lesson on our Pure Math.,now she only teaches us Statistics....Pure MAth. was take over by Mr Koshy...a damn sleepy,tired,nerd,sien,kuku,stiff,cold........lecturer...old fellow...not said he not good lah but his teaching very sien...5 of us almost slept every lesson of him.....nightmare...althou the lesson only 1 hr.....imagine like gone through 1 Sunway well known air con system....we r like studying in South pole!!!!!!The polar express!...................................................................n then last few days Msian Studies cancelled....but neh gotta replace by a talk of 'DRUG'.....sien to the peak aaaaaaaaah!!!dunno y Sunway gave this kinda talk....stupid!waste of time!

Very cham,next week got 3 test waiting(Law,Econ,Statistic),assignment due on next Thur.,Law presentation...but then i'm back in JB this week.....then weekend oso can't revise and do homework....need to wait i go back to college then week must be quite hectic and tough....when the going gets tough,the tough gets going................................i need to stay in Library most da time liao lah!but THOL is more like noisy!fuk!

Just now afternoon i went to Kotaraya there a small shop which selling bakery.......wah their egg tart so huge and so as their cheese tart...bought it to try but ok nia!just the pastry do thicker nothing much special n quite jelak lah,.......not cheap ah one about 2.50 leh!eat until wanna vomit eh!