Happy Mooncake Festival(Mid-Autumm) to all the peeps
So,at the end,after lotsa hintings and grumblings,I still couldn't get the chance to eat mooncake.I told myself to forget it and give up,it's only for a year and so convinced that mooncake is in fact darn FATTENING.
No fish prawn oso good.Go play lantern downstairs enough.I saw lotsa students playing beside the pool and field,so damn fucking nice.lolx
I went for Bak Kut Teh again juz now in Klang!But not as nice as what I thought and what they claim,the pork meats are too much and were cut into too big piece like feeding animals only -_-.Damn hard to chew and then the ambience was not that nice also,smells like smelly tofu permeating everywhere because of the effing clogged longkang water.*pukes*.Cleanliness -50%
Anyway,since our Mr. Oh-So-Damn-Fucking-Nice-And-Handsome Dominic was on high form and mood today,so we got the GOLDEN chance to go.Only me,Susan,Dom.,Li Yin went...ditched Vinodh and Samsul.Blame Samsul for being Muslim...heehee!
So nothing for today,this is an exceptionally lonely mooncake festival without the presence of all the important elements to fulfill the meaning of celebrating this meaningful day.Sien.
Anyway,TAKE CARE of urself Kei!So sad that we gonna end this soon,so after A2 sure we have to play and party and clubbing everyday...Susan is going back Korea on Nov.(damn fast!,the rest is still undecide yet but hope we can keep in touch after A-levels k?No matter where we are...overseas or local!Gonna miss u guys :(
Damn Steph. is going to celebrate her 2006's Xmas and 2007's New Year in UK upon travelling there...damn envy la...too bad I think the likelihood that I'm going to travel overseas is very miserable cos I have to work and save money for my future backpack tour!
What bout me?Where should I go next...