Too boring while waiting for Edmund and Susie doing facial in PJ Hilton
The cute mini rail train dummies with mini cargo's with mini landscape
in PJ Hilton Ah Ye's 101 y.o. 'dai sau'...waiting for everyone to took group photo
(about 100++ relatives attended!)
This recent my diet plan is a total failure...:(
This Friday ate the darn fattening duck with tender crispy oily skin in SEA Park...(honestly yhe duck was really nice and juicy which anyone can't easily resist on it!)
The same day ate supper with Edmund's cousin Susie and his 2 friends from the States in SS2 after not long from having dinner.We ate so many things man,it's like food fiesta!
The same day again after supper spree,rush to the SS2 durian stall b4 it call it off a day.Obviously we throw in one after another and ended up having bad throat...gee...but worth it cos durian rocks!
Saturday,we went to SS2 again for breakfast in a HK dimsum restaurant and really stuffed ourselves with varieties of dimsum like siu mai,lo mai gai,pau,yv dan,steamed pai guat...etc!So stimulating after that heavy breakfast!
Saturday was my grandpa's grand 101 y.o. 'dai sau' celebration...all the relatives really gathered together during the banquet!All my aunts and my father are fully presented themselves!I can see that my grandpa is very overjoyed and happy cos they are able to take a latest version of complete family potrait(with an exception tht my grandma is no longer with us...).What an touching and warmed night with 4 generations of relatives presented!Thx for making the celebration so lively and successful!
I actually can't eat much at the restaurant cos i drank to much of alchohol and almost got myself drunk...luckily it's only a slight of drowsiness and it'll be fine after that.
The aftermath : Man!My diet plan gotta push forward sometimes after CNY,probably :( !
My stomach is filling with no empty space for digestion now and I'm so sleepy.....
Goodnite then!