Sunday, March 26, 2006

My birthday celebration!

Although it came a bit late but I appreciate it a lot!

Charles,Bee Tian and Janet celebrated my bday for me in Neway City Square yesterday.As they still try to be vy secretive but I noe edi lah...but then I got really no idea what they'll gave me cos we are already too click and close as even if they dun give any present I won't feel there's anything weird!And so,initially,Charles pretended to give me a smaller present wrapped nicely andI was asked to unwrap it on the spot,omg,it's a expired diet tea -.- and then Janet and BT gave me another which was wrapped in quite big a size.Then only I realised that they wrapped that with numerous layer of newspaper(thx to Hwe Cheng and BL's idea I think)...I unwrapped it until almost gone mad until I realised that the content is only a small packet of tissue pad with mosquitoes prevention feature(I think they bought tht from 3 dollar shop) :p...but of cos I dun think they'll be so mean...yea my instinct was rite...after we sang for 2 hours...they off the light and gave me a bigger present(the real one) and BT personally gave me another while Janet touching lor...!Thx ya!We actually didn't took many photo of it,and the dumbest and stupidest thing is I accidentally deleted all the photos took yesterday!Arghhh *clinch fists*.....I'm almost jumping mad about that but luckily it's only about not more than 1o of them we actually took!And very lame one of cos...nvm...I'll wait next time k?Wuahhahahah!THx a lot!

Special thanks to

1. Mr. Charles Yau Chao Yuen
2.Mdm. Tan Bee Tian

Thx for the pricey webcam that I'd been wanted for so long...

3.Ms. Janet Pua Hui Fen

Thx for the miniature "dream catcher" that came spontaneously
(although it lack of thing called sincerity...but thx anyway :p)

Those I've mentioned above,thx for making my weekend in JB happening and merry...thx a lot...although I know I don't decerve for it due to the sins I've accumulate from then 'till now!

4.Ms Kitty Lim Ka Yun

Wow!So coincident that we came back with the same bus today with you and Ah Chao...haha...really long time no see!You're getting prettier and prettier,while me remains,haha!FAT...-_-
Hereby,thx for your one-sliced of watermelon and a bottle of my fav. soya milk that came spontaneously during halfway through our journey back to KL.Well,I din prepare any for you though but c'mon,it's the heart that matters most rite?So I wish you a very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY again here!Next time remember to SMS to greet me,no need me to remind you again bah!Like I very thick faced like dat time you go back JB call me out lah!U see u came back last week oso without informing us,therefore,u'd been left out from the cheung-K list...haha!Although u have Ah Chao edi but then we are still ur old schoolmates/classmates/friends afterall...5 years oledi rite?Better cherish like any other things!

As u'd mentioned that asked me to go to Setapak(Genting Court in particular...) to visit u all the gang...well...I'm having exam for the next few weeks...probably...hmm...not at this moment!But I'm so surprise that I'm the only one in KL who haven't been to u all's place b4 leh!Walao eh...Heng Khai they all from Melaka oso came all the way and then Janet and Ai Yun oso came b4 edi...who else but me!!!I'm so alone that I still haven't realise!!!U watch out after my exam,I'll raid u all's hse upside down!*cross fingers*

Fei rite...!As if u all dunno me lidat?!!!Buahaha!-_-