Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hearing impairment free!


I went back to Dr. Tan today cos my ear blocking problem still exists after taking the remedies prescribed by him 2 days ago.He checked and told me the wax has already cleared by still don't have any idea how come I still having impaired hearing.FINALLY,he willing to refer me to ENT specialist Dr.Siow.

Phew,went there waited for almost an hour,and the consultation took about 15 minutes only where he used advanced equipments like vacuum to suck out my accumulated wax and the clogged part then tested my pressure tolerant by using some kinda pressure measuring machine.And voila!I'm back to normal hearing again after he did cleaning in my right ear...and he told me my ear canals are exceptionally smaller than normal ppl do,that's why I'm expose to the high risk of getting this stupid sai blocking -_-,and must come back to him after 3 weeks to do further obcervation(during A2 exam time leh!) and advised me to come for ear cleaning once in a while to prevent such thing to happen again...wah lan!That painful process really will cause phobia,like thousands of needles poking the ear canal.But after that,woohoo...hearing is damn clear and crisp!~.~

Mooncake festival is coming,but I bet won't be gettting any chances to celebrate and eat mooncakes cos it's around A2 exam and parents not around me also.Haiz.Looking at how roundish the full moon is...reminds me that all of us are looking at the same moon in the sky,so near yet so far.WHY?Huhu T^T

Reminisce back to those days where all of us will gathered at grandpa's place to celebrate whilst eating mooncake,mingling and not to be excluded,play lanterns!!!I miss that soooooooo much...since all of us has already grown up and eventually only the veterans will practice that but younger generation nowadays hardly even remember this meaningful day.Eventhough CNY nowadays are less merrier than before,for unknown reason.Maybe that's becos we are no more kiddo.How sad...

Argh...Dr. Siow summore told me that my ear drum is having some slight infections which I still have to continue putting drops...annoying and a bit painful.Anyways,I'm so glad that I can hear clearly again like what others do,for that alone,I'm more than satisfied at least.Thanks doctors and my world is full of hopes again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS : A2 :/ + A2 mock result :/