Supposed to go Kota Tinggi today to visit some flood affected relatives but too bad the only road leading to Kota Tinggi was under constructions to fix the mudslide spots.And we were there halfway after Ulu Tiram but too bad they changed the road to single lane and the jam was unable to move...and seeing that it was gonna rain again,we took U-turn back instead -_-
But on the way to KT...we could see lotsa mudslide spots.And potholes filled with muddy water.And cars on tow out of soaking in water...
Heard that there's a few crocodiles escaped as well in KT...:s
Hope everyone is fine and all the victims are safe...thank those NGOs and all other private sectors and even Red Cross Society from Singapore who assist in helping the victims due to the incapability of our very own state government in handling this matter...*sigh*