Live 'O' Live
Man,live live live sports...
Hostel no TV broadcast all these and let us living in hell...
Commonwealth 2006 in Melbourne started queitly without my shit noticing!
Now,the F1 Malaysia GP also have to wave bye-bye to pathetic life in hostel!
Andrew please grant me with your TV for a week puh-leeeaseee! *cross fingers with watery and innocent eyes*
I dun wanna miss out F1!
I got a strong sense that Alonso will hold the victory again this time!
Ferrari sien edi -_-
McLaren ok nia *grin* -_-
Renault rocks lah !!! *cheer* -_-
Btw,how bout the coming World Cup 2006??!
*Roar* I hate to see online website details which full of deadly static immovable still pictures which can't enjoy the excitement spontaneouly and cheer hoarsely in front of the idiot box doing real time live transmission!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!I know I will miss it for sure,life is cruel!!!
Well,AS mock in 2 weeks time and AS in not more than 1 month,*sigh*,what else can I ask for except for excel in the AS duo exams?
Watching live sports programme?Suitable amount might do me good but no over addiction I guess,I swear!I gotta will power...*I've got the power...!*
Still,ASs have to be the 1st priority above all.Farewell to all the nice programmes showing in 2006 mid year.
This feeling doesn't do me well.It sucks somehow but no doubt *again* ASs above all...
The only method to kill time for this time around : how bout bury myself in the world of revision books?Fuck it...
Should all the man out there show their manlihood by popular or stereotypical type of method which are 1) act like a total satyromaniac which vision is always being locked on girl's (*wink wink*) then drooling over it like a hungry wolf and 2)Smoke,drink,fooling around with tonnes of profanity hanging around their divine speech which at anytime reflect themselves like a ill educated person and resemble the dirty trend of "Ah Beng/himbo/pai kia/hooligan..."
If somehow they think that's the way to prove their manlihood,go FUCK their ownself will be my pleasure then.Oops...
It's like damn sien and sick lor...when u realise that all the guys out there are doing so hard(either they do as their own wish or forcing themselves,I dun even care!)to be someone else...come on lah!21st century already,whether it works or dun,I'm sure there are many better ways out!Gain some good personalities and positive characters...who says that u can't be the eye candy too even without an angelically good appearance?
Be urself!