Almost die...
Yesterday we went to celebrate bday for godma at U Lek,Cheras...We settled down at a wellknown steamboat eatery which full packed with people!!!The amount of tables really astonishing!!!
While we were enjoying our 'perspiring and sweating' tomyam/herbal duo soup base...suddenly the table of peoples that facing me all stood up and ran away from there panickedly!By that time i'm still wondering what happen without sense of 'endangerity'...My relatives are worse they din even bother until i shouted them to stand up and leave the table(can't believe they were still eating...enjoyingly!)....bcos i saw there's a fire burning the table napkin of the next few table and it was quite an aggresive flame!Everybody ran for their lives!.....i can't imagine the consequences cos there are so many gas stove there(of cos steamboat mah!)...what if the fire touched the gas stove chamber and then by one...chain eaction!!!All of us will..........choi,tai ka lai sie!touch wood!really shocked but after that still continued to eat hehe...cos someone immediately put off the fire!hoosay!