Sunday, June 26, 2005

normal days...nothing special happened

today is Yee Zhong's birthday,have to wake up early....but my eyelid so heavy when i woke up...cos yesterday 2pm only sleep...and dun forget yesterday consumped many energy(thx to Inti's hostel...and all my stuffs)............................totally whole day go Chey Ling there celebrate Zhong's bday...lunch and dinner...after comeback then make 'Cheesecake" bluek...i'm scare of this word now...cos been eating it for few days....thx to those tht having birthday.....Sue's bf and Zhong zai........eurghhhhhhhh...and yeah i watched 'Jewel In The Palace' aka da chang jin...a famous Korean Drama now...had been shown on 8TV but i missed it...this time i watched on wah lai toi...quite bored at first but after tht find it quite interesting and the theme song very nice...watched it non stop from 4pm-7pm.....b4 tht i'd watched 8 TV's 8pm slot one but not really addicted but after watched wah lai toi one and 8 TV repeated broadcast at afternoon start to luv current ringtone is Kelly Chen's "hei mong"...cantonese version of Da Chang Jin's main theme song...haha!but might not get chance to see anymore cos Sunway going to start soon....and this Thursday need to go back to Inti to check out and wait my parents come and pick me up to KL..........bless me bless me bless me...the Almighty...nothing is impossible to you....wish me good luck and all the best!

I wanna watch...War of The World and Initial D...but seems that quite hard to book ticket for Initial D(too hot lah!...f**K..hav to wait next week...)sienz up to 10000000000000000X........and oso wanna watch I do I do leh...i wanna buy pirate DVD for it and Mr. and Mrs. Smith......

All the best for ME!

those were the days......

Haiz,wave goodbye to inti....cos i already move out most of my stuff from hostel...i was moving those loads of stuff alone without helping hand y know...imagine cimbing up and down from level 2 to ground floor over and over again until i felt almost black out and my bones almost crash....half of my life gone!so exhausted!but finally i move out 3/4 of my important stuff left few things like foods,shoe rack and misc. things...which can be carry by a car...i will go back to hostel for checking out on next friday and officially the last goodbye for inti........and friends over there!but the same week after next week will be the enrolment for Sunway University College....wonder will i get the Apartment Hostel cos i really dun wanna waste my times looking for a lease house nearby...most of them r out of walking distance or quite a distance from campus...the hostel of SUC just beside the campus like shares with monash uni....hope can live at 1st or 2nd floor enough...i dun wan either too low or too high...and hope can get a GOOD and FRIENDLY!but still left unknown...i'll might not even get the vacancy of hostel residency....haiz i'm not familiar with PJ also...too bad...hibernate in Nilai for quite sometimes now beome orang kampung...-_-'''
But anyway,hope A-level will be a better option besides American Degree Programme!Commonwealth gonna rule!and hope it is more easier lah for A-level cos pre-U mah,unlike AUP is university!anyway i'll be taking GP,Bio,Chem.,Math and an additional LAN subject(stupid!)....start a new life again although a bit late now...but what to do lah...hope i have a brighter future from now on and able to cope better on my studies..."without vision,people perish"...sounds scary right!i dun wan it to happen!God bless and wish me all the best!..................sign off now!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

busy days.........

well,yay,i had bought my L1 from Sony Showroom in Times Square for only Rm999 plus a promotion which free a 128 MB memory stick happy....!well tuesday i had been so busy cos i'm withdrawing on that day from first 10 am...i woke up then heading to center of american university programme to meet up Janice as on appointment with her(fuck!)...and then she asked me y i never turn up on monday since already agreed meeting with her to discuss about my study problems lor...then so ngam tht day i wanna told her i wanna drop from paiseh leh...when i met her hor she then told me how to cope with my study then counselling me blah blah blah...but when i suddenly told her that no point of counselling me cos i'm insist on withdrawing from inti then her face change leh...n then told her secretary tht i dun hav to see her again if i wanna process the withdrawal form...hah 360 change...then she got wish me good luck lah..all her staff oso got wish me...make me so paiseh and sad but boh pien hav to do for my future's sake!then after go AUP office then proceed to student care unit for counselling again on comment on Inti infrastructure and lecture ,haha time for me to voice up wahaha...i told the SCU counsellor all that i unsatisfied...wehehehe!so comfortable after i scold...oops...give comment on Inti!after all documentation procedure finished...yeah and voila...i head to bus stop to wait for bus to KTM Nilai...then from Nilai to KL sentral then Sentral divert LRT to Kelana Jaya then take shutter bus to Sunway Pyramid only 50 cent but walao walk damn long (detouring) only reached Monash Uni(3:30pm)...wah a big round cos i tot Sunway College just bside S.Pyramid mah...damn it!and then after register Sunway then take TAxi back to S.Pyramid damn tired ...not finish yet ah...then cross the overhead bridge to opposite wanna wait putraline but nowhere to be seen...then take Metro Bus 10 to Puduraya...wakao...then take LRT wanna go Times Square to buy L1 but go to wrong direction to MAsjid Jamek wor...then boh pien...rugi Rm1.20 take LRT again back to Hang Tuah(5pm liao)...cos i thought the station near Puduraya is Pudu station mah...who noes is Plaza jakun...then hehe bought L1(with oso Sonystyle member card) then went back God pa's hse.then wait bus at Pudu for 30 minute leh...i almost fall asleep bside the road leh...and know wat i'm carrying a tonne heavy deuter bag with all my luggage in it cos i plan to stay godpa's hse b4 move to Sunway....haiz then carried all the documents along...bottle...100000KG then a bag of Cybershot : ) .............wah...the 65 bus so packed until no place to leg almost explode y pain...until i reached Cheras P. almost 7pm...omg i realise i havent eat yet...wah my stamina quite ok wor...i cant believe it...but really ar very tired...i promise never transfer college anymore...all DIY...heng kau my L1 is well protected during cramming on the bus and jamming way neh,go Sungei Wang to buy ingredients for cheesecake lor...go Bordes to find recipe(too broke liao cannot afford the recipe books...thx to L1)..then copy down secretly the recipe then go Shasta(with cousins of cos!)...b4 that we go Isetan loh...Sue buy clothes ah...coke n pepsi ah...then forgot all the ingredients -_-'''........after these we go Times Square eat Teppanyaki...quite large amount of 'tau ge' serving(side dish of chicken teppanyaki)...and then so much pepper oso...wah but satisfied lah but i won't go there second time liao...hehe!then go back...reach home at 8pm....a hard day past...then stars to do our cheesecake...but tomolo then cant eat cos need to refrigirate for few hours....!Haha...i can write a book or Journal on past two days encountered!
BTW,the cheesecake is just a experimented dunno success or not de lah,and then it is done by Sue bcos she wanna give to her friend as present...DIY leh!

Wish me all the best....farewell to American University Programme(not goin US anymore...)...Cambridge A-Level here i come...hope can go UK,Canada,NZ or AUS next.....god bless me!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

small but compact high resolution screen.... Posted by Hello

pre mini Posted by Hello

wah Posted by Hello

small! Posted by Hello

nicee! Posted by Hello

imagine sooo small! Posted by Hello

wow,this little wonder so cute and compact with 4 mega pixel plus Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar professionalism lens only RM 999 sony official!but screen only 1.5'' ,but ok lah consider tht miniature size...i'm going to buy the white colour one sooooo sleek and the quality like piano's paint...omg $$$ fly......Sony really is Sony!no one can beat!and this little wonder will be my personal only use of DC...cos small east to bring and 'hide'.....only 5 ounce...150g includes battery but the memory pro duo very expensive leh the included memory stick only 16 kiam!!!but anyway it is small but good function wise plus good quality...the function even better than those normal size DC...and it's function equivalent with Sony W series but yet so small and burden........i'm cazy bout it....hope to buy a.s.a.p.! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

frighten?so far this is our favourite significant for us!

This car is a manually Jeep(mini) KAU 7559 which can squeeze 7 ppl...better than 7 seater ah!dun play play weh! Posted by Hello

The person who taking photo of others being taken into the pic too! Posted by Hello

see ,lah,pose there again,1 from AUP...4 frm CFP...3 JB...1 Pontian...1 Tg MAlim...1 seremban! Posted by Hello

Posing....girls are an expert of it Posted by Hello

oi,y is u again? Posted by Hello

In front of the Burger King Posted by Hello

Ugly duckling caught in the act!He don't feels like going to Sunway or HELP if able but boh pien since Inti's AUP sucks! Posted by Hello

All Mess up! Posted by Hello

Yeah tht's right we got nothing else better to do than slacking everywhere! Posted by Hello

Long long journey! Posted by Hello

To the faithful departure! Posted by Hello

Night view of KLIA 2 Posted by Hello

Night view of KLIA Posted by Hello

The control tower loh! Posted by Hello

Watch out behind! Posted by Hello

F*CK off! Posted by Hello

The Art...effect Posted by Hello

Flower of 5 Posted by Hello