Thursday, May 26, 2005

Life can't be complete without test...out of the blue...

OMG again,this week and the coming week are all about test test test,quiz quiz quiz!how am i gonna survive as i can't even fully adapt to the syllabus...things happen so soon!makes me more miserable than before!
Anyway,inti malaysia life is dull and bored!hope to transfer to icsj campus with more things to indulge..........haiz!a day passed!with so lonely and blank be or not to be....i can't decide anymore bcos this is my choice...i can't grumble about or unsatisfied.........this is already way of turning back!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2005


Hurray,i got my internet connection again........but nowaday online oso nothing to bored of it....other than check mail,blogging......i dun go MSN nowaday....other than tht noth to do online liao!wuahahaa!TODAY IS A LONG LONG DAY......dunno what the CHEM151 lecture talking n teaching so damn sleepy in class....i think my classmate will sure got the same feeling as me!hahaha!chao!

Ice breaking

Today go AUP club meeting and they having the one called 'ice breaking' session which playing with those 'i wanna bomb XXX' which is the person u know his/her name...damn sien but kinda happy too cos know many coursemate.....haha and some senior of AUP...sounds crappy...all very westernize style...sigh!wow yesterday class from 8 am to 6 pm....7 hours with 2 hours of Chem101 lab...doin those lab work damn fun like chasing the time haha!Psy105 at 8 am morning but i slept in class cos too boring and so complicated!I currently join INTI concert band and AUP my course there's ppl tht frenly and ppl tht cold either....but i hate a group of ppl tht love to act n get attention n oso faking themselves n acting yaya particular girl i hate most is from JB...know what she is my fren's sis...fuk off...damn idiot man she!thinks she very popular!shit lah!
I was assigned into one group which pretty cool with the leader quite socialize and true and oso caring!and we gonna held an activities for each group....wonder what activity will our group organize!nervous!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Miserable continue......

OMG,inti college nilai is damn sien!like hell.....Bandar Baru Nilai is a hell city with no entertainment....not even have a Mcdonald ,KFC,pizza hut,Coffe bean, malay stalls n pasar malam -_-!!!!!!!!!!how am i going to continue my campus life there....there is so bored until i wanna die n also heat n hot n humid in hostel.....omg.....sooo many china ppl....few japanese....many indo too....sooo many african study abroad...CHEM 151 lecture damn sien talk until wanna sleep...........yawn...........math 132 teacher taught oso not understand wattttttttttttt.....kau.....Psychology lagi worse...i tot very interesting but turn out to be so boring......n then ENL101 oso not very pleased for me.....i like LAN moral studies the best
-_- tht is something tht makes more sense for sad......bcos the lecture talk very exciting and fun....the others r very stiff just like those teachers in secondary school......hope to adapt to inti's life soon....cos i regretted goin to ICSJ for AUP!
p/s:ppl there oso quite sucks esp. those hostel neighbors n some very yaya n act like western ppl makes me puke n sick feel like punching them action!not like us so humble....:p....we always dont draw lectures attention like those FAKE WESTERN tht uses FAKE SLANG BROKEN SLANG and oso FAKE n fuk off!wonder y those ppl dun go US straight away or go other college instead coming inti tht has many CHINESE...we speak MANDARIN btw,,,,although the Englisg Speaking CAmpagin is now gong on but somehow i still feel more comfortable to speak in mother tongue cos had been speaking it since the day i born...n felt strange to speak english wif someone whom ju know she/he can really speak mandarin fake n yaya!sucks!
btw,i still love to go US....
~love & peace~good bless me in inti!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

miserable life...

my life today is getting miserable after my days in ICM....first it is hot like oven or maybe hell is better to describe!and know what i got fainted yesterday bcos i accidentally banged my right finger on the shop's door and the door for unknown reason crashed and stuck my finger between the door was bleeding like hell,ican see the blood dripping down like water and i dunno y i just felt giddy after that and then fainted in front of the shop of CC....everybody inside was like rushing out and stared from the window and it was soooo embarassed i was looking for a hole to crawl in as u can imagine that fainted in front of the crowd in campus......but after that i just treat nothing happen and everything happened as usual!omg omg!i cant believe y'll know as i know it was an old sickness that exist since i was very small whenever i encounter a sudden pain that hurt to nerve and of cos bleeding i will either giddy(face turn pale)....worse to worse...fainted....omg the class and lesson hasn't yet begun and something so bad happened!
neway,the life here is extremely wasn't tht kind of boredom tht u can imagine but it is those boredom tht out of imagination.....totally bored y'know!as u can see Bandar Baru Nilai is a new n developing town which really bored to stay in!nmo shopping mall not even a single shops around the area therefore need to travel by car!i dun hav those money!!!!!KTM is expensive too and hard to reach...........omg really like hell also and ppl there really weird cos 50% of international students there like from China,Africa,Indo,and funny countries....i was like 'omg....wat the hell is this place' like refugee.........i noiw regretted for not listening to others to choose for urbanised campus in Subang Jaya as many thiongs there are more easily to get and of cos can get in touch with many things outside unlike here is totally out of touch wif the society out there!fu*k!is all tht i can say!