Wednesday, October 26, 2005

one more addiction...

"Class,when was the last time you ever read a book completely?What book was it?Please write down the author's name and book title..."Ms Joy.

I was like wtf i can't even bring myself to finish the entire newspaper,not to say the 'book'.

Imagine in my whole life I was like only manage to finish the 'Princess Huan Zhu(Pearl Princess)' series of novels by the infamous senior Chinese drama writer 'Qiong Yao'(she mostly write sad love story...crying...sobbing...parting...all those cry-to-the-heaven-till-ur-lung-out stereotype lah!).

Tell you what,Qiong Yao's writings are mostly appeal to girls because the plot are like dragging as slow as possible to squeeze in as much as crying scene...can you imagine how much tears those actors gotta produce?

And i'm not actually too ashame about that afterall reading is 'GOOD' for your own knowledge...that's the universal theory!Like i blardy care!

But since the books are all in Chinese,that means not counted...cos she was asking us(understood-ly) about Englsh writings!

I gotta blardy squeeze my mind and think of the English book that i finish reading completely,bcos for me last time was like I totally isolated from English writing pieces!Then now I even have think so long to come out with this desperate and yeah!pathetic...too late to realise that *sobz*

Reminisce back to my English books collection,i got my first Harry Potter *Dictionary Sized* The Order Of The Phoenix but too bad whenever I see the thickness it puts me off...god dammit I rather read the dictionary!~But then y did i bought?~Cos that time got promotion selling at cheap price...not my cup of tea...prefer the movie...straight forward!Like me :p...actually i din mean to buy that book but i'd seen many of them after these Jk Rowling series,i'm juz purely following the Harry Potter trend -_-!

And then I got a extremely simplified 'Kids'Bible Story with me which i bought along wif the HP.The wordings are big and language is easy enough to understand(at least for my standard lah!).But then too but i stopped reading for unknown reason,dunno y?And is like so embarassing if u read this in public.I mean how will people look at u when an adult face is reading a 'Kid's' story book?Can't be kidding...

After that,i came to KL started to magnetize by BORDERS and KINOKUNIYA...

My collections:Memoirs of a Geisha,Geisha of Gion,Kiss the Girl,The Truth About Globalization,Blood and Oil,American Dream Global Nightmare,Why Do People Hates American?,Short Intro. on The Cold War,A People A Nation(History and Development of the United States)....omg but most of it are lying calmly on my book shelf that i almost forgot i got it...some even left unwrapped haha!

Too bad i got too little time to read all those,i can't persist to read on eventhough i forced myself to do so...some are juz not my cuppa tea or really puts me to a good night sleep!god dammit!haha!

I confess that i gotta fetish on 'buying' books but does not means that i'll read it...that's the peculiar thing that i'm felt so annoying!I really wanna read c'mon and i like to read but just dunno y....maybe i'm to lazy to read and care about those!jz a waste of money at the end....tee hee!!!But hey!i can't stay on it too long,i gotta force myself or at least give this a good try...