I bought this loaf of bamboo charcoal bread from
Lavender when I was at CS just now since I've been hearing so much about it (it's expired i know cos the photo is taken off google image). But I wonder what's so special in it? It tastes no where remote to normal white bread. Kononnya org ramai kata ia tu healthy and therapeutic wor! Can restore you back to your "heyday" and call back your "spring". Fui yoh, habis tu ubat 仙丹 lah! Tak taulah what kinda properties contain inside tapi ku percaya khasnya aphrodisiac mmg salah satu antaranya :p
And so sorry to say this but I cannot tahan if I don't say. The bread reminds me of someone. Now there's something that finally override her previous status of "burned toast" (which sounded very vague if i used it on her metaphorically) cos bamboo charcoal bread is almighty powderful. No white spots at all! It's almost or downright HER!
Bak kata pepatah, kuning oleh kunyit, hitam oleh arang.