Monday, October 31, 2005

honestly tell me that it's over......

Today i realise one thing that i'm not really please with.It is something i discovered few days ago which is i think most of my favourite music bands will ended up disband.Here's some of them which had already disbanded:

1. Spice Girls (my fav. during primary sch. b4 i go into J Pop)
2.Atomic Kitten (after the era of Spice Girls...i switch to their substitution(which claimed to be).)
3.Speed (my fav. J Pop girl band that disbanded on their career optimum period...last only 1335 days.
4.Zone (I knew them through some of the Chinese Pop Songs cos Comic Boys and Karen Mok sang their song
in Mandarin version cover)
5.Day After Tommorrow(J Rock band that sounds similar to Zone...i luv them since dunno when from Anime
theme songs they sang.)
6.Do As Infinity (my fav. J-rock band:started to like their musics since after the Japanese drama 'Love 2000'
theme song which sang by them...'Yesterday & Today'...which is a popular song at tht
time...tht's their dunno 2nd or 3rd single...4got)

:::I was so shocked when the time i heard them gonna disband...tamparan demi tamparan!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

bang bang bang.......

Just to give a boring shot...

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today i am so sad and shock!As i just knew that my favourite J-Rock band Do As Infinity aka D.A.I.had already disband and i knew it from Singapore Channel 'U' commercial that advertising their last album 'Do The A-side'best of collection hits! T_T so moody now!

Here are some facts about them:

From top to bottom: Tomiko Van,Ryo Owatari,Nagao Dai

Van Tomiko:
Vocal and Words
Date Of Birth: 1979.1.9
Birthplace: Kumamoto Prefecture
Size: T)163cm
Favorite Artists: Tina Turner, Soul II Soul, TLC

Ryo Owatari:
E.Guitar, A.Guitar and Chorus
Date Of Birth: 1971.4.4
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
Size: T)180cm W)64kg
Favorite Artists: Jimi Hendrix, RADIO HEAD

Nagao Dai:
Composer, E.Guitar, A.Guitar and Programming
Date Of Birth: 1971.3.28
Birthplace: Chiba Prefecture
Size: T)182cm W)70kg
Favorite Artists: Led Zeppelin, AEROSMITH, Natalie Imbruglia

History of the band:

Before there was Do As Infinity, there was only Nagao Dai. In his early days as a musician, Dai was a composer for an amateur band. One thing leads to another, and that band disbanded. Keeping his dream alive, Dai kept on composing songs and he sent them to more than 50 record companies in Japan.

Everything changed when Dai found AVEX, who hired him as a composer. He was immediately given a task to compose songs for Ayumi Hamasaki and Hitomi. But he never forgot his one dream: to have his own band.

AVEX gave him a chance to make his dream come true. Auditions were held, and he chose Van Tomiko as lead singer, and Ryo Owatari as guitarist. On September 29th, 1999, the trio released their first single Tangerine Dream, and held a live concert at the Shibuya.

After a few years, several singles and albums, along with video collections and recorded live concerts, Do As Infinity is still going strong. Although Nagao Dai isn’t as active as he was in the beginning (he doesn’t participate in promotional events anymore, such as video clips or photo shoots) he is still the main composer and the brain behind the band. He does, though, appear in concerts from time to time.



Break of Dawn
New World
Deep Forest
Do The Best
True Song
Do The Live
Do Th B-side(the unreleased B-side hits collection)


Tangerine Dream
Yesterday & Today
Rumble Fish
We Are
Tooku Made
Fukai Mori
Boukensha Tachi
Hi no Ataru Sakamichi
Under the Sun
Shinjitsu no Uta
Manou no Kotoba
Honjitsu wa Seiten Nari


9 video compilation
5 video compilation
Tooku Made special DVD
Deep Forest Tour 2001 LIVE


Summer Days

ps:they did composed a couple of songs for Ayumi such as one of my favourite ballad hit 'End Roll'...Shino Lam 'Wa Wa Oi Tin Ha'(Doll loves the world)which is the cantonese rock version!!!

Note: 'End Roll' is embedded in my blog song playlist.You can here it from there!

>>>>>>End of the legend of D.A.I. as eternity....<<<<<<<<<

More info on :

Friday, October 28, 2005


1. Classical Guitar

2. Violin

Both these had already kaput and cumulating dust at the corner of my room but still got no chance to actually learn that PROPERLY(i mean with Grade,ABRSM all those kinda formal test one lah!)...I still thought of learning it after my SPM but then too busy working totally dun hav the time for it!!!Now i regret and think of learning it now but i can only choose one out of the 2?Which should i choose!OMG!...there it goes!

Btw,my little keyboard and organ also covered by thick dust already...!Time flies...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

one more addiction...

"Class,when was the last time you ever read a book completely?What book was it?Please write down the author's name and book title..."Ms Joy.

I was like wtf i can't even bring myself to finish the entire newspaper,not to say the 'book'.

Imagine in my whole life I was like only manage to finish the 'Princess Huan Zhu(Pearl Princess)' series of novels by the infamous senior Chinese drama writer 'Qiong Yao'(she mostly write sad love story...crying...sobbing...parting...all those cry-to-the-heaven-till-ur-lung-out stereotype lah!).

Tell you what,Qiong Yao's writings are mostly appeal to girls because the plot are like dragging as slow as possible to squeeze in as much as crying scene...can you imagine how much tears those actors gotta produce?

And i'm not actually too ashame about that afterall reading is 'GOOD' for your own knowledge...that's the universal theory!Like i blardy care!

But since the books are all in Chinese,that means not counted...cos she was asking us(understood-ly) about Englsh writings!

I gotta blardy squeeze my mind and think of the English book that i finish reading completely,bcos for me last time was like I totally isolated from English writing pieces!Then now I even have think so long to come out with this desperate and yeah!pathetic...too late to realise that *sobz*

Reminisce back to my English books collection,i got my first Harry Potter *Dictionary Sized* The Order Of The Phoenix but too bad whenever I see the thickness it puts me off...god dammit I rather read the dictionary!~But then y did i bought?~Cos that time got promotion selling at cheap price...not my cup of tea...prefer the movie...straight forward!Like me :p...actually i din mean to buy that book but i'd seen many of them after these Jk Rowling series,i'm juz purely following the Harry Potter trend -_-!

And then I got a extremely simplified 'Kids'Bible Story with me which i bought along wif the HP.The wordings are big and language is easy enough to understand(at least for my standard lah!).But then too but i stopped reading for unknown reason,dunno y?And is like so embarassing if u read this in public.I mean how will people look at u when an adult face is reading a 'Kid's' story book?Can't be kidding...

After that,i came to KL started to magnetize by BORDERS and KINOKUNIYA...

My collections:Memoirs of a Geisha,Geisha of Gion,Kiss the Girl,The Truth About Globalization,Blood and Oil,American Dream Global Nightmare,Why Do People Hates American?,Short Intro. on The Cold War,A People A Nation(History and Development of the United States)....omg but most of it are lying calmly on my book shelf that i almost forgot i got it...some even left unwrapped haha!

Too bad i got too little time to read all those,i can't persist to read on eventhough i forced myself to do so...some are juz not my cuppa tea or really puts me to a good night sleep!god dammit!haha!

I confess that i gotta fetish on 'buying' books but does not means that i'll read it...that's the peculiar thing that i'm felt so annoying!I really wanna read c'mon and i like to read but just dunno y....maybe i'm to lazy to read and care about those!jz a waste of money at the end....tee hee!!!But hey!i can't stay on it too long,i gotta force myself or at least give this a good try...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Almost die...

Yesterday we went to celebrate bday for godma at U Lek,Cheras...We settled down at a wellknown steamboat eatery which full packed with people!!!The amount of tables really astonishing!!!

While we were enjoying our 'perspiring and sweating' tomyam/herbal duo soup base...suddenly the table of peoples that facing me all stood up and ran away from there panickedly!By that time i'm still wondering what happen without sense of 'endangerity'...My relatives are worse they din even bother until i shouted them to stand up and leave the table(can't believe they were still eating...enjoyingly!)....bcos i saw there's a fire burning the table napkin of the next few table and it was quite an aggresive flame!Everybody ran for their lives!.....i can't imagine the consequences cos there are so many gas stove there(of cos steamboat mah!)...what if the fire touched the gas stove chamber and then by one...chain eaction!!!All of us will..........choi,tai ka lai sie!touch wood!really shocked but after that still continued to eat hehe...cos someone immediately put off the fire!hoosay!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ticket bought...

Yay,bought the bus ticket back to JB edi!It's next Friday!After class straight rush to Puduraya then head back to my hommie JOHOR BAHRU....1 week...enuff lah! :)

Friday, October 21, 2005


Ayumi new haircolour(after 'blonding' for quite some years'finally shaded back her hair and become more mature and womanly)....but time is cruel...i can spot some wrinkles around the areas of her eye!

Btw,for this two pics are something about the launching of new MP3 players by Panasonic...For your information,she's da spokeswoman for Panasonic in Japan for about half a decade!

Watch out,Ayu's latest duo 'Bold & Delicious/Pride' and her new album will be scheduled to be out respectively on Nov 30th and Jan 1st !!!!!!!

A tribute to our beloved late-first lady...

~In Memory of...Datin Seri Endon Mahmood~


Rest In Peace

"Wajahmu Yang Kita Ingati,Jasamu Yang Kita Kenangi"

Thursday, October 20, 2005


First of all i wanna send my condolence to our Prime Minister 'Pak Lah' upon the departure of our beloved and recspectable First Lady Datin Endon Mahmood.Let's mourn for 1 minutes................

Well,Last few days still heard that the late Datin Endon is on healing and recovering but who konws suddenly this morning heard this bad news!Really very sad,no wonder today the sky so gloomy and raining for the whole day...heaven is crying for her as she was just 64 years old when she died!Her contribution to charity works and promoting Batik are something that really impress me...Rest In Peace...!


Yahoo Malaysia News:

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's wife, Endon Mahmood, died Thursday after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 64.
Official news agency Bernama quoted Abdullah as saying his wife died at 7:55 a.m. at his official residence in Putrajaya, the federal administrative capital.
Their son, Kamaludin, told reporters that family members were at her side when she passed away.
"My mother died peacefully. She managed to meet all the family members before passing away," he said.
On his father, Abdullah, he said, "He is coping as well as can be."
Abdullah and Endon were married on Sept. 4, 1965. Abdullah often called Endon his "number one supporter."
Endon was an influential figure in Abdullah's life and was instrumental in persuading him to seek the premiership. Abdullah, 65, became prime minister in October 2003.
Without his pillar of support, there were concerns that Abdullah may not be able to carry on his duty as before but Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak gave assurances that such would not be the case.
"He is very calm. He is very religious. He has come to terms with it," he said.
Endon discovered she had breast cancer after her twin sister Noraini was diagnosed with the ailment in early 2003. Noraini died a year later.
Endon had since made regular trips to the United States for chemotherapy treatment.
She came back from treatment in Los Angeles early this month after spending about three months there. She was hospitalized upon her return and was discharged Monday.
Her death was mourned by the whole nation. Thousands braved the rain to pay their respects at the sprawling hilltop official residence of the prime minister.
Parliament was adjourned until Monday. All government events were cancelled and local television stations broadcast prayers.
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsieng Loong and Thai Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai were among foreign dignitaries from the region attending the funeral.
Endon was buried in Putrajaya Muslim cemetery according to Muslim rites.
Endon and Abdullah also have a daughter, Nori, and four grandchildren. Endon's mother, a Japanese who converted to Islam when she married Endon's father and now goes by her Muslim name Mariam Abdullah, was with her when she passed away.


Today went to Borders thought of wanna buy but they don't have stock so i bought the other books about 'Geisha' too but is an biography of a former Geisha called Gion...but still i wanna buy ,if not i can't rest in peace,so i headed to Kinokuniya and guess what there have plenty or excessive amount of stock available omg!So happy that i make the decision to come to KLCC!!!Bought that without hesitating anymore!So happy then went to KL Sentral met up my sis then went to Serdang to take her car then again went to Sg Wang with her and Sue to met up my sis fren to have dinner...darn tiring lah!I jz came back y'know?Whole day...hard day!but happy!still a bit upset because of our first lady had left the KL Sentral everybody had seen stopped down their rapid pace footsteps and standing in front of the TV screnn provided there to watch the live update of the funeral of the first sad to see that but i'm glad that the citizens at least showing off their concern and hope we will be more unite than before!Stand up Pak Lah!We are here for you!Never ever give up!

General Paper or IELTS?

Should stick to GP or change to English class?

So sick of GP now!

Heard tht the bus ticket to southern had already sold out for most of them!What a disastrous thing!My Deeparaya holiday gotta spend in KL/PJ...omg shit crazy...!

I think should take train or plane(but plane is too late edi i think cos should book the ticket earlier!) ah?how?

So terribly sick now...bad flu...sleepy!Still gotta stay up to finish my law assignment and study for the test tomorrow!So torturing(i mean by mentally aspect!)

God bless...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Memoirs of Geisha

I wanna watch this show so come it comes only on January...tht means nex year (Jan. 6 shown)!!!Hope pirated will comes out earlier :p....the movie poster is damn fucking nice man!feel like wanna steal one back home from those cinema!Zhang Zi Yi is very pretty in this show(only!!)...esp. her focus-less eye!emotion-less expression and that pair of killer-240V powered eyes!omg...the insensitive eyes really...dunno how to describe!speechless!melting my heart and killing me softly!!!is like she has something to say to me but coudn't bring it out...(am i too overreacted?)oops!

The synopsis of the story...(it's actually based on a novel)...i sure gotta buy that novel version!!!BORDERS here i come!!!


In the years before World War II, a penniless Japanese child is torn from her family to work as a maid in a geisha house. Despite a treacherous rival who nearly breaks her spirit, the girl blossoms into the legendary geisha Sayuri (Ziyi Zhang). Beautiful and accomplished, Sayuri captivates the most powerful men of her day, but is haunted by her secret love for the one man who is out of her reach (Ken Watanabe).

Based on the internationally acclaimed novel by Arthur Golden.(voila!that's it!!!)


i din write much for this week cos busy with tonnes of tutorials and assignments!Moreover i'm fuckingly sick due to the capriciousness of the weatherman!Running nose,dizzy and coughing...u name it all!My eyelid so heavy once running nose!fuck!if i ever take the so called 'flu-curing pill'...aka sleeping pill(stupid hypnotized effect lah!)...i will be doomed for the whole week!curse!


i need oil(or maybe petrol!!)so much for this few weeks...cos i'm burning the midnight oil so often now that i think it'll consume more than a car...


and i keep seeing something 'horrible' flashing at the corner of my room!!!why????what's that???is it because the exam is 'around the corner'?

Monday, October 17, 2005


Due to the workload of my assignments and tutorials(damn!).So guessed i'll be lazy to write a long journal...instead I summarize it and shade unwanted words(bull shitting or crapping no more!)'s a new facelift for.....>today only lah!

Last Friday 14/10 : Went Sg Wang with Susan > Susan buy her Samsung E630 in Low Yat for RM 790(FMG set) > me then bought my Samsung D500 at Sg Wang Alcatel Booth(facing main door) at RM 1150(AP tranceiver/Orig. Accessories) :) > Eat Ice 'loh' > take LRT back to Kelana Jaya then take 900 B bus > went to eat at Jaafar > reached hostel >>>conclusion: damn tiring but happy...

Last Saturday 15/10 : Sat for Msian Studies(all asking stupid questions...) > went to pyramid > went to Times Square,Sg Wang(again!) > eat Delifrance alone but damn nice!!!Cheezie n creamy seafood... > Eat Long John Silver(not full hehe!) > wait bus...the 1/2 evil 62 to Minang > wait for papa about 1 hr >hot weather but stomach ache > reached papa home met with my parents >>>conclusion: damn hot almost dehydrate but happy...

Sunday(today) 16/10 : go Chey Ling's hse > eat > aunt's hse > eat > went Ikea/Ikano > eat > blogging > ...assignment > sleep?maybe... >>>damn tiring and sienz...assignment almost makes me gone mad!!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


''...You Drive me crazy...I just cant sleep...I’m so excited, I’m in to deep...Ohh...Crazy, But it feels alright...Baby, thinkin of you keeps me up all night...''.............*as the volume fading*

That's rite!This partial lyric (Britney's 'Crazy'...wonder if y'all still remember this when she still an innocent little girl-next-door...)really reflects my situation now.Why?Let me elaborate...

1."You Drive me Crazy" --- very obvious the essence of the whole lyric which means is the
current status of mine...(but still not as worse as those people in
the 'cuckoo nest') *giggling*

2."I just cant sleep..." --- yea,i just cant sleep without finishing my bloody law assignments
,but the problem is i felt like wanna sleep when doing it.What a
paradox scene!Well,all i can said is,'this is life man...'screw it up!

3."I'm so excited,i'm in too deep..." --- hmm...i'm really in too deep when i'm doing my
assignment,thx to all my titbits around me...mostly over
enjoyed those foods and forgot about what should i do.I'll
get excited when i see chips,twisties,chocolates(fav!) and
whatever nice yummy things that can bite grouped
together and form a very majestic view..oohoooo!time to
gain weight!

4."crazy but it feels alright..." --- i'm crazy...driven crazy but i'll get better when daybreak...i'm
not a vampire.Cos when i saw the sun coming out,i'd a snese of
new beginning of life.I'm alive...

5."Baby,thinking of you keeps me up all night..." --- when think of my final for law,my test for
law,assignment for law and
everything regarding law...really can't put
me to sleep peace's like my mind is
battling with all these lar...maybe i need
Tony Buzan's help on 'mind mapping'...:p

In conclusion one word to describe my status: fuckingly 'crazy' ...

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well,look at my time stamp NOW!YOu'll realise that i blogged this post at midnight or should i say early in the morning?Look at's 5:20 AM!!!

Why am i still awake at this hour?
Good question.#@^!@&!Holy Shit LAW assignments cum tests which will due this thursday(test) and friday(assignment)

What had I studied then for law so far?
Practically nothing at all.The Facts are my brain saturated,my body coordination system lagging(means--->lazy),my eyelid gaining weight dragging my upper eyelid down to shut off my eye ball(simplified---->sleepy),my 6th sense told me that i ain't gonna get good marks for my test 'today'....

Then how am i going to do during the test?
Well,sleep,looking up-down -left-right-every angles(bear in mind,it doesn't means that i'm goin to peep at answers then...)i rather die than 'dirtied' my dignity ok?...gosh what am i spouting here anyway! :p


God damn it!Really sleepy now ar...but look at the clock is already 5:30 point for me to'll makes me more tired in the 'morning'!...worse than worse caused me to overslept(hehe,how I wish i can do it...well,for the sake of MR RAJ...and most important my ATTENDANCE!...swallow it then...T-T)

As i say,i'm a GOOD student...the main criteria for a GOOD student is not to SKIP your class!!!aka ponteng kelas.

But look,damn sleepy and my mind is completely blank,so as during 'today's' test(predicted)...what's the point going for Law class then...wasting time rite?

hmm...let me think about it...few minutes more to counting down for eyelid semi-shutted...*yawning* body turning 'jelly' and aaaaaaaaa.............ZZzzZZzzZz
...............I slept.

shhh...let the heaven to decide everything...*snoring*


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

aegh...pure math test sux...

Haiz...yesterday whole day like no heart to study for pure math test...!Imagine Trigonometry foundation for it really sux man!cos form 5 Pn.Rosilah din finish the topic at all and then Pn. Lai juz cover few like totally forgot...Koshy's teaching?Haha...dun blame me,i can't concentrate in his class cos all the time i was sleeping in his class!Aiks...Trigo(seems no hope for me...),Circular Measure(Still can buck up...),Function(Can lah...but need to recall back a bit lazy to do tht lar...),Geometry Coordinate(Cukup makanlah...!) main prob. for Pure MAth always lies around those trigo. thingy!really dunno how lah!Next month is my 1st sem final is GP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week we gotta crazily rush for 4 assignments that due on Friday!!!Idiot!Then 2 test on Thursday in one short...for every week!!!Insane Jesus Holy Shitty!!!!All gotta thanks to the marvellous subjuct of all:'LAW'!!!Best subject in A level ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Fuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 10, 2005


Recently,really many tragics happened in the Asia's region...the most significant is the 2nd terrorist bomb blast in the beautiful paradise 'Bali'...although this time the death toll is not as much as compare to the previous but look what is the most essential thing is that what are the effects that gonna bring to the citizens of Bali subsequently?Lose of jobs because of the lay off of the income through tourism market(who dare to go to Bali if this incident is expected to happen again?)...local vendors will suffer directly from this impact...localites live in fear and dread...debris and polis surveillance every here and there...blood and corpse scattering on the street...!When will the third attack comes?Nobody can tells that?...terrorists and hiding in the dark like err...rats...should i say they are as timid as rats in the other way?Personally i agree that they are worse than that...!What's wrong with Bali?It is in Asia...certainly or 'obviously' not the northern hemisphere part of the American continent...what does it do with the dictatorial 'yankees' government?It is under the government of the Republic of Indonesia...pls make it clear!!!Don't ruin a paradise...go and confront with the one that you 'really' and 'exactly' wanna target at...not here...get out!

And the 2nd tragedy is the India-Parkistan border great earth quake that brings about 20000-30000 casualties!!!We as Malaysian should be lucky yet be aware of it cos everything is possible to happen just like the Tsunami could struck our coastal on 2004/12/26 and cos innocent lives!!!That was not a temporary issue as i said we do not know what will happen to us as everything is possible to happen nowadays...Ministers out there don't just bring out the topic after the tragic had happened and make it a hot topic for just a period of time and then just ignore it after people started to forget about consistent and never give up on the precious lives of 'hoi pollois'...we did pay tax to you right?And use our taxes wisely...dun always misused it!!!If the same thing persist,i think all of you gotta say goodbye to your post and the Parliament next few years during the SPR...we are not foolish as we know what are happening inside...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

pyramid again...

Today went to pyramid with Susan...damn boring though...we actually went to Redbox...but ended up that i sang most...she like din even wanna touch the mic...kaw...damn sien sia!me alone singing...she yawning there said she very tired...and we are there about 3 hours...i sang 3 ours one short...almost lost my vocal...haiz...blame redbox dont hav more Korean songs...

Then spent whole day in Susan ask for PT and groceries...return to my hostel already like 9 something damn tiring!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

oh my god...

Hmm,how should i start my blog today...i'm actually having many things to say in my heart but juz can't think of any words to bring it out!hmm...err...well!Today actually thought that went out for movie with Jessica and Azrul's friend Hisham.First of all before we departed from our very Sunway University College we actually met Azrul and Vinodh at the foyer and asked them where they wanna go or maybe we can juz follow them lah!But they said they wanna lepaking,so kinda senseless and pathetic that's y me and Jess. just carry on our plan to either sing K or watch we took our
'effort' to walk to pyramid and then went to see the time slot for movie then,headed to Redbox to ask for any availability of room...but then Redbox gonna sing for like atleast 3 hours...and Azrul's friend will be joining us after kinda impossible...therefore juz went to fill up our stomach in Chicken Rice Shop -_-...while then...Azrul suddenly called us up and asked us where are we and i told him that we were at the movie floor...and he asked me who were with us and i told him that only Ms. Jessica...well...i think that's the reason for all of this!!!Continue to read on...then when Azrul finally met us up at C.R.S....he was like kinda listless and moody...i still dunno what happened(eventhough till now i'm still in confusing state...)...and meet up with his friend we then buy ticket for movie and then went to arcade...all the way he was showing his cold shoulder and kinda 'blacked' face which like the world had owed him 10000000 billions...all the unsatisfactions written on his face then i smell something fishy...but i'm not sure whether it is the same prob. as i think or not...but since haven't confirm with the problem...i kept a distance between Azrul and don't really dare to approach him cos he seems like so angry dunno for wat?aiseh...and then the whole situation suddenly changed to so awkward...cos normally we go out with Azrul he sure like act as the nutcracker...and laughing as loud as so abnormal!I can hardly figure what happened which i think Ms. Jessica will felt the same rite?Juz that she pretended dunno anything...hehe!*Jess. if u happened to sit in front of ur computer screen watching this post and sipping a cup of tea dun spurt it out* my 80% accurate sense...i can see that Azrul having crush on you...u seems to know that rite?Juz u dunno how to react,nvm,i can understand afterall u all been in the same class for so many month already...eventhough Susan also can tell that same similar feeling...she discover earlier than me and even asked Azrul but Azrul denied...(*smirk*)...oh well...well during fasting season is it consider taboo...buahahaha!!!anyhow,those that with sharp vision and eyes cn tell the same thing as us too lah!Now,the problem is how am i going to do?Azrul seems like unhappy with me?OMG...i mean intention is only out for fun and relax but ended up so tension and pressure....PEACE!I really hope Azrul can understand(if i'm guessed rite...!)...he really like a pot of vinegar(idiom direct translated from Chinese...),really can say it's 'astonishing'....i dunno whether to laugh or to mind is conflicting now!wuzzzzzzzzz!If so,then he really made a biggest misunderstanding on earth lah...y so work up?Got problem then say lah...we r friend mah!OMG...anything should be straightforward...dun hide!It is not good for everyone though...*sigh* desperate now...haha!This is roughly the plot of the funny,hilarious,interesting 'story' that happened juz few hours ago which really arousing me currently and also Ms. Jessica(the main role...)!!!lol!!!haiz...really wanna * shout out loud *...shout along with the bass,the drum,electric guitar,the scratch....go to a rock n roll party or clubbing...woohoo...yeah baby!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

finish presentation... relief that i actually finish the annoying presentation...but we done it sux...they said it was too lengthy...actually i think so too!but really i am doing all these hard copy,presentation,speech for all my mates which i think i did like 90%...and we finally gathered together for rehearsal today for only few minutes...which totally incoordinate at sad to say that!!!and well my group members overall quite satisfied with their performance just that i think they should've practice to talk b4 presenting...cos they r like dunno the pronounciation of many words and reading damn soft...even me felt like wanna sleep...not to say our fellow SPECTACULARS...hard on them i think...a bit disappointed...tht's it!

Today heard some really bad news that our Stat.(math) teacher gonna leave us next sem to teach the new intake students instead us...really disappointed till the deepest of valley...i mean we already use to the type of small class(5 person in our math class for A1)...but i think SYUC or MS See herself feels that really very hard to face juz 5 students which really in contrast to what her optimum level amount of students she had...sad lah...maybe she wanna feels the sense of achievement...i mean i can understand her feeling if i'm a teacher too...facing juz few mediocre students which can say to be a very pitiful...what to do...this is already a fact that our Statistics teacher cum Mentor(best mentor ever) gonna abandon us T.T....and our well known best mentor mentee session gotta comes to mentor no more one utama for mentor more mentor treated more pyramid lepaking...noooooooooo...and the worse thing is we gotta join S1 for Math....omg....really fuk up...S1(cos they r taking STat. too)...tht;s y...but i dun like huge class with many ppl...cos very hard to learn things like dat...cos their class has 20++ students already...if we joined i think i will be very quiet that dun ask many question...just swallow whatever problems unlike now...i'm free to ask question and doubts,free to do anything as we got only five of us in class and we r in same mentor mentee group wif the same mentor...who is our mentor next i very worry about...heard that s1 math teacher is not bad and quite friendly but can i prefer the old one? five of us got really no mood after stat class...follow up msian studies still gotta do presentation...more or less effected our performance(!)....well let's just hope everything will be fine next year...(well today actually we met some of s1 student in msian studies,we told them bout that and can see that they r not please and happy with it...makes me more worry...haiz...maybe they really good in academic...but dun be so proud...u would not noe what ur future gonna be...!)

today r moody and gloomy...but relief that pesentation over...omg tmr gotta hand in law assignment and Koshy's trigo. homeworks...die lar........!time give me more time!


Haha...yesterday i skipped my law class for 2 periods to attend the so called mentor mentee in One U. hehe...actually we are just purely 'ponteng' sekolah!so funny but real fun as we head to OU straight after finish our pure math at 11:30am,and that time OU was totally quiet unlike weekend...felt strange!

We went there for lepak and celebrate pre-fasting(puasa)...means the last lunch meal for Isti and Faiz(after tht gotta fasting for 1 month,poor muslims......went for THAI food actually...Johnny's... well,the food is not tht amazing IMO,taste ordinary and mediocre...but still i like THAI food i confess...Tom Yam Kung...yummiest all the way!

After lunch then lepak again like before,i bought one decorative handstrap from a 'creative products selling shop'.Well,actually they conned me with the handstrap for RM12.90 that which after i bought that i went to a handphone shop right opposite which selling the same thing for only RM7.50...celaka betul!

Then,we decided to take 'puri-kura'(fyi:sticky photo in Japanese phrase...)...squeeze our face inside the lens damn we 6 persons there actually struggling to fit in the view that actually fits 2 person...haha!

After 'purikura' then went back to our faithful place called the 'sunway college'...which we sleep there,eat there,studying there...everything happens there

It's been few days since i started to do MSian studies power point presentation...came out everynite to foyer to do that ...damn tired...blame me that totally illiterate to Microsoft Power Point...have to seek for others help and figure most da setting myself...die!!!

OMG...gotta said again tomorrow gotta law test again(weekly test...)...haven't prepare yet until this time haha...and then Friday gotta pass up the assignment packed my space to breathe lah...Mr. Raj!

Today damn embarassing in GP class i must said that...actually we are on a topic called 'ARTS'...then JE asked us to bring things that do with 'ARTS'....actually i din even know about it until Azrul told me that...then spontaneously i present my favourite 'DZI' beads bangle which my sis bought for me on my bday...!I explained evrything about Dzi...suddenly that stupid Sukh. told JE that i got 'ARTS' on my body...well tht's my 'symbol of glorious'...then i am forced to show it to the whole class with so embarassing that i almost blush...fuck up!But i do feel proud of my 'symbol of glorious' tht means i should show it off to the whole class?NO!!!

Monday, October 03, 2005



Got really messed up wif my Malaysian Studies project ahhh......

Trigonometry is like damn confusing...Mr Koshy spare us....

Today went to mamak in SS14 for dinner wif Susan and Azrul(formerly i called him Abang...-_-)...again stuff myself up like crazy...i ate naan cheese,tandoori and tisu...crazy but ended up they help me to finish it damn funny!!!haha...

Then after finish dinner damn sleepy...cos too full...very reluctant to do Msian Studies.....

That's all la....!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Telekom Malaysia has botched up their billing system after they started merging Telekom and TMNet bills which saw many people getting exorbitant bills, that look like backdated bills from the day you start subscribing to StreamyX. Don't worry though, as Telekom has acknowledged their mistake and a quick call to Telekom should settle things for the moment.

hope my bills won't turn out like this....

source from

omg...Bali kena bomb blast again...tragic pity Indonesia....Bali is a nice place to go now it has ruined...ppl are afraid to go there now esp after the 2nd bomb blast...omg...what happen to our world now?no law?terrorists are ruling and doing whatever they want even the central government can't control over this?

they even think of bobing our neighbouring country like fav hang out place...cos extremely near to my hometown(the 1st bomb was planned to blast at Singapore MRT station(Sembawang and Yi Shun station,tht's the place i like to hang out whenever i go...YiShun...omg.Ok tht's their plan A(failed for unknown reason!)...plan B was targetted at Bali...hell qaeda...juz go to US and bomb there dun harm our peaceful SEA country...we did nothing to you afterall?ur target is the yankees go...juz go there dun come here...are u afraid of the yankees?dun let ur anger on innocent ppl...confront with BUsh and Dick!fuk u!

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Yesterday suppose to go to mama's hse but end up packing all my things and carried it back to my hostel again -_-...haha!Bcos our movie ended too late it's already 8 something that time and quite reluctant to travel to hell far Cheras by evil transport(bus)...hehe!

Juz went out with Susan,Abang and Isaac to see movie but b4 that gotta go to visit Abang's fren that kena beaten up by big bullier from Sri KL in SJMC -_- we(susan,me,isaac) dunno the guy that admitted to SJMC at all...juz follow Abang lo...afterall he was driving...then stay there nearly 1 hour chatting with the guy's mother which we dunno him/her...but her mother quite frenly lo...but felt really awkward la...instead send go to visit the boy...we din actually speak to the boy but his mother...funny funny thing...kkkkk!

Then after that went to Pyramid Sushi King then went to watch The Myth...quite bored the movie and outrageous,peculiar,i was like totally ??? wat happened in the movie(plus was damn tiring yeterday cos lack of sleep lo...)but at the end still know the wat the story try to say roughly lah...but really amazed by the scenery in the movie...not many actions by Jacky Cheung in this movie but nice 3D effect/scene,but felt very strange kind of feeling cos Jacky Cheung duet with Kim Hee Sun and born the love story(yeah LURVVVEEE story...)...funny huh?...old fella + pretty young Korean actress = mismatch...anyway tht's my opinion la...

Today,wow so happy i slept almost 14 hours one short without being interrupted...hohooo...then woke up at 1.30pm being freshed and my life starts all over again!!!!Then went out with Susan to Pyramid for lunch (yeah,pyramid again...)sienz -_-...went to Kim Gary crazily stuff ourselves up with foods like hell...esp those toast...felt like vomit once i think of bread...toast...eurghhh!then went lepak lepak here n there ,arcade,bowling(but ended up they r having tournament again,so din play...)...saw the KoreAN Drama OST songs collection 3 CD in 1 for price of only RM29.90 at Tower Record...made punde!i bought one wrongly last week in JB that is all ochestra version without vocal all instument cos i don't know when i saw the song i want inside then just grabbed it to the counter to pay...2 CD in 1 for also RM29.9(after 10% popular card discount)...fuck up man!brought back home play it and felt like wanna crach my whole CD player up...cos it is sleepy ochestra version -_-...puts me to my dreamland...omg!wasted my money since i really try hard to save up money now to buy new hp...ya btw juz now saw the LG G262 new one in nice and colour one...attractive which require fork out 13x RM100 notes and err...still quite short of it...weeeee!
Haiz,gotta do msian study stupid presentation work tonight lah...powr point sux...!Kim Chi here i come...yummy!^o^

I wanna buy many things Mind Mapping by author Tony Buzan(Auntie recommended one!),Discreet and The Samuel and Kelvin collection,Globe The Best OF collection 3 CD in 1 for RM56.90(ower record),Do As Infinity older Do The Best B-side Collection 2 CD in 1 for RM51.90(tower record),that particular 3 CD collection of Korean Drama Songs Collection(tower record),My Chemical Romance~Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,Foo Fighters~In Your Honor,Bon Jovi latest 2005 album~Have A Nice Day(i want this very bad...!)help me y tower record hasn't selling yet!!!....wat to do half to tighten up my wallet time more loose liao then buy lo....haiz...but can buy pirated one also...T-T...desperate!