Friday, September 25, 2009

Wants to be away for a while parting post

I'm here to dust off my already dusty blog. I don't sit right with myself abandoning this blog full of historical events, ups and downs, multitude rantings/ramblings pertaining to my boring personal life (fyi i ride on the opposite lane of Kimora Lee). Probably will have a once in a month or longer sum-up posting reporting my boring life in this little cowboy town in the middle of no where. And did I tell you how much I hate those Greek societies pricks? They all look like carbon copy of each other especially those from Sororities. Tanned (not natural sun tan but UV light tanning bed that sorta tan), hot shorts, head band and heavily Republican stuck up oh-yeah-i'm-superior-than-you-worship-me-now face! I wish I had the courage to pour acids over their dumb blonde looking face, go to hell. Apparently, their function on earth is to promote brotherhood and sisterhood among their own circle of white people, now what about this, girls just lusting for frats lam pah hood and forever alcohol/partayyy in reality. Enough of cursing bit, will behaving 2 major assignments due on next Monday. Memoir and speech like wtf. SPEECH again! I super love my life until I wanna die can?! Oh yeah, yesterday I went out for dinner with this American lady and she was a wacko I assume because she couldn't stop criticizing Muslims on the dinner table when I told her Malaysia comprises about 60% of Muslims. Then I was quite harsh and I told her Malaysian Muslims are DIFFERENT, they are ever peace loving! In fact better than the so called Latter-day Saints believers (Mormons) in terms of mental liberation. What makes them feel so superior than others? And she still has the cheeks to hint me about going for the Alpha course which I had already turned her down earlier by explaining that I'm equally devoted to my religion as much as she does to hers so we're equal. Geddit you LDS or whatever bitch not like I care! Sick of explaining things to people who have already predisposed and not open to accept extra information in their pea sized brain. Now if you think Americans are all bold and liberal, that's not the case in Midwest. Some of them are really conservative and always trying to impose their orthodox thinking on you by making their words sound really sweet to hear but it's actually not if you think harder and deeper. The thing I learned dealing with these people is speak out my own feelings and don't hide, that's how it works here. Cannot be shy, this is 10 000 miles away from comfort zone!

And I need a car!

Till indefinite then.