No Mood to Sleep
Fortunately I didn't need to go anywhere yesterday so I basically spent the whole day stoning and rooting whilst staring into empty, well judge me for all you like and tell me that I'm pathetic cos you are merely jealous of the excessive disposable time I have. But first thing first, my life sucks of late, like real suck you know? More powerful than a 2000 hp vacuum cleaner. To give you the benefit of doubt, I'm on the verge of failing my Organic Chemistry (yes, failed to slay this creature in brutal manner like I wanted to and in return got slayed T.T) and be noted that I'm only taking Organic Chemistry this semester *long pause*. How great lor this time! All laziness exposed to sunlight finally. I have to work like an ass to score for passing mark this time eventhough it will be my last semester in this crappy college and I've already gotten university acceptance. So it leaves me to think that I won't opt for a university that requires Organic Chemistry 2 in future. No way I will love it, embrace it and explore the interesting side of it. NEVER. The problem is with the syllabus itself, when we say Organic Chemistry, we mean ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, expecting purely H-C-C-C-C-C-C-C -H that sort of matter but why the hell half of it (or 3 quarters) consists nonsense about physical properties? Super cannot tahan Physical Chemistry! Worse still, I got a lovely lecturer who give marks according to personal judgement, in a way, favouritism. Mierda betul. I bet no one will get A and above judging on the overall courseworks my classmates scored (which will serve them a good lesson due to their lack of generosity in circulating lab reports and stuffs haha I very evil). Bad (or good, depends) thing is half of the class is failing also aha. Most of us need to score at least 60% or above to pass this shit, so you can more or less predict how pathetic our test marks are all this while. And there goes the first fml-worthy event.