RSS Feed?!
I can't seem to figure out the problem pertaining to RSS Feed,Atom,and all the blahs thereof...
XML,FTP,HTML codes,I'm flooding with all these matrices inside...sorta becoming like @.@
a very apt emo to describe.
I know there is no point for me in doing so,enabling feed seems rather pointless for my blog given that it is still in "closet" without popularity due to my poor language handling,monotonous writings,explicit contents,excessive profanities,poor layout,annoying scrolling bars.Oh well,by "feed-ing" it ,who knows someday my blog will records a tremendous increase in viewer overnight?By saying "someday" it's very obvious that that was a hypothetical statement which MAY OR NOT happens!I'll just assume that it is gonna hit the chart in no time :p
I think this post is rather a shout out of S.O.S to none(no one's cave) and do I hear echoes?
But still,how am I gonna squeeze out my brain for this knotty RSS Feed galore!Kill me...