Yesterday my IELTS was real sux which I dun wish to say much here.The reading test still consider ok but the listening was like damn idiotic loh...the British accent of the recorder's voice damn heavy man and left out many questions,wth am I doing?!
Writing was as crappy as listening,the task 2 I was like only wrote 4 paragraphs where my frens all dare to request for extra writing sheets to continue on their lengthy essay of task 2,mind you task 2 got words limit ok...250-300 maximum ONLY!
Bah!All craps...since whatever been done has been done...and there's no way of turning back...why should I give it a damn?It's utterly pointless and energy consuming.
After came back from the exam around 12pm,upon Andrew request,we went to Pyramid to buy groceries and had my brunch there.Then came back within 2 hours -_-
Then took rest for a while and prepare for the long anticipated DJ TIesto party at KLIA.We reached there around 5pm and guess what we'd done it ourselves that we actually managed to be the FIRST to enter the party site.Haha!What to do,came to early.Some showgirl over there gave us free metal lighter and we got the chance to snap polaroid(missed polaroid so much since those days)with the Renault car used last year -_- but anyway it's free of charge for the polaroid.
We actually stunned there as the crowd are not as big as what we'd been expected earlier(well,maybe we came too early instead...),but the density of heads are sooo low that you can't even imagine that u are going to witness the world No. 1's DJ in few hours of time(Tiesto lah!).Just don't have that kind of atmosphere to get high.They served beer -_- well u can redeem one free drinks with the ticket.But we came there without any food so,how am I suppose to drink with empty stomach?So gross for that feeling...!Then we waited around 3 hours until around 8pm then the party started but we were already exhausted that time due to the long waiting.What to do,forced our own body to groove with da beat lor...the first performance was by Drum Connection(or base connection,forgot edi...).It's mediocre only despite that I like the live drumbeat fusion with DJ's scratching!!!Groove babeyyy!
Then after that,from nowhere came a fuck up DJ that really dampened our spirit.As it's performance are so lousy that we stopped to groove after 1/2 an hour time.NO mood edi!People started to grumble and whistle him off.Booo!...."we want Tiesto!..."We were so impatient edi lor...then after that fuck up DJ Milk or something performance ended we thought it's Tiesto time...!!!Yeehawww!Then out of sudden a Chinese dragon dance troop came out then followed on by Malay Kompang -_-OMG!The crowd are so exasperated and started to boo at the traditional performance.As for me,I like dragon dance,so I enjoyed that moment though!heeeheee!
Then,it came the DJ TIesto!!!
All the cameras are flying above my head to catch the focus and wow there's even fireworks specially made for him.The crowd had once again got excited and stimulated!But then,all I could say is I dun really like "trance" whatever Tiesto or not Tiesto also,I dun care a single damn for it...juz joined the crowd for fun only!
It was damn stuffy inside although it's open air but people smoking cigarette and WEEDS makes the entire place hellishly smoky and we almost suffocated.SO we decided to end earlier as can say that the performance quite boring.Not worth for 65 bucks!We left the PitParty at around 11 then set off to Asia Cafe for dinner + supper (already 12 sumthing by the time we reached Subang).
Reached hostel around 1.30pm(the night is still young but pleasure are spoilt during the party).Clean up myself then hit the bed.ZZZzzz!What a day...
I thought we supposed to continue on clubbing at Bangsar or Damansara after F1 PitParty but what to do,really exhausted and tiring.So,we just called it a day after our meal!But somehow,I did enjoyed during the party with you all!After AS let's go clubbing again lah...ZZZzzz *doze off*
*Ah,fuck it...dunno wat happens to blogger nowadays,always got error on uploading photo.Upload later lah when my fren gave me the photos.Me forgot to bring my L1 so all pictures taken by my phones came out bad and pixelated!roar...and then hostel connection is deteriorating since after last 2 weeks it's main connection system(hub) crashed.Now seems like problems has been fixed but quality gone down compare to b4!
Anyway,went to Lee Hom autograph concert on Sunday as well with Leong after waited for the seems-never-ending-but-ended-at-last's rain to stop.About 8pm it stopped.Luckly.Then enter from Elephant near from my hostel only!Pity those that came all the way here only for Lee Hom.I myself oso dun really like him but blame him to come so near to me to hold this event.I was shattered though.I mean it's Lee Hom ok?REal talented and reallllyyyyy very macho in real person.I was attracted by his look(dun get misunderstood!!!),but if I ever become a girl,he's the man I will have fallen for...god dammit why can't my mom give birth me with these features tall,cute,handsome,clean,smart,American Born Chinese(ABC) summore...can you find any cons on him?Girls,he's a perfect man,so all the girls go fuck him or masturbate on his pic.He's da one! *ahem!...I'm a bit insane* *.*
No doubt,I enjoyed his singing vy much esp he can even sang vy well like play from the CD directly even he was singing live at that time.Man!Unlike other Chinese singers,he's different,he's wersternized and came back to his root to seek for musical inspiration!What more can u ask for?Lee Hom,u rocks!Although I dun really like u that much like those crazy fans of urs but u really have the gut!Salute...and Jay dun give up too,do compose more quality-wise's songs and fight against Lee Hom!You all need to bring back the essence of Mandarin Pop music in those days...I strongly oppose to idolizing!Although I think that's one of the factor that make up a real artiste but not completely does...talents always come first in this case!
Oh ya b4 I forget,I wish to announce that starting from next week I won't be posting so frequently like I always do(right?).SO this time around,have to reduce or even quit for temporary due to my coming AS mock exam in 3 weeks time and AS actual exam in addition of 2 weeks of time after that AS mock exam.So it's like one after another,non-stop by the way!It's definitely gonna be vy tough on me.Hence,I will have to resist and rationalize "onlining rates".Worse to worse,I will have to quit from my laptop after this and lock it in my wardrobe for about a month and a half or even more.
Judging from all these,studies always above all.
See ya for maybe after a month or less(or more!).
~God bless my study progressions and results~
L to R : Me-_-,Steph,Dom,Isti,Kei,Na Rae,Susan

Wait and wait and wait!Taken out of boredom anyway...*whistle*babes!
The ever powerful and energetic beat by the Base Connection.The lens a bit blurry btw~-_-

Groove over the beat babeyyyyy...shake ur body!!! :p
The emptiness few hours b4 it filled with rowdy crowds

Hmm...feel like something missing here?

Hehe...there you go the renault's racing car with some hot showgirls on top...:)

There you go,the anticipated DJ Tiesto and~there goes my 67 bucks...