Sunday, August 28, 2005


Err...suddenly saw this news on Yahoo...wonder is this really possible to happen?

Sat Aug 27, 8:24 AM ET
KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - A Malaysian could be walking on the moon by 2020 if the country's current space programme proves to be successful, the country's science and technology minister Jamaludin Jarjis said.
"We must show to the world Malaysia can send its first astronaut to the
International Space Station. We must look at our capabilities," Jamaludin was quoted as saying by the Bernama news agency.
If Malaysia is "justified to embark on the mission, we will do it," he added Saturday.
Russia is to send Malaysia's first cosmonaut into space by 2007 as part of a scientific mission aboard the International Space Station.
Nearly 900 candidates are undergoing a series of rigorous tests to be selected in Malaysia's 25 million dollar space program.
Jamaluddin said a proposal on a lunar mission by 2020 would be forwarded to the cabinet soon, adding that Malaysians would like to see a fellow citizen on the moon.
Russia and Malaysia signed a deal in August 2003 to send the first Malaysian cosmonaut into space onboard Russia's Soyuz spacecraft.
It is part of a billion-dollar deal for Malaysia to purchase 18 Sukhoi 30-MKM fighter jets .

Well,is a interesting fact...we'll just see and wait what will happen when the time arrived!Anyway we should be proud of that right because we are the 'MALAYSIAN'...Malaysia Boleh...Happy 48th Merdeka Day...Malaysia Boleh!


Found this website very interesting...It's all bout complaint!As y'all know the most literate country will have higher rate of complaint!

You can post ur complaint here or view others complaint by using the search bar...

Also for those that sick of Malaysian traffic system,driving attitude and transport services can go here to complaint:

Think about...

I always feel that life is unjust and cruel...
People living in shadow and denial...
We doubt reality...We don't see ourselves...
We think we are superior...Live like a warrior...
But when things happen we don't face it...
Warrior spirit?Bravery?Intelligence?
What a joke...
Blindfolded by fame and $...idiotic yet childish
Wanna dictate and conquer everything?
Hah,man think about and look!...u are just a small little tiny wonder...
Can u fight the mighty?Can u bring us peace?...alone?Oops...i guess not,
Peace?This word won't exists if we won't fight...yeah the war...
Peace is our origin...or should be best described Natural.
Well,people...look at it...u are cheated by ur darkside...foolish!
End of the day u are just living in illusion...
So real but fake.

P/s...Don't blame urself,blame it on the mighty creator...!
or else just push the blame to terrorist?But i thought we are all terrorist?
Who will know...:p

Friday, August 26, 2005


This week 2 test done very poor i think,cos never study haha!Econ and pure math...all on today!Then next week got law and Statistics test b4 having our 1 week only midsem break!So poor...wanna holiday still need test!Then law got 2 assignment due next monday and one friday!Fuk...2 assignment y'know?1=2 essay question...1=data response.............!there goes my weekend!

Today went Times Square...initially thought of wanna save money for next week clubbing but went to BORDERS and then saw few good books...can't resist then bought 2 is about petrol war and one is about globalisation....all are my favourite topic hehe!Political Science rox~Haiz then gonna go to TT my cashbox saving plan always fail fail acct. balance always drop drop drop.....this month is the most heavy hardcore one...dunno y?(secret,psst...)haha!But neway i decided next month onward starts to save money $$$...just watch and see lah!

This week play badminton and snooker...omg all sux poor skill and long time never play!Makes me so embarassing!Damn!

Till here...^o^ ciao!

p/s...i wanna eat Bi Bim Pap...:p

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Do u often encounter with the word 'post modern'?What do u know about it and do u aware of it?How modern exactly is postmodern?Think about it what we gone through from modern to postmodern?

We're playing those mind games together
Pushing the barriers planting seeds
Playing the mind guerrilla
Chanting the Mantra peace on earth
We all been playing those mind games forever
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil
Doing the mind guerrilla
Some call it magic the search for the grail
John Lennon (1973)

To those that don't have an idea that what is 'postmodern' please read this:

Postmodernism is a complicated term, or set of ideas, one that has only emerged as an area of academic study since the mid-1980s. Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion, and technology. It's hard to locate it temporally or historically, because it's not clear exactly when postmodernism begins.

Perhaps the easiest way to start thinking about postmodernism is by thinking about modernism, the movement from which postmodernism seems to grow or emerge. Modernism has two facets, or two modes of definition, both of which are relevant to understanding postmodernism.

The first facet or definition of modernism comes from the aesthetic movement broadly labeled "modernism." This movement is roughly coterminous with twentieth century Western ideas about art (though traces of it in emergent forms can be found in the nineteenth century as well). Modernism, as you probably know, is the movement in visual arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the old Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean. In the period of "high modernism," from around 1910 to 1930, the major figures of modernism literature helped radically to redefine what poetry and fiction could be and do: figures like Woolf, Joyce, Eliot, Pound, Stevens, Proust, Mallarme, Kafka, and Rilke are considered the founders of twentieth-century modernism.

From a literary perspective, the main characteristics of modernism include:

1. an emphasis on impressionism and subjectivity in writing (and in visual arts as well); an emphasis on HOW seeing (or reading or perception itself) takes place, rather than on WHAT is perceived. An example of this would be stream-of-consciousness writing.

2. a movement away from the apparent objectivity provided by omniscient third-person narrators, fixed narrative points of view, and clear-cut moral positions. Faulkner's multiply-narrated stories are an example of this aspect of modernism.

3. a blurring of distinctions between genres, so that poetry seems more documentary (as in T.S. Eliot or ee cummings) and prose seems more poetic (as in Woolf or Joyce).

4. an emphasis on fragmented forms, discontinuous narratives, and random-seeming collages of different materials.

5. a tendency toward reflexivity, or self-consciousness, about the production of the work of art, so that each piece calls attention to its own status as a production, as something constructed and consumed in particular ways.

6. a rejection of elaborate formal aesthetics in favor of minimalist designs (as in the poetry of William Carlos Williams) and a rejection, in large part, of formal aesthetic theories, in favor of spontaneity and discovery in creation.

7. A rejection of the distinction between "high" and "low" or popular culture, both in choice of materials used to produce art and in methods of displaying, distributing, and consuming art.

Postmodernism, like modernism, follows most of these same ideas, rejecting boundaries between high and low forms of art, rejecting rigid genre distinctions, emphasizing pastiche, parody, bricolage, irony, and playfulness. Postmodern art (and thought) favors reflexivity and self-consciousness, fragmentation and discontinuity (especially in narrative structures), ambiguity, simultaneity, and an emphasis on the destructured, decentered, dehumanized subject.

But--while postmodernism seems very much like modernism in these ways, it differs from modernism in its attitude toward a lot of these trends. Modernism, for example, tends to present a fragmented view of human subjectivity and history (think of The Wasteland, for instance, or of Woolf's To the Lighthouse), but presents that fragmentation as something tragic, something to be lamented and mourned as a loss. Many modernist works try to uphold the idea that works of art can provide the unity, coherence, and meaning which has been lost in most of modern life; art will do what other human institutions fail to do. Postmodernism, in contrast, doesn't lament the idea of fragmentation, provisionality, or incoherence, but rather celebrates that. The world is meaningless? Let's not pretend that art can make meaning then, let's just play with nonsense.

Another way of looking at the relation between modernism and postmodernism helps to clarify some of these distinctions. According to Frederic Jameson, modernism and postmodernism are cultural formations which accompany particular stages of capitalism. Jameson outlines three primary phases of capitalism which dictate particular cultural practices (including what kind of art and literature is produced). The first is market capitalism, which occurred in the eighteenth through the late nineteenth centuries in Western Europe, England, and the United States (and all their spheres of influence). This first phase is associated with particular technological developments, namely, the steam-driven motor, and with a particular kind of aesthetics, namely, realism. The second phase occurred from the late nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century (about WWII); this phase, monopoly capitalism, is associated with electric and internal combustion motors, and with modernism. The third, the phase we're in now, is multinational or consumer capitalism (with the emphasis placed on marketing, selling, and consuming commodities, not on producing them), associated with nuclear and electronic technologies, and correlated with postmodernism.

Like Jameson's characterization of postmodernism in terms of modes of production and technologies, the second facet, or definition, of postmodernism comes more from history and sociology than from literature or art history. This approach defines postmodernism as the name of an entire social formation, or set of social/historical attitudes; more precisely,this approach contrasts "postmodernity" with "modernity," rather than "postmodernism" with "modernism."

What's the difference? "Modernism" generally refers to the broad aesthetic movements of the twentieth century; "modernity" refers to a set of philosophical, political, and ethical ideas which provide the basis for the aesthetic aspect of modernism. "Modernity" is older than "modernism;" the label "modern," first articulated in nineteenth-century sociology, was meant to distinguish the present era from the previous one, which was labeled "antiquity." Scholars are always debating when exactly the "modern" period began, and how to distinguish between what is modern and what is not modern; it seems like the modern period starts earlier and earlier every time historians look at it. But generally, the "modern" era is associated with the European Enlightenment, which begins roughly in the middle of the eighteenth century. (Other historians trace elements of enlightenment thought back to the Renaissance or earlier, and one could argue that Enlightenment thinking begins with the eighteenth century. I usually date "modern" from 1750, if only because I got my Ph.D. from a program at Stanford called "Modern Thought and Literature," and that program focused on works written after 1750).

The basic ideas of the Enlightenment are roughly the same as the basic ideas of humanism. Jane Flax's article gives a good summary of these ideas or premises (on p. 41). I'll add a few things to her list.

1. There is a stable, coherent, knowable self. This self is conscious, rational, autonomous, and universal--no physical conditions or differences substantially affect how this self operates.

2. This self knows itself and the world through reason, or rationality, posited as the highest form of mental functioning, and the only objective form.

3. The mode of knowing produced by the objective rational self is "science," which can provide universal truths about the world, regardless of the individual status of the knower.

4. The knowledge produced by science is "truth," and is eternal.

5. The knowledge/truth produced by science (by the rational objective knowing self) will always lead toward progress and perfection. All human institutions and practices can be analyzed by science (reason/objectivity) and improved.

6. Reason is the ultimate judge of what is true, and therefore of what is right, and what is good (what is legal and what is ethical). Freedom consists of obedience to the laws that conform to the knowledge discovered by reason.

7. In a world governed by reason, the true will always be the same as the good and the right (and the beautiful); there can be no conflict between what is true and what is right (etc.).

8. Science thus stands as the paradigm for any and all socially useful forms of knowledge. Science is neutral and objective; scientists, those who produce scientific knowledge through their unbiased rational capacities, must be free to follow the laws of reason, and not be motivated by other concerns (such as money or power).

9. Language, or the mode of expression used in producing and disseminating knowledge, must be rational also. To be rational, language must be transparent; it must function only to represent the real/perceivable world which the rational mind observes. There must be a firm and objective connection between the objects of perception and the words used to name them (between signifier and signified).

These are some of the fundamental premises of humanism, or of modernism. They serve--as you can probably tell--to justify and explain virtually all of our social structures and institutions, including democracy, law, science, ethics, and aesthetics.

Modernity is fundamentally about order: about rationality and rationalization, creating order out of chaos. The assumption is that creating more rationality is conducive to creating more order, and that the more ordered a society is, the better it will function (the more rationally it will function). Because modernity is about the pursuit of ever-increasing levels of order, modern societies constantly are on guard against anything and everything labeled as "disorder," which might disrupt order. Thus modern societies rely on continually establishing a binary opposition between "order" and "disorder," so that they can assert the superiority of "order." But to do this, they have to have things that represent "disorder"--modern societies thus continually have to create/construct "disorder." In western culture, this disorder becomes "the other"--defined in relation to other binary oppositions. Thus anything non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual, non-hygienic, non-rational, (etc.) becomes part of "disorder," and has to be eliminated from the ordered, rational modern society.

The ways that modern societies go about creating categories labeled as "order" or "disorder" have to do with the effort to achieve stability. Francois Lyotard (the theorist whose works Sarup describes in his article on postmodernism) equates that stability with the idea of "totality," or a totalized system (think here of Derrida's idea of "totality" as the wholeness or completeness of a system). Totality, and stability, and order, Lyotard argues, are maintained in modern societies through the means of "grand narratives" or "master narratives," which are stories a culture tells itself about its practices and beliefs. A "grand narrative" in American culture might be the story that democracy is the most enlightened (rational) form of government, and that democracy can and will lead to universal human happiness. Every belief system or ideology has its grand narratives, according to Lyotard; for Marxism, for instance, the "grand narrative" is the idea that capitalism will collapse in on itself and a utopian socialist world will evolve. You might think of grand narratives as a kind of meta-theory, or meta-ideology, that is, an ideology that explains an ideology (as with Marxism); a story that is told to explain the belief systems that exist.

Lyotard argues that all aspects of modern societies, including science as the primary form of knowledge, depend on these grand narratives. Postmodernism then is the critique of grand narratives, the awareness that such narratives serve to mask the contradictions and instabilities that are inherent in any social organization or practice. In other words, every attempt to create "order" always demands the creation of an equal amount of "disorder," but a "grand narrative" masks the constructedness of these categories by explaining that "disorder" REALLY IS chaotic and bad, and that "order" REALLY IS rational and good. Postmodernism, in rejecting grand narratives, favors "mini-narratives," stories that explain small practices, local events, rather than large-scale universal or global concepts. Postmodern "mini-narratives" are always situational, provisional, contingent, and temporary, making no claim to universality, truth, reason, or stability.

Another aspect of Enlightenment thought--the final of my 9 points--is the idea that language is transparent, that words serve only as representations of thoughts or things, and don't have any function beyond that. Modern societies depend on the idea that signifiers always point to signifieds, and that reality resides in signifieds. In postmodernism, however, there are only signifiers. The idea of any stable or permanent reality disappears, and with it the idea of signifieds that signifiers point to. Rather, for postmodern societies, there are only surfaces, without depth; only signifiers, with no signifieds.

Another way of saying this, according to Jean Baudrillard, is that in postmodern society there are no originals, only copies--or what he calls "simulacra." You might think, for example, about painting or sculpture, where there is an original work (by Van Gogh, for instance), and there might also be thousands of copies, but the original is the one with the highest value (particularly monetary value). Contrast that with cds or music recordings, where there is no "original," as in painting--no recording that is hung on a wall, or kept in a vault; rather, there are only copies, by the millions, that are all the same, and all sold for (approximately) the same amount of money. Another version of Baudrillard's "simulacrum" would be the concept of virtual reality, a reality created by simulation, for which there is no original. This is particularly evident in computer games/simulations--think of Sim City, Sim Ant, etc.

Finally, postmodernism is concerned with questions of the organization of knowledge. In modern societies, knowledge was equated with science, and was contrasted to narrative; science was good knowledge, and narrative was bad, primitive, irrational (and thus associated with women, children, primitives, and insane people). Knowledge, however, was good for its own sake; one gained knowledge, via education, in order to be knowledgeable in general, to become an educated person. This is the ideal of the liberal arts education. In a postmodern society, however, knowledge becomes functional--you learn things, not to know them, but to use that knowledge. As Sarup points out (p. 138), educational policy today puts emphasis on skills and training, rather than on a vague humanist ideal of education in general. This is particularly acute for English majors. "What will you DO with your degree?"

Not only is knowledge in postmodern societies characterized by its utility, but knowledge is also distributed, stored, and arranged differently in postmodern societies than in modern ones. Specifically, the advent of electronic computer technologies has revolutionized the modes of knowledge production, distribution, and consumption in our society (indeed, some might argue that postmodernism is best described by, and correlated with, the emergence of computer technology, starting in the 1960s, as the dominant force in all aspects of social life). In postmodern societies, anything which is not able to be translated into a form recognizable and storable by a computer--i.e. anything that's not digitizable--will cease to be knowledge. In this paradigm, the opposite of "knowledge" is not "ignorance," as it is the modern/humanist paradigm, but rather "noise." Anything that doesn't qualify as a kind of knowledge is "noise," is something that is not recognizable as anything within this system.

Lyotard says (and this is what Sarup spends a lot of time explaining) that the important question for postmodern societies is who decides what knowledge is (and what "noise" is), and who knows what needs to be decided. Such decisions about knowledge don't involve the old modern/humanist qualifications: for example, to assess knowledge as truth (its technical quality), or as goodness or justice (its ethical quality) or as beauty (its aesthetic quality). Rather, Lyotard argues, knowledge follows the paradigm of a language game, as laid out by Wittgenstein. I won't go into the details of Wittgenstein's ideas of language games; Sarup gives a pretty good explanation of this concept in his article, for those who are interested.

There are lots of questions to be asked about postmodernism, and one of the most important is about the politics involved--or, more simply, is this movement toward fragmentation, provisionality, performance, and instability something good or something bad? There are various answers to that; in our contemporary society, however, the desire to return to the pre-postmodern era (modern/humanist/Enlightenment thinking) tends to get associated with conservative political, religious, and philosophical groups. In fact, one of the consequences of postmodernism seems to be the rise of religious fundamentalism, as a form of resistance to the questioning of the "grand narratives" of religious truth. This is perhaps most obvious (to us in the US, anyway) in muslim fundamentalism in the Middle East, which ban postmodern books--like Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses --because they deconstruct such grand narratives.

This association between the rejection of postmodernism and conservatism or fundamentalism may explain in part why the postmodern avowal of fragmentation and multiplicity tends to attract liberals and radicals. This is why, in part, feminist theorists have found postmodernism so attractive, as Sarup, Flax, and Butler all point out.

On another level, however, postmodernism seems to offer some alternatives to joining the global culture of consumption, where commodities and forms of knowledge are offered by forces far beyond any individual's control. These alternatives focus on thinking of any and all action (or social struggle) as necessarily local, limited, and partial--but nonetheless effective. By discarding "grand narratives" (like the liberation of the entire working class) and focusing on specific local goals (such as improved day care centers for working mothers in your own community), postmodernist politics offers a way to theorize local situations as fluid and unpredictable, though influenced by global trends. Hence the motto for postmodern politics might well be "think globally, act locally"--and don't worry about any grand scheme or master plan.

Taken from an Article on web...

Can u tell me is it really benefit us when the society is moving more and more toward postmodernism?

Scientific had substitute over morality?What can we see from inside out?Are human a science giant but moral pygmy in the postmodern society?

The answers is all in you.........

COld War

This few weeks quite interested about the Cold War so just simply post up this article:

The Western democracies and the Soviet Union discussed the progress of World War II and the nature of the postwar settlement at conferences in Tehran (1943), Yalta (February 1945), and Potsdam (July-August 1945). After the war, disputes between the Soviet Union and the Western democracies, particularly over the Soviet takeover of East European states, led Winston Churchill to warn in 1946 that an "iron curtain" was descending through the middle of Europe. For his part, Joseph Stalin deepened the estrangement between the United States and the Soviet Union when he asserted in 1946 that World War II was an unavoidable and inevitable consequence of "capitalist imperialism" and implied that such a war might reoccur.

The Cold War was a period of East-West competition, tension, and conflict short of full-scale war, characterized by mutual perceptions of hostile intention between military-political alliances or blocs. There were real wars, sometimes called "proxy wars" because they were fought by Soviet allies rather than the USSR itself -- along with competition....continue

This war was indeed the sorrow for the former soviet union...eventhough until now...!Agree?

What will you think when u're country are breaking down like former Soviet Union,Yugoslavia or even Indonesia?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sunway Lagoon Tour...

well this week is like passed so fast and this is the first time ever i stayed in Hostel for weekend...and blogging through the Multimedia Lab(so pitiful for me!)...well felt like nothing much to write this week!

Ya,some big things happened in college past few day,is like a group of bees(not heney bees) came to our college to to make hive...and then some of them even flew into my scary!But thanks to our college management immediately response that they sent someone here for fogging at thursday night...just right at the time that i'm going to library to study for my law test(thx to Dominic lah!)...nothing to do called me out to study then end up doing nothing since can't go into library...then we just sat at the monash foyer start crapping more than revising...shit!then after that asked us to go 1 2 eat for beer...forced to stuff myself with 2 bottle of light alcoholic heineken...but thx to my great stamina...i won't drunk so easily k?After this went back hostel roommate told me that just blacked out not long ago,i was like omfg...fortunately i was not inside my room tht time cos can't even study at that kind of situation!But the reason for black out is still left unknown...somebody should bear responsibility for this matter!It's like Sunway Monash Condo,Apartment and few other place around our college blacked out...but strange thing was that our college electricity supply is still as normal and usual!Maybe they used back up electricity supply gua!And finally still din study much for law.

Next morning(Friday) woke up 1 hour earlier to library to study for last minute...memorize memorize still memorizing...that's law!Then friday econ's test given back fuk up only get 16 out of's falling y' sad!Hope next week econ test can do better!and Friday was law having law test and thx to few person in our class(u know who u r!)we only do 1 question for 1 period bcos lack of monday gotta continue the second test question!Idiot!But also better since i get more time to study!This test was quite easy(can say so!)...cos just memorizing work!

After law class then heading back to hostel to get changed and went oto sunway lagoon...know what 8 of us(me,Dom,Steph,Kei,Susan,Sukhi,Vinodh,Isti) walk there where the weather was damn hot!And reached there almost 2pm...then paid for all park ticket(although time for playing both side is relatively insufficient but blame it on our multi comment,some wanna play Dry some wanna play wet then end up with both)...well this is not the 1st time i been to sunway lagoon...frankly speaking i was quite reluctant to go since there is nothing much new there but must follow the rest lah!First we went to Dry park and played those ride that make us pre-wet but those ride is built under dry park then played few silly ride bcos they can't wait to go to wet we r just like playing in dry park for 1 for the wet park...nothing special slide,surf pool, lazy river as it is upgrading(sien!)...then most of da ride just played one bcos no time(we go in at 2pm and SL closed at 6pm)...fuk!Then spent most of da time in tht stupid surf pool...playing with waves...can't even swim cos the water is sooo 'clean'!and a bit crowded lah!then just play water like fool and kids...phew!really wasting time in that stupid pool!So,we all finish at wet park around 5:20pm then dunno y they asked to eat at the cafe in SL until like 5:45pm cos initially we though that it'll be closed at 6:30pm or 7pm....then after waiting for Sukhi finish his fried chicken for about half an hour(he so enjoy in his fried chic.)...delayed our time lor!By the time heading towards the tomahunk(forgot it's name already,something like topgun...the most exciting ride in SL...i go bcos of tht...)it's like already the last ride and the gate closed and only 4 kids was we beg the person there to let us take the last ride but kena turned down lah...fuker fellow!then now only we knew that all the ride or better to say that the whole SL has's the time for us to leave...!It's like splashing cold water on us(the situation)!Damn sien when heard that,then saw Abang and 2 of his fren from s2 also there but they just played drypark and they can't call us bcos our phone was all inside locker and they were caming padan muka lah!then few of them sa Abang's car back to hostel...such big car(Harrier) can't sit much me,Kei,Isti and Susan take taxi back.....we r so exhausted and tired and finally called it a day!After went back hostel bathe then sleep haha...wake up then come to library to blog!

Ya btw,i had bought the Nike shoes...fuk up the colour that i want no more sizes already in both Nike shop and studio R...forced to take the all black one!but still quite satisfy lah!since it is just a small matter!

Hope next week will be better cos got 2 test waiting for me(law,econ)...GP's presentation summore neh!Pure Math still got many tutorials not yet finish...die lah!and first time staying in hostel over weekend soooo damn boring!I wanna watch movieeeeeeeeeeeee!summore the washing machine is like always occupid by ppl...cos high peak time....many hosteliers do laundry on weekend...haiz since only few piece of shirts and pants...might as well wash it by hands by myself...what to do lah!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Dragostea din tei by Ozone

Dragostea din tei means love by the linden tree(in Romanian)

Nu ma means don't want

For the rest of the translation go

alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc,
si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea,
alo, alo, sunt eu picasso,
ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic,
dar sa stii nu-ti cer nimic.

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai

te sun, sa-ti spun, ce simt acum,
alo, iubirea mea, sunt eu, fericirea.
alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, picasso,
ti-am dat beep, si sunt voinic,
dar sa stii nu.ti cer nimic

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai


vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai

vrei sa pleci dar nu ma, nu ma iei,
nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei
chipul tau si dragostea din tei,
mi-amintesc de ochii tai

Sounds very funny and cute...this song is very popular bcos of a vid. clip tht publish around the web which is the well known 'Numa Numa Dance'clip...For more information and u wanna watch tht clip go:


Watch the clip go

A tribute...

Well,frankly speaking,things like the haze problem and forest burning had brought back my desire to study those subject tht i wanted to study long time ago(Envi.Scn.,Biopsy.)...but definitely no nore Biochemistry(sick of it!)....Actually when i was in Inti College i'm doing a project on the topic Tornadoes but (sorry to my teammate!) i went off without informing y'all to Sunway...and suddenly our group left 2 person(Lohen and Yi Cheng)...hope y'all r fine with ur ENL101 presentation...although we'd already make it halfway through...really sorry...when i think of Tornadoes and Environmental's issue i'll think of all of u in Inti...haha


Brief's on Tornadoes...pls be noted that tornado is different from hurricane,typhoon,tropical cyclone and
Jet Stream

Tornadoes are one of nature's most violent storms. In an average year, about 1,000 tornadoes are reported across the United States, resulting in 80 deaths and over 1,500 injuries. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 250 mph or more. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide and 50 miles long. Tornadoes come in all shapes and sizes and can occur anywhere in the U.S. at any time of the year. In the southern states, peak tornado season is March through May, while peak months in the northern states are during the summer.

Ok,well,the measure of Tornadoes are based on their damages to the earth surface but not their wind speed as their wind speed has not ever been measured scientifically but just hypothetically(Mathematical studies) on Fujita Scale.Therefore literally F-scale should not be taken...but still some place are still using this scale as it may not represent real tornadoes!

Many tornadoes, including the strongest ones, develop from a special type of thunderstorm known as a supercell. A supercell is a long-lived, rotating thunderstorm 10 to 16 km (6 to 10 mi) in diameter that may last several hours, travel hundreds of miles, and produce several tornadoes. Supercell tornadoes are often produced in sequence, so that what appears to be a very long damage path from one tornado may actually be the result of a new tornado that forms in the area where the previous tornado died. Sometimes, tornado outbreaks occur, and swarms of supercell storms may occur. Each supercell may spawn a tornado or a sequence of tornadoes.

Scientists do not understand exactly how tornadoes form, but there are many theories. Here is one theory......During the spring time cool air rushes down from Canada. This cool air meets the hot, dry air coming up from Mexico. The two winds meet in an area known as Tornado Alley(where the winds trap here cos due to the humidity of USA innerland). Tornado alley is the area around Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa, and Kansas. The warm air pushes below the cool air. That’s when thunderstorms occur. The warm air weighs less than the cool air so it begins to rise in thermal currents. These currents of hot air spin upward counter-clockwise, explaining why most tornadoes spin counterclockwise. Almost 1 out of a thousand tornadoes spins clockwise. The warm currents rise high into the atmosphere were it begins to cool. That is when the low pressure air sinks through the spinning thermal. The thermal current implodes and the spinning motion speeds up rapidly. These winds can reach up to 300 miles per hour, but are often much slower. The tornado shoots down to the ground, sucking up everything it touches high into the air.

Do you know that?

147 tornadoes touched down in 13 U.S. states on 3 and 4 April, 1974. with F-scale damage .One more tornado touched down in Canada at Windsor ON, then lifted as it entered MI, for a total of 148. Since it did no damage in the U.S., it is not counted in the U.S. tornado database . The outbreak killed 310 in the U.S., 8 in Canada, with 5454 U.S. injuries and 23 hurt in Canada. 48 of the tornadoes were killers. Seven produced damage rated F5 -- the maximum possible -- and 23 more were rated F4. This was one of only two outbreaks with over 100 confirmed tornadoes, the other being with Hurricane Beulah in 1967 (115 tornadoes). Scary and Horrible right?How can u imagine that?

The deadliest tornadoes outbreak on earth is the well known 'Tri State' tornado that happened in USA in 1925 killing 695 ppls across Missouri,Illinois and Indiana.

And there's many ppl in USA tht ethusiated to the Tornado they are known as 'Storm Chaser' or 'Tornado Chaser'.

Some of the storm chaser website:

NOAA(National Oceonographic and Atmospheric Administration)...USA

PS: Most of the source are came from USA as you can see around 90% of Tornadoes occured in
USA per year on the Earth...

As for Malaysia meteorological department pls check out here for latest update on the Haze,Tsunami and many other natural disaster tht could happen in Malaysia anytime...

*Please read the precaution steps and safety(surviving) tips provided,it might be useful
sometimes as most Malaysia don't bother much about these bcos we are living in a disasters-
free country...but do think of the haze problem,forest burning,tsunami and Earth quake(in
neighbouring country),although most of the time we are safe but look at the earthquake tht
happened in Indonesia tht can also affect our country and think about it..."afterall we are not
tht safe anyway..."the world is changing now due to industrialization and many human
activities...Cherish the earth as we only have one!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Guide to air quality index...!

Well,haha!i din even realise Malaysia is using API instead of PSI...i'm outdated already!So,to those who still clueless about what is API,AQI,PSI...tht's it they r all used for measure the air quality...below is some of the guide which copy from some other post on web...!
What is API?

An air pollution index system normally includes the major air pollutants which could cause potential harm to human health should they reach unsafe levels. The r pollutants included in Malaysia's API are ozone (03), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (N02), sulphur dioxide (S02) and suspended particulate matter less than 10 microns in size (PM 10).

Generally, an air pollution index system is developed in easily understood ranges of values, instead of using the actual concentrations of air pollutants, as a means for reporting the quality of air or level of air pollution. To reflect the status of the air quality and its effects on human health, the ranges of index values could then be categorised as follows: good, moderate, unhealthy, very unhealthy and hazardous. The index values may also be categorised according to episode or action criteria, such as air pollutant levels within stipulated standards, or levels signifying conditions for alert, warning, emergency and significant harm. The key reference point in these air pollution index systems is the index value of 100 (the "safe" limit), which is based on the National Air Quality Standards or Guidelines for the specific air pollutants concerned.

The Recommended Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines (RMG) which form the basis for calculating the API are presented in Table 1. These guidelines have been derived from available scientific and human health data, and basically represent "safe levels" below which no adverse health effects have been observed. The RMG are generally comparable to the corresponding air quality standards recommended by the World Health Organisation and other countries.

The averaging time, which varies from 1 to 24 hours for the different air pollutants in the RMG, represents the period of time over which measurements is monitored and reported for the assessment of human health impacts of specific air pollutants. As such, the air pollution indices are normally monitored and reported for the same averaging times as those employed for the air qualitystandards/guidelines.

As mentioned earlier, the API system closely follows the PSI system of the United States. As such, the API breakpoints; at 100 for the various air pollutants correspond to the respective RMG concentrations regarded as being "safe levels". In other words, air quality with API values exceeding 100 are considered likely to cause health effects to the general public. Further, a linear correlation is assumed from API 0 to API 100, with the breakpoint at API 50 corresponding to 50% of the RMG concentration standards for the various air pollutants.

Breakpoints at API 200, 300, 400 and 500 directly mirror those of the PSI system of the United States. Figures 1 to 5 depict the sub-index functions of the five API pollutants involved, which are used as the basis for calculating the API. The respective breakpoints; and their corresponding episode category descriptors are also indicated. The relevant equations for the calculation of API values for the various concentration segments are also presented in Figures 1 to 5. The corresponding API values calculated as a function of the air pollutant concentrations are listed in Table 3. Further, air quality in terms of human health impacts and implications are categorised as follows under the API system adopted in Malaysia:


0-50 good

51-100 moderate

101-200 unhealthy

201-300 very unhealthy

>300 hazardous

Table 4 summarises additional information on general human health effects and cautionary statements within each of the API categories.

Following the requirements of the RMG from the standpoint of human health implications, the API values are reported for varying averaging time as follows: V 10 and S02 on 24-hour running averages, CO on 8-hour running averages and 3 and N02 on 1-hour running averages. The API for PM 10 (based on a 24-hour period running average), reflects specifically levels of suspended particulate matter pollution and it may not be linked directly to visibility factors, as visibility often determined by results of semi-quantitative observations over relatively shorter time periods.

What is AQI(aka PSI)?

The Air Quality Index (AQI), formerly the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI), is a uniform system developed by U.S. EPA to enable the public to determine whether air quality levels in a particular location are good, moderate, unhealthful, or worse. The AQI is used as an information tool to advise the public-- it is often presented along with the weather report in local newspapers. The AQI describes the general health effects associated with different pollution levels, as well as whatever precautionary steps may need to be taken if air pollution levels rise into the unhealthful range.
NOTE: In June 2000, EPA updated the PSI index and renamed it Air Quality Index (AQI). The AQI includes a new health risk category (unhealthy for sensitive groups) and two additional pollutants: ozone averaged over 8 hours, and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5).

The AQI measures five criteria air pollutants (particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone), and converts the measured pollutant concentrations in a community's air to a number on a scale of 0 to 500. The intervals on the AQI scale relate to the potential health effects of the daily concentrations of each of these five pollutants. The most important number on this scale is 100, since this number corresponds to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard established under the Clean Air Act. A AQI level in excess of 100 means that a pollutant is in the unhealthful range on a given day; a AQI level at or below 100 means that a pollutant reading is in the satisfactory range.

The following table was constructed by the EPA to identify health effects associated with different levels of air pollution, along with the cautionary statements that would be appropriate if air pollution in a community were to fall into one of the "unhealthful" categories on the AQI scale:

~AQI Descriptor~

Up to 50 Good

50 to 100 Moderate

100 to 200 Unhealthful

200 to 300 Very Unhealthful

Over 300 Hazardous


Actually the criteria between AQI(formerly PSI-Pollutant Standard Index)and API are almost the same!Maybe just the name is different from place to place or maybe the equipment used to measure are different!OMG so long never study science...i miss Chemistry so much esp. Organic Chemistry , Redox,Electron Config.,Nuclear Chem.....haiz ! T.T

To know more about PSI go to this

Got my hands on 3G phone...Z800 for 2 days...

Stupid nerd holding Z800 like Jakun!

Woa,yesterday Sue brought back 2 company phone Sony Ericsson Z800...physically very nice and not tht big as i think but the camera quality just as same as K700...pixelated and full of noise!But ringtone damn nice and loud(Nokia lose!)...then unfortunately Cheras can't receive Maxis 3G network,so can't do the VIDEO CALL tht i'm waiting eagerly...sad...but we still gotta watch CNN,CNBC,Cartoon Network,Chinese Drama on the phone under the laggy choppy 'GPRS' network...can't make use of 3G service lah!But eventhough i felt tht Z800 is not much different from K700i if it don't have the 3G capability...just tht it is added with 3G tht's y makes it so special but felt quite dissapointed with the performance z800 might as well buy K700i! So ppl out there dun rush for 3G yet,wait for it to be normalise in market and wait more model of 3G phone to come out...time will tell...this phone is not what u gonna expect for!By the way, i really like Japanese flip phone which when u open the flip it'll sounds 'click' turns me on in this way...haha!

Well,decided to buy it though but can't find in Leisure Mall(bcos go NEWAY!) RSH there dun hav it!sux man!Hav to wait when i go back Sunway,then buy in Pyramid!...189...there goes my money...!but really like it very much since my old pair of sneaker almost dying!this Nike one is water proof(amphib.)so hope can use longer lor...!i dun wanna waste money on these things again lah!....well,today's haze is better here in Cheras...but wonder how is it in PJ now?!Hope there will be better now,cos many ppl fall sick bcos of the terrible condition!

Friday, August 12, 2005


omg...API pumping up to 500 around 300 gua!many school in PJ oso stopped class from Taylor's closed,Sunway CIMP closed...haiz y A Level nvr stop college damn quiet...i think many ppl skipped class...eventhough my Law class only 2 n Dominic!1/2 hr then dismiss!whole college full of choking Genting y'know jus the temperature not right!My room...hoho smelly too...after wearing the super woofer mask still felt like suffocated!tht's y better shelter in the cool library!...even now all the road in PJ oso with street light sad!Curse the Indonesia forest ethnics...jakun ppl!makes my throat sore,eye sore,lips dry,face full of ash n dirt!can't even do laundry cos ur shirt will smells like ash tray!And many of my classmate fall sick!Hope everything will be fine soon!

Oh ya...i still remember yesterday one of my SAB senior left here to Denmark liao!haiz....hope he can keep in touch with me!hoho!

today since class dismiss early then decided to wear on my super woofer mask then went to Pyramid...then saw this new Nike sneaker slip on type so nice...Rm189 but now still considering whether to buy or not lah!maybe next week then buy...and then passed FCUK booth and saw tht their tees are having great discount...too bad all not my SIZE...they r like those muscle fit kind of tee or those tht really small until i was wondeing is it meant for Gal or Guy....tht means i'll should...get rid of my excessive weight and oil...haha in order to have capability to try out more outfit tht din try 1st choice will be of cos TOPMAN and then of TOPMAN today hand very itchy then so coincident tht passed by Topshop so decided to go in and came out the shop with two jersey's basic plain tee's...cos buy 2 got 20% i can't slip off the chance...though it just cost me Rm58 for worth!hehe!

after tht as usual went to KL lor...go to Kotaraya wait for the 'evil rumble' bus again wait for almost 1 hour at the stupid place called MYDIN...fuk...damn smokey(not haze but engine smoke) and then so many foreign worker there and Malays makes me felt very i need to curse the evil '65' is RapidKL doin'?they're killing lives y'know!fuk! really shit is banana B-A-N-A-N-A-S...

wow,i tot Kajang's weather better but also da same as PJ's...but strange tht KL downtown's condition better...dunno y?sux lah all!

talk of next week,still got 2 test waiting for Econ and one Law...can u imagine 1 month 5 test!sicko issit?summore GP wanna wrote 600 words of essay in class for 1hr only...idiot!worse to worse Malaysian Studies' presentation coming,they r like require us to do a 8 pages full of article/essay...mine is about environmental issue in Msia which chose by ME!Me,Stephanie,Kei,Isti and Susan one group but Isti had told me tht he won't do anything(fuk up isn't it?)...only Susan got Laptop...if the presentation is after our midsem break then i'll use mine but i'm now still clueless about the presentation date...omg!Memang jatuh tertimpa tangga!bad things come after one and another...this august weather sux...luck....obviously not tht GOOD!maybe this is the 1st yr i din pray for Hungry ghost Festival...i usually will pray for those kind of 'things' back in JB every yr...but this yr not in more or less can guess y lah!haiz!

This monday Vinodh and Dom. ask to go pyramid then go lor...when we gathered only realise Abang,Jessica n Khim May oso got go... we decided to watch movie but sadly this recently not many nice movie n some of it they had seen b4,then go lepaking first n see lor...after tht we went to arcade...i play o2jam...sux...Daytona...sux...i play everything sux...but we actually having fun inside the arcade for few hours can u imagine?haha...

Tuesday,follow them to snooker which is upstairs of Pink 1st time play like shit man...noob...can't hit ball properly and my posing looks so funny then gave up...damn shitty lah!Oh yah,forgot to mention my mentor Miss See actually treat 5 of us lunch outside during mentor mentee...she soooo good...the best mentor in A level...actually if she treat us Victoria Station we'll be more grateful...haha...but we already very satisfied as long as she treat us!No mentor can compare with her!

Ok,this week blog should end here...need to study again for Econ test this week cos Monday is the test and again came out the same topic...bcos last test which just finish on last week overall our class performance not Mr Soma asked us to kind of like re-test...sick man!Law test on friday...need to squeeze by brain juice again and write until my hand almost broken...hate tht feeling(oh did i mention Sarah actually quarelled wif Mr Raj...and she dropped law...she really sick wacko bitchy fool...)!

God Bless :)

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Check out this'll tells u how much seconds for u to counting down b4 u enter the tomb!but just a myth and for fun...don't treat it too serious k?and btw,i'm not a satanist...try at ur own risk hehe!

Try out here!

Happy Birthday...

The small one,actually not small but it's bcos candle too
many makes the cake looks small...means tht u r getting older and
older....sooner later u'll need to have 2 cakes to fill up with ur 'Ages'

The 'thick' n giant one like Secret Recipe's style
The simple one

The real n cute one

Today is Jslyn birthday lor...although i know i can't attend ur party this yr but i'll come back next yr...hehe...i remember Form 4 tht time she having her celebration in Season i oso nvr attend bcos i ponteng school and they all go without me...what a 'Friend'...omg!Then dun said tht i nvr come to ur party then no pre sent for are few cakes tht specially 'Post' for it carefully.....................'u owe me one meal' wuahahahah! sien in PJ...miss u guys in JB!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

These boots are made for walking...

Everybody pls check out this cool man...make think of those cowboy...this is a cover of old song but sang by Jessica Simpson now i think!make u wanna shake bom bom and do those tap-clap the lyric goes...

Are you ready boots? Start walking Yee haw Let’s go
You keep saying you got something for me (uh)
Well officer I don’t mind to say you do
Now your looking right where
I thought you’d be looking
Legs come handy when laws in front of you
These boots are made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
You believe you’ve stopped me for a reason (uh)
Now I’m pretending my bending's just for fun
You keep playing where
I got you playing (yeah)
These double - D intials are work to run
These boots are made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
I’m the girl with the good ol' boys who don’t mean you no harm
Just got a way with Hazzard County charm
The aint no crime in having little fun
Swerve my stride Bat my sexy eyes
Where my boots at (haha)
Strut ya stuff come on
Hey ya’ll Wanna come and see something (uh uh, uh uh)
Can’t touch, can I get a hand clap for the way
I work my back Tick tock all around the clock drop it
Push ya tush, like that Can I get a sooey
Can I get a yee haw You keep thinking what you shouldn’t be thinking
Another two buttons down till you kissing ground
I’ma gonna send you back home miss the crying
But Uncle Jessie he sure is gonna be proud
These boots are made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
One of theses days these boots are goanna walk all over you
These boots are made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
One of theses days these boots are goanna walk all over you
Come on boots Stop
Come on ladies Hey ya’ll
Wanna come and see something (uh uh, uh uh)
Can’t touch, can get a hand clap for the way
I work my back Tick tock all around the clock drop it Push ya tush, like that Can I get a sooey
Can I get a yee haw
Come on Willie (ohh yeah, owww)
Yeee haw Willie Nelson everybody (uh)
Let’s go home boys

very naughty and funky lyrics rite?...but Jessica sang it like she was flirting or having perpetually constipation...haha!

Want this song?Just go Limewire and search for it there are plenty there!

Friday, August 05, 2005

ul na ra...ul na ra...ha zu ul da.....

currently listening to.....My chemical romance-Helena,Black Eyed Peas-Don't phunk with my heart,Shakira-La Tortura,Ayu's-fairyland,BSB-Incomplete and J.Simpson-These Boots Are Made For Walking....

currently reading...Kiss the Girl by James Patterson...criminal detective novel...oso the writer for Along came a spider and Hide & Seek...

Ok,last week bcos hostel got fogging so me and roommate went to Sunway Pyramid to eat Chicken Buffet...omfg!the taste soooo awful and i can't see anything worth to eat...16.90 is a waste of money...but still we still stuff up our belly as much as possible so tht every cent we paid was worth back...but the consequences was,
1.Felt like vomit
3.'Belly bursting' kind of feeling
4.A bit dizzy i think their MSG too much...

Conclusion,dun ask me to go for 2nd time!pui!

Well,Malaysian study so far was 'terrible'...but thx to it i have more time to do homework...and some of my frens even play 'cho dai di' in class...haha imagine how we survive thru the 2 hours....almost been thru 1 yr inside...

Haiz,this week most of my time were occupied by my 'dear' law assignment 3 assignment=3 long essay,at least 2 page full per assignment question...and i have to hide inside library to rush all of it cos i only manage to finish 2 assignment in Tue. and after finish the 2 my hand was like...'no feeling at all...totally numb'......another 1 question i dunno how to do so seek Mr. Raj for help...guess wat he said...'no,lecturer can't help u on ur assignment...u all gotta learn urself...trial and error' fuk up isn't it?Then i was like copy the whole subtopic for the question cos really clueless bout how to begin and end my essay...summore as if 3 assignment due in one week not enough still tell us the question tht we need to do on next week...we can;t even manage to finish the previous then comes again the new,this week got 2 test(econ,law)...yea,law again,omg!All falls on Friday u see...wat a wonderful Friday!And today is the test,my mind blank although i got studied for it but just bcos last nite 5 am only sleep(thx to Nescafe)...they produce more n more panda nowaday!My eyelid was like dumbell heavy!Imagine how am i gone thru the test lah!Next week still got Math. test but luckily only covers Statistic topic 1...not really hard lah!

Jualan Megasale went to Sg Wang and Lot 10 again...bcos wanna see got any big slash of price having on since 'Jualan Megasale'...y'know is not just big sale but u see 'mega' i went to see got any slip on sport shoes of Nike,Adidas or Reebok having big discount but it turned out to be none of them although price were dropped but still very expensive...i still prefer Adidas shop in Zon,JB...imagine their cheapest branded sport shoes on sale were just as cheap as RM99...and tht's wat i want haha...slip on shoes selling at Zon sooo cheap y'know...their cloth and rubber so little so it should be more cheaper than all those sneakers out there gua!agree?

Then,when i was wondering suddenly i came across 'Topman' in immediately went to Lot 10 without hesitate!hehe then saw...wah,many nice clothing slashing off price like 30%-50% hell man...i can't miss the chance u see...therefore rush to my cashbox machine to get money and then began to 'ransack' the the end bought 1 Lpants,1 polo tee, and 1 tee-----> but i felt quite worth afterall...bcos Topshop products normally will not get that kind of price de!shiok ah!Then bcame their member....haha....!

After all these moment,here comes my nightmare...the evil'65' bus...but fortunately i'd waited only 1/2 hour...but still like place to sit...had to stand one hour hanging,cramming,swinging,swaying,swirling inside the the time i came down from the bus...i saw sparks and been thru war inside the bus...squeezing like burger y' cham in KL...!Arghhhh...i miss JB!Hope this month pass faster so i can enjoy my yippy yappy midsem break...although just one week but...*sob*...i'll sure cherish it de!.........i miss JB and K-ing!

I have good news,after been thru so many wind and rain....i got my lappy is the compaq one...but heard my roommate said the screen crashed easily....omg hope won't happen on me...i can watch anime liao...listen songs need face my ipod poor battery life again...!I feel good,i knew tht i would...i feel the sugar and nice....i got u....wohhhw! -_-'''ok i'm too over liao!

These few recent my condition not really well lah,PJ is full of haze and smoke so smelly y'know...thx to all those 'hotspot' and forest burning...makes my eye so pain,and coughing to death!whole of my room are like bury with smoke terrible...eventhough my air freshener oso can get rid the clothing all smells like ash...omg!hope can rain more often lah!

Klah,this week blogging end here...see ya next week!