Thursday, June 21, 2007

Think out of the box

Really fed up of ENL 101, keep doing some pointless stuffs like group presentation which can't do shits to improve my language.Groupmates are all computer wackos, so as expected things are all revolving around computer when it comes to assignment topics. Cmon give me a break k? I'm like computer illiterate and who cares since I'm not gonna major in any shits to do with computing.*Gasps*

Today's CAL quiz was also kinda sad case.2 questions, completed one but the other forgot to integrate the equation in the parentheses...yea it's da outside-inside rule shits that applied.So there it goes, should be getting some odd marks for identifying the u,v,du and dv...

The common date for our final is around August and they said it was being brought forward which means we gonna sit for that earlier for the benefit of those summore students.I should move my ass on for revision in very soon.Damn mofo!!!

And yea, this ditcher Samsul got gf edi never inform me and keep it in his is going on with this macha.So forgetful.It's like such a bummer, can't make it to my Ale200507's outing next week...

Alas,DASHNI!!!U better plan for some serious clubbing outing or else ur puppy dies and I'll top u up with XXX Rums until u tell who's da best!TO the left to the

Shucks,supposed to be very down and depressed of late,the writing mood here is so wrong...I better get back and shower myself with grievance and WRATH.Don't fuck with me unless u wanna taste my fists.

ps: sis will be back this weekend but I can't go back this time around.Anthro mid term's next Tuesday 5-7pm...hell...night exam.