fuck IELTS!
Question of The Day :
Richer rountries should take up the responsibilty to make improvement for the health,education and trade of the poorer countries.
Do you agree?
*You should express your opinion,experience and knowledge in this statement.
What?Am I seeing the wrong thing?"experience"?What they mean?Is it we have to try out the taste of living in a poorer country and write out a journal or whatsoever?Or should we live in the richer country to oversee their point-of-view?
If you still don't get the clue on what the hell I'm talking about?Go take IELTS(International English Language Testing Systen) and truly experient it hard.
As expected,my mock IELTS test was as bad as if you put my face into dung's pile.No doubt,it is the stupidest test i've ever taken.And you know what,it is said that IELTS is far more tougher than TOEFL,wtf!
1.30pm-reading test:"Ok well,since I slurp in a cup off expresso juz know,I'm as sober as a judge now!"*bullshit*In fact I can still felt the perpetual sleepiness in me.I was like"die for sure"!Luckily the reading part still as hard as it seems like before,so no surprise at all which might caused me to faint out of severely shock.The passages were as lengthy as the complete Bible and tricky.But could hardly finish...
2.30pm-listening test:The level of whatever Endorphine,Serotonin,Melatonin had dropped to a half.Sleepy.Couldn't even concentrate on the recording plus the radio that using today was exceptionally tiny(so as the volume...)plus on that Ms Joy that giant was blocking it and caused some kinda interference on the wave which interrupt the normal sound spreading system.Screw it!I hate the Austro-British accent,so darn hard to understand.I mean,hello,this is Malaysia truly Asia ok?As usual,missed out some parts where I just happened to distract for 5 seconds and total missed out 6 question consecutively.So at the end just simply fill in the answer without giving it a fuck!*eyes rolling with heavy eyelids*
3.10pm-writing test:With the oh-so-damn-long 10 minutes break.I managed to rush to the gents to have my face washed as to keep me awake.Went back and saw the question sheet already lying on its position on my desk.At 1st glance,I thought it was NOT BAD though.Ya!Not bad until I misconcepted the graph and did the wrong interpretation.What to do?Did all over again and spent time beyond what they'd suggested.At last,came to the arguement writing part where I think it's very OK provided that I'm afterall a GP used-to-be candidate.Then,I came across that "what?"(the question stated at beginning,scrool back and look for it).Are they expecting some technical writing which requires a bit of researching to be finish off in the suggested divine 40 minutes?Hell to say,I felt like writing rubbish.The Data Response is about unemployment rates and the arguement is something about Economincs too(poverty) which freaks me out like shit!I wrote I think 2 points only as I consider(1 and a quarter pages)!Compare to GP(2 and a half pages?!What the hell am I doing?It suppose to be easier!).And the point that I feel proud of is the globalization one(this is technical writing :p).But will it be counted,for god's sake,I hellishly dunno...Finally,I passed up the answer sheets with liquid paper ink,slashes here and there which makes the whole paper looks much more like rubbish.Man,how rubbishly I am until I ended up in IELTS class.*yell*
Luckily my writing piece is sucks all the time.So, this just doesn't makes any difference on me!Life goes on...
Have the intuition that this mock test will get flunked!
But afterall,I will say..."THIS IS ONLY THE MOCK EXAM"...Nah,the actual one is still 3 more weeks away!Which falls on the holish 18th of March.
~God bless atleast give me band 6.5 or above~
No band below 5/6 puhhhh-leassssssss~ *-*