Breakdown and turn around
Will I be granted for any compensation if I was to sue myself for causing myself primary nervous shock?
Causation : Direct
Remoteness of damage : Primary nervous shock la...directly victimised
Damages : Brain damage due to over consumption of grey matter.
Been doing some introspection and recollecting for past few days, I actually very traumatised by my past encounter in that particular college. I hope it was the environment back then who came meddling my mind and NOT my perseverance/ability...somehow I think I should be able to get over it, if not more. I seriously don't wish to deep fry my brain now especially when school's around the corner.
I'm having two majors(have to make up a choice after 3rd sem) in favour which are of course closely related to each other. Well, HOPEFULLY I won't be ended up in some Business,Finance and Law courses this time...I need to stay put in allied health science this time!
Course A curriculum includes:
G.Physics I & II with lab
G.Chemistry I & II with lab
P.Biology I & II with lab
Calculus I & II
Some other major related courses which are Bio/Chem proximated
Elective courses
Course B curriculum:
G.Physics I &II with lab
College Chemistry with lab
Calculus I & II
Some other major related courses which are Physics promixated
Elective courses
So if I ever chosen to do A...I'll have to pick up full sciences again but if I take B, Physics will be my only gravity(college Chemistry is negligible since it's only entry level). And now my worry is, Physics is always the subject that I dislike the most among all the sciences...although I used to love it during the beginning of form 4 somehow it just fucked up and became pain in ass.
What should I do now?
I need to see the advisor as soon as possible.
PS : I'm gonna simply study my ass of this time from next week onwards. Just don't ask why, where, when, what, how...I won't fucking tell you cos I'm not in any position to do that. Leave me alone in spiritual and academic retreat.
PPS : Mum got me more than 10 contact numbers for room to let in SS15 O.o . I think she got it
from eithere her friends or clients.
PPPS : Don't even bother to ask about my SAT preparation cos I'll just screw it up. Can't be
bothered much since I more important things to get me worried about now. Well maybe,
a mere grand total 9.5% of preparation so far to console my guilt.
PPPPS : Just found out that if I fly directly or earlier to that particular Uni, I won't need to
Calculus I & II O.o...Just a plain simple Probability and Statistics, how nice eh!But the
thing is I can't be able to fly off that early -_-. What a waste...
*clenches fists*