Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Boring Analysis You Don't Wanna See

I am very spiritual and holy these days. Not only going temple, lighting candles, listening to religious songs, playing around with fragrance, I got obsessed to horoscope readings of late and look what I found on other website analysing my sign, Pisces. Well, it's in Chinese though and I don't think I am capable of translating them word by word thoroughly although lack of time is not a story, just bear with me.

The following extracts that are not remote to my real life personalities and encounters. Quite accurate you can say.


(Pisceses will easily fall prey to others with injurious intentions.)

(Pisceses are better known as the "self-destructive" group because they aim things higher than their capabalities can ever be stretched. The higher they aim, the impact caused to them when they fall is reatively higher)

(Identical horoscope--Virgo, haha Charles is Virgo, it is no wonder why!)

(Horoscopes that need to beware of--Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Ask yourself why then.)

(Pisceses are a group of romanticisms, emotionalisms, samaritans, philanthropists and known as the most helluva "sentimental" among all the horoscopes. Partly yes, but I have to doubt some of them.)

(Pisceses are mysterious, wizard, considerate and discerning yet wishy-washy, lack in confidence and psychotic[for women] and fickle minded.)

(Pisceses are having complex personality.)

(Pisceses get very attached/clicked to someone with similar feeling and sentiment but somehow they still feel lonely deep down and don't give much bothers to it. They don't like loneliness too. One word, PSYCHIC!)

(Pisceses often overly engrossed in doing things that seems odd and illogical to others but they may have their set of reasons in doing so which at the end of the day, seems logical .)

(lucky day is Friday/lucky numbers are 5 and 8/lucky location are beaches or inshore cities. Ah 5 is so my number cos my surname meaning "5" too in Chinese. Psychic!)

-喜欢一切与水有与关的事游泳、夏天、海边沙滩度假村下雨天, 酒精、白兰地、威士忌鸡尾葡萄酒、Pub、Coffee Shop、义大利式浓缩、美式速食、巴西、蓝山、曼特宁等等咖啡   金鱼缸、海底世界花花草草盆景、水族馆, 眼泪、汗水(运动)喜怒哀乐七情六欲   水彩、颜料、蘸水笔、香水、澡堂、叁温暖温泉、冷泉、泰国浴、刨冰火锅、泡面、...Nearly most of them, so I guess pretty justifiable!
(Basically in love with everything to do with water : swimming, summer, beach, chalet, rainy day, alcohol, brandy, whisky, cocktail, wine,pub, coffee shop, Italian chowder (Pasta e fagioli?), American fastfood, Brazil, Blue Mountain, all sorts of coffees, fish tank, alquarium, flowers, bonzai, tears, sweat, emo, watercolours, palattes, perfumes, shower hall, sauna, steambath, cold spring, shave ice, steamboat, noodles............)

-B型双鱼座的你,可说是感情重于理智的人,对所有周围的事情 都异常敏锐易感,对于别人的心思,即使是再细微之处,也能观察得 入木三分。 你很在乎别人的感情,一些细小的动作,就可让你思索很久。事实上,对方并没有特殊的含义,或许正因如此,你经常觉得容易受伤 害。 还有,你面对一件事时,可能前一刻还因害怕而显得阴沉,后一 刻却又表现出非常豁达的态度,所以,B型双鱼座的人,内心是高深 莫测的。
(Blood type B's Pisceses often being too emotional than reasonable, very sensitive towards things in surrounding in fact care to bit for a single most tiny particle in life. They very care about how people think that's why they get hurt very easily.)

(B typed Pisceses prefer to a meaningful life with more mental intake than indulging in materialistic world and stuffs)

-你对美及艺术有很敏锐的感觉能力及表达能力,但对现实生活却 采取漠视的态度,是追求美与梦想的艺术家。
(Spitualism inside but hardly express them in a high profile manner in real life.)

- 你的兴趣多元化,涉猎面甚广泛,不过由于朝三暮四,喜新厌旧 的个性,使你在学习及兴趣上都无法始终如一。
(Having broad interests but good in none them cos being too fickle and get bored with something easily.)

-但是,你的缺点是无法拒绝别人的请求,有时会因此为自己增添 不少麻烦,宜小心衡量,勿使自己吃亏而不自知。
(Do not know how to turn down others.)

-对于每一回的爱情,你都非常执着,认真,堪称是个为爱情而献 身的热情之人。在恋爱的过程中,你只付出,不求回报,即使对方再任性,无理 ,你还是一本初衷地包容对方,真心对待,而且希望能时时刻刻与他 在一起一刻也不愿分离。
(Too devoted to a relationship, you give too much and more than you take even if your love one ill-treated you but you just believe in "love is blind" so much so that you swallow everything bad as well.)

(When the shopaholic in you triggers, you will splurge till you drop. You will buy things you like regardless of the practicality.)

Phew...my translations suck dick but you should roughly get what I mean.


The bottomline :

Pisces is emotional and easily shattered and influenced by the dispositions of others. They like to dream impractical dreams. They let loose their love like water. Thus, there may be some distortions image of them to people that they are in fact flower hearted and promiscuous. They long for freedom and do things spontaneously, mood dependent. Artistic characters aka 艺术家个性.

Firstly, neither am I fall into the category of promiscuous nor flower hearted. Secondly, I don't dream or harbour dreams, in fact I hate dreams, cos they are illusion when you don't attempt to materialise them. Dreams are for wussers, not me. I am damn down to earth pragmatic can? I extend my capabilities to what I deem adequate to reach not beyond. Unless I work very hard, it's all up to me. I am emotional, YES I AM. Not a big deal too. Those people who seem stoic doesn't mean they are not emotional too, it's just that they are hiding their feelings to the surface. Nothing wrong to be emo. And damn! I am definitely very devoted to someone that I found similar sentiments and feelings, worst of all that can't pull myself out of it when the switch is on. I love to fathom people's mind and interpret them in my own way, thinking otherwise that that person could not have been thinking then get emo at the end of the day. I guess that's the single most apparent weakness in me. Haha?! Not funny.

Oh well, fact or fiction? Depends on how you gonna take it. I am 70% skeptical, 20% full trust, 10% consideration. I don't need psychic readings nor fortune tellings to determine what I will be in future and interrupt my decisions. Be them future well being, dispositions, personalities, relationships and yada yada, they all lie in your own hands. You are the one who determine your own life, not some other external sources to manipulate. And they will NEVER be. Make dream and don't live in it. Otherwise you could have be better off to sleep away, you dream when you sleep you see.

Alright, it's 7 am in the morning. Yet another sleepless night. I'm going out later tim! In midst of vampirising myself now. Gah!