A day...
Crocodiles bony,the rib(my mum gotta cook it for us as an asthma's remedy!) The genuine crocodile's teeth
The cute and chubby one @_@
They are so still that looks like fake dummies
The oldest crocodiles in farm aged 50
Look at those low rise fencing,damn scary man!
Wow!Giant lizard!Heard that they eat once in a week only!
Baby crocodiles sun bathing
The quay...this used to be my fav. childhood 'crabbing' place
Low tide scenery with fisher boats
It's a rainy day...
But we still carry on with our outing to Teluk Sengat.
We brought our cousins there to watch life crocodile.
That farm is owned by my uncle and it's the largest in South East Asia!
We saw tiny,small,average,big,large,huge sizes of crocodiles!
They are cute yet ferociuos.
I gotta chance to try out their meat today and they say it's good for asthma.
I got myself a crocodile's teeth as a souveneir from my uncle.
Sounds weird rite?
The meat tasted like chicken actually,nothing much special or dreadful if u don't picture what u r eating and just tell urself is da chicken....!No problem at all...:p
We were there feeding mosquitos at the farm and it's muddy everywhere!
It's drizzling somehow we gotta use umbrellas to tour the farm -_-
As we were having our dinner,Terence raised the topic concerned bout my major in future...
I was like blank slated cos he asked me the question that I can't even answer myself.
I juz told him that I like health sciences field but I din actually confessed about I'm taking art subjects combination in A-Levels.
They encourage me to go over to the States or Canada!
Well,i'm miserable bout what to do and where and how and many many!!!
I'm still not mature to think about what I want,that's so sad!
That's my current status...
Helpless and desperate
I like sciences better now...!
But i'm keep on changing and I dunno why!
I hate to make a choice between 2...