Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I was never a leader sort of person in my life. I hate to lead cos I know people won't like my style once I get very engrossed in what I'm doing. But one thing I have to admit is I learnt a lot from this club especially communication skills. I have never felt so disheartening in any other occasion like today. As usual, we needed to do committee and top 3 meeting after every session of training. In a way, to give feedbacks and exchange thoughts for the journey we've came so far. The main issue revolving on today's meeting table were to open up our heart and talk about all the dissatisfactions we have against each other. When it was my turn to speak, I pointed out my own weaknesses and told them how guilty I felt for not being able to go to college 5 days a week in order to complete certain tasks. In fact I didn't speak out what I really felt deep down fretting someone will be offended. Well you know that sorta sensitive thing that the exco team and advisor team might not wanna hear. Ok everything went on quite well until some customary act happened and that's what I really hate about to happen in this kinda occasion, somebody wept. First it was one of the exco member and later my partner. I wasn't expecting anything from my partner cos the first few round she was still very keep to herself until someone hit the spot and then she broke out in tears. I knew something bad was happening. Indeed, she said in tremble voice that she felt very helpless as in whenever she wanted to put in all her efforts, no one was there to give her helping hands (something to that effect, I wasn't paying attention cos I was thinking about so many things during that freeze of moment). At that point, everyone was looking at me (I think) and I felt so awkward can dig a hole and hide. Aside from all the fingers pointing, I have really no idea why she felt so helpless in any given reasons, in fact no reasons for her to feel helpless at all since we've equal coverage of tasks and responsibilities. Others being external factors that beyond our control. If you didn't already know, I quitted my job just because of this project. I came for meeting most of the time even if I didn't have class on that particular day. I tried to help her in every possible way I could. Seek for senior's advice (which in turn got stood up 4 times), communicating with all the group members (as they need me to be the "good" one among the bad), do up paper documents, follow up on proposals, guide all my name it. So at the end of the day, she still can't withstand the hardship that has been throwing into her face saying that she felt no one could help her and proceeded to weep along. I didn't feel a thing at that immediate moment so I stunned in heart with lotsa complicated feelings whilst staring into blank not making eye contact with anyone cos I know what I would be getting, a great deal of eyes looking at my direction eventhough she didn't speak forthright to the point. Come on we ain't that foolish. Although, I convinced myself that she didn't mean it but I do mind what she said to a certain extent. It affects me as a complete person. I ought to have a strong tie with my partner and I'm still trying very hard for her to accept me as a person who's up to her expectation. We're classmate this semester and we're still kinda close, so to say. I don't know but I felt challenged, I will improve no matter what but one thing for sure, I will not favour the act of tearing in front of people due to incompetence or hardship because when you cry, you will be the winner at that very moment despite any explanations. I could've defended myself but I didn't because I knew very well that I was in a weaker position. I don't mean to whine so much here but I seriously got no one to talk to regarding all these. As you know, whatever they said is always right, you don't get a second say. For example, when I told the president to sound us directly for dissatisfactions instead of beating around the bush, somebody will just come out and ask me to take back my words reason being I'm old enough to comprehend any untold events. I'm experienced, I'm old enough to behave, to think what people think...blah blah. What's the relationship between age and experience if I may ask? A 70 years old accountant may not know much about the achievement of a 25 years old biotechnologist in stem cell research field. Why? Food for thought. They should try to find out why are we still hesitate to speak our minds cos face it, they just refuse to take our words and will go the extra mile to counter the validity of each and every point we made. Their attitudes toward the entire project can only boil down into 4 words : 食古不化. In short, they are always right (according to the god-like free Marketing/Management 101 lessons we've been getting from them). I would say, very intelligent way of propagandizing but no thanks, please get straight to the point. I seriously dislike people being wishy-washy with me which gives me the urge to either crush their skull into pulps or pour acids into their eyeballs very badly. When we said we don't know, we really mean it, don't tell us you expect us to know by instinct. We weren't born with equal ability nor 6th sense do we?
Posted by Irked T at 10:30:00 PM
No Mood to Sleep
Fortunately I didn't need to go anywhere yesterday so I basically spent the whole day stoning and rooting whilst staring into empty, well judge me for all you like and tell me that I'm pathetic cos you are merely jealous of the excessive disposable time I have. But first thing first, my life sucks of late, like real suck you know? More powerful than a 2000 hp vacuum cleaner. To give you the benefit of doubt, I'm on the verge of failing my Organic Chemistry (yes, failed to slay this creature in brutal manner like I wanted to and in return got slayed T.T) and be noted that I'm only taking Organic Chemistry this semester *long pause*. How great lor this time! All laziness exposed to sunlight finally. I have to work like an ass to score for passing mark this time eventhough it will be my last semester in this crappy college and I've already gotten university acceptance. So it leaves me to think that I won't opt for a university that requires Organic Chemistry 2 in future. No way I will love it, embrace it and explore the interesting side of it. NEVER. The problem is with the syllabus itself, when we say Organic Chemistry, we mean ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, expecting purely H-C-C-C-C-C-C-C -H that sort of matter but why the hell half of it (or 3 quarters) consists nonsense about physical properties? Super cannot tahan Physical Chemistry! Worse still, I got a lovely lecturer who give marks according to personal judgement, in a way, favouritism. Mierda betul. I bet no one will get A and above judging on the overall courseworks my classmates scored (which will serve them a good lesson due to their lack of generosity in circulating lab reports and stuffs haha I very evil). Bad (or good, depends) thing is half of the class is failing also aha. Most of us need to score at least 60% or above to pass this shit, so you can more or less predict how pathetic our test marks are all this while. And there goes the first fml-worthy event.

Posted by Irked T at 2:31:00 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼 偷走一切
七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉 以为能抓住夏天
十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸 就以为和他能永远
有没有那么一种永远 永远不改变
拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎
让生离和死别都遥远 有谁能听见
我坐在床前 转过头看 谁在沉睡
那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼
曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的
带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋
有没有那么一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
再给我一次机会 将故事改写
还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
有没有那么一个世界 永远不天黑
星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥
月亮不忙著圆缺 春天不走远
树梢紧紧拥抱著树叶 有谁能听见
耳际 眼前 此生重演
是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑
人间 瞬间 天地之间
下次我 又是谁
有没有那么一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢
永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协
有没有那么一张书签 停止那一天
最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年
双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天
有没有那么一首诗篇 找不到句点
青春永远定居在 我们的岁月
笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美
有没有那么一个明天 重头活一遍
让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天
无论生存或生活 我都不浪费
有谁能听见 我不要告别
我坐在床前 看著指尖 已经如烟
Posted by Irked T at 4:28:00 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Parting Shot
Disclaimer : This entry is solely based on personal reflection against the situation of the matter concerned. The writer does not condone any form of malicious slander, insinuation, libel, personal attack and/or verbal provocation. Exceptions will be given on "opinionated" basis whereupon readers are fully aware of the writer's MO and will truly respect the sanctity of the freedom of expression.
Seriously, in your utmost honesty, tell me how do you find the photo above? It's sort of a gig or "beauty pageant" dedicated to our college so called English day. I personally find it a bit vulgar and inappropriate for there should be a better content to it. You may go on and comment about me being uptight for all I care but I just wonder were they that desperate and thirst for public attention? For whatever effects that they are seeking, they have brought home the bacons indeed. Surely it was an attention getter by shoving 4 beefy chaps up the stage to drag for few rounds of applause. Let's for once not mention about who's the mastermind behind and what stimulant did he/she give them to lose pride in their gender worth but tell me, can you see what I see? There's a subtle implication behind this little frame of 4 drag queens. Sexism? Identity crisis? Humanity? Gender discrimination? Should I assume it to be of educational approach, nothing further or otherwise?
In my worthless 2 cents, it won't cost them an arm to think of a better play to achieve their main purpose. Imagine this...
English day was fun, I learned how to drag and laughed my kidney off on a few performances. They sure knew the way to amuse people did they not? Hey, why was I there in the first place?!Food for thought.
On an irrelevant note, last few days was the 50th anniversary of Tibetan government in exile. My stand is, I hope they remain in exile forever and give up whatever attempt they are trying. To those who protest, I promise it won't hurt to think how you should make our earth a better place to live rather than doing pointless public demonstration of disapproval.
Back to Orgo.
Posted by Irked T at 4:32:00 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lo Siento
Today I am extremely SORRY for accusing wrong persons (in heart). I feel so guilty right now cos I had been cursing the innocents for the whole of yesterday about how this particular group of people behind this project work through a plan donning as charity but merely a profit-driven mob that goes around siphoning money, money and more money. All of these are due to the price disparity of that particular charity product that I found out later selling at other websites for only half of the price. I swear I was so furious at that point of time so I started imagining how these people carry out their plan beautifully with a series of plays in mind. I had even went to the extent of calculating the breakdown as in how much of the $ will be contributed for charity and $ that will be contributed to their pocket eventually, how many of the charity product they will need to sell in order to break even...yada. SILLY ENOUGH! So I opted COD and the genius behind this project came to deliver the good personally albeit delivery charges applied but mind you it rained like mad this morning and he was riding nothing but a motorbike without shelter instead of the typical means of transport we would have thought otherwise. Guiltiness x 100. Actually, he called me to ask for direction before that so I bet he must have had a tough time locating KMC in this barren land of PJ. Guiltiness x 1000. At last, he came to the guard house all drenched. That sight of him during that freeze of moment makes me feel so ashamed about myself. At least a lesson learnt, I shouldn't pass judgement on something that I hardly know until I have seen it myself. The other thing is why should I even care so much in the first place since my sole purpose is to be charitable? I'm such a big time hypocrite myself.p/s : if u wanna do your part for this charity please visit here.
Posted by Irked T at 10:23:00 AM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
No.777 - Sungutan Yang Tak Terdengar
Cuaca sejak kebelakangan ini tak menentu sangat. Sekali panas terik, sekali hujan "kucing dan anjing". Contohnya, hujan lebat semasa petang waktu ni bagai awan2 dah kebelet lama melepaskan kencing dlm sekaligus siol, ku mmg terasa hujan tersebut dah disimpan selama beberapa tahun dan rupa2nya bakal menyebabkan gempa bumi kut! Nak keluar pun susah, tinggal kat bilik pun mensia2kan masa aje. Cuih! Niat mengulang kaji langsung tak hadir sepanjang hari walaupun ujian Organic Chemistry dah nak menjelang dah!
Cuaca tak baik, mood pun takde. Kalau kau tanya ku macam mana ku menghabiskan masa sepanjang hari ini, haha, berikutnya jawapan ku : bersembang sikit, membeku di depan laptop sikit, main game sikit, guling2 atas katil sikit...ape lagi? Maka habis2lah satu hari yg patut mengulang-kaji. Dah terang pasal kisah sehari seorang budak kolej ke tak?
Kesemuanya atas tentu menjadi faktor dimana Sabtu ni hari kiamat bagi ku. Padahal 3 bab tak kira banyak tu tapi otak enggan berfungsi! Cilaka!
Baru2 ni pun tak bermotivasi nak bersenam lor, asyik makan aje sampai kenyang perut buncit, tidur, bangun, makan lagi...sehari ikut sehari takkan menjadi si gemuk pun susah. Takut aje semua ni takdir dan pesanan tuhan. Nampaknya cuma terima hakikat sedemikian aje lah! Baru ku ni tersedar betapa susah hidupnya apabila tidak mempunyai tapak sokongan yg kuat utk menggalak atau menyeru membuat sesuatu yg patut dilakukan khasnya hidup perseorangan di luar. Kononnya, kewujudan orang2 tersayang di sekeliling amat penting...percakapan ni mmg benar sangat.
Tapi dari segi fikiran yg ceria, hidup takkan menjadi hidup kalau takde apa jua cabaran yg nyata di depan mata. Tentunya ada cara utk mengatasinya selagi kita ingat bahawa bak kata pepatah orang Iban : Agi idup, agi ngelaban! Fight fight fight for victory (yg ni baru menunjuk hidup ku bertujuan)! Hidup tanpa tujuan kan lebih baiklah pergi rehat kat pusara? Dan jgn nak kata mimpi tu penting sebab ku mmg rasa mimpi hanya bikin utk orang yg suka tidur selama2nya.
Sekarang ni, ku hanya nak belajar bersungguh2 utk mencapai tujuan tersebut! Tinggal lebih kurang 1 minggu aje! Emang gw pikirin!
Entah mengapa tiba2 terasa penat sangat T.T . Baru cakap nak belajar sungguh2, mempersiasueykan betul!
Posted by Irked T at 12:28:00 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Cantemus 2009
Last Saturday's outing was a completely tiring (my toes are skinned and blistered from all the walking) and of course without questions, a fun one lah! I was supposed to visit the dentist on that particular morning but to no avail since we clearly forgot about that day being a Saturday, like duh! And so I went on to explore the new custom CIQ building which I had never used before prior to that visit earlier than expected since the dentist clinic is somewhere around the town. I got ditched at CS cos I didn't wanna take the bus all the way from Larkin, which was totally WRONG! The new CIQ may seem like one street across CS but in fact it is 4-5 uphill escalators + several pointless curvaceous flat walkways + a checkpoint + few other escalators leading to the bus terminal away followed with the infamous scenic driveway towards causeway which is also curvaceous (resembles F1 circuit in case you have no idea how redundant it is). So I finally got a taste of the new CIQ system and to be very frank, give me back the old and shabby one cos it was really much more convenient, VERY MUCH. If you didn't already know, everything back then was as straight as ruler. Well, JB won't be JB without all these megalomaniac projects to mess around the city as a mean to worsen whatever condition it was before. Yes, it's not getting any better I dare to say and now they are talking about lifting the Segget's drainage trench cover once again which indicates a waste of few million Ringgit of taxpayer's money. Had they realised earlier that by covering up the stinky river isn't gonna solve problems in long run, they would have adopted a better plan (which sadly unavailable during the time of approving this project) or stall the entire idea until they come up with a better one which is just as easy as it sounds isn't it? What was the rush then? Better yet, I'd rather they not lift a single thing and let us inhale the foul smell afterall we were so used to it already. It was nearly the symbol and pride of JB-ians. Anyways, I shan't go on whining about the entire sucky BN government project, we are owned by them for few decades consecutively, also being the all time safety zone for BN in the country. What more can I expect from all Johorians? Be more adventurous in the next election?
Ok, the thing is I braved the new CIQ eventually and the next thing I knew I was already in Raffles City waiting for Jessica since her alarm was left in limbo. Fortunately, we met on time and had a super quick lunch at MOS Burger whilst she passed me the entrance ticket and my pressie and left in a hurry to Victoria Concert Hall for her final rehearsal and preparation. Thanks for the pressie anyways, it was so nice of you and I know you are broke cos of that but still...million thanks haha. After she left, I was all alone with plenty of time to do practically nothing as I didn't wanna walk around too much in order to conserve some body energy for the performance later on since it was a "choir " performance afterall and you know I needed to make sure that I was supportive enough by showing no signs of sleepiness at all through out the entire show.
In the mean time, frog said she was able to meet up with me after her exam. So I called her to eat at Lau Pa Sat since I was around that area. Surprisingly (to me), I found a kway chap stall inside! Omg this heaven made local food is extinct (almost) in Malaysia already, not unless you count kway tiaw kia in but the latter is in long and thin rice noodles form like sa hor fun. Kway tiaw kia to kway chap is like heavy herbal Bak Kut Teh soup to peppery clear Bak Kut Teh soup, cousins to each other -_-. Frog was like the typical her, complained all the way about the food being too salty or bland or anything to that effect. Therefore, after our 1st lunch session in LPS, we moved to Orchard Rd. immediately for a second round to seek utmost satisfaction for our taste buds. We settled in at the Ayam Penyet Ria in Lucky Plaza once again and got myself a terrible sore throat after consuming few extra portions of its Indonesian sambal which is extremely spicy in its kind! Roamed around after that and bought some marshmallows from Muji. Then we parted as it's getting late and high amount of car started to flood the road. But before we parted, frog made a desirable and UNDOUBTLY favourable promise to me that cannot be disclosed as a matter of secrecy :p Thank you for that, frog!
Headed to VCH from Orchard to find myself reached there tad too early but luckily I secured myself a front roll seat so that I could catch better view of her performing on stage. In the end I made a mistake cos she told me to sit at the right wing of the hall in performer's perspective but I got it twisted and sat at the right wing of audience's perspective instead, and got my view of her blocked by those conductors all the way! But it's ok cos it was only few songs, the rest I could see her dancing around, showing the part of her that was unfamiliar to me such as swinging on the dance floor to some classic 70's/80's/90's (not sure about that) and High School Musical's. At this point you may ask, isn't it a "choir" that I'm talking about all this while? Why the 70's/80's/90's and High School Musical's? Yes, that was really a surprise to all the audience that unbeknownst to the flow of the entire show prior to it. Even Jessica was sealing her lips so tight as to not reveal anything to keep us anticipated. And yes, she brought home the bacon I'd say! Everyone was impressed by their performance, the NTU CAC Choir team. I personally love the first few songs they performed which were "Shinjiru" (Japanese enka) and "Diu Diu Dang Ah" (fusion of Hokkien classic, acapella, beatbox etc. lotsa elements inside that won them a gold medal in a competition held in Austria). However, songs after them during the first half were quite boring and I almost fell asleep (yes I failed, sorry Jessica!) especially during the alumni performance. I couldn't help cos all of them sounded like lullaby to me until the second half kicked in where they brought up the atmosphere into a complete new high with all the dancings and stage musical singings. I find it so cute that they actually rendered the whole second half performance a mock up radio broadcast with an emcee acting as a DJ announcing all that are gonna come in next for audience to anticipate. The next thing we heard was thunderous applause followed by lotsa confettis! Then there were people shouted for encore as well and of cos performers were more than happy to remain on stage to perform another song or two. Everything just boils down to one word, superb! It was an eye opening show to me, at least, despite the need of toothpicks to pry open my eyes in the middle of the performance due to extreme sleepiness. Sorry!
After the show around 2 hours later (rather short), mingled a bit and off I rushed back to JB fretting I'd miss the last train or bus but all my worries were unnecessary in the end. Braved through another round of CIQ clearance, touched down the land of JB at almost 11 pm. Reached home with ached body, bruised legs, skinned toes and sore throat! Have to admit that I'm too old for this kind of activity. But I'm fine by now and all ready for the next round!
On a completely irrelevant note, I have yet to make a major decision in life before this May or earlier. I'm torn between KU and SUNY Buffalo! KU is of cos a better ranking uni. compared to Buffalo but Buffalo is within the limit of NY state and being in the boundary of NY means I will have immediate guardians for shelter if there's anything emergency. Most of all my aunt in NY can cook extremely well especially on home cuisine (Asian)! They are in JB right now and I've been hearing a lot and I really feel like living near to them or even with them if I were to transfer to Stony Brook eventually. As for KU, well, living in mid-west, the living condition can more or less be predicted : university town, conservative Republicans, wild animals running around campus, plains and corn farms, campus food (shortage on Asian eateries), tornadoes...etc = BORING! Just like UNL or even IIUC in Nilai! HOW?!!!

Posted by Irked T at 12:24:00 AM
Friday, March 06, 2009
Thank You Part II
Terima kasih yang tulus ikhlas kepada mereka yang tersayang for all the wishes, efforts, surprises, pressies, parties, cakes, candles, meals...etc.
Muchas gracias! Estoy muy feliz!
谢谢 :)
Posted by Irked T at 12:01:00 AM
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
感谢那些不明白我讲什么, 又装懂的人。
感谢那些什么餐厅都拿来介绍在自己部落格,但最终那餐厅都zap lap的人。
感谢那些以为我游手好闲,没有努力的人 (大概没听过“默默耕耘”这句成语吧!)。
感谢那些自以为在Pavillion或The Gardens混就很high class的人。
But most importantly, you know who you are.
Posted by Irked T at 11:59:00 PM