Thursday, August 03, 2006

Retail Therapy(again...)

I went for slow walk in MV today all alone -_- ,so I take it as a form of diet la!I walked 4 hours non stop but still very energetic...dunno y and I dun feel like eating also!Aneroxia???Yes please...and stop at the rite time when I am around 60-70 kgs -_-

So by now,I realise that shopping alone can be very fun and nice.You dun have to worry about others thought,you dun have to accompany others to the shops that u dun like,you dun have to wait here and there, everything is under ur control...your own pace!Isn't it nice?

Oh yea,I saw one of the Malaysian Project Superstar(a reality show adopted from Sg shown on 8TV earlier) which is Xie4 Chen2 Wei3...that guy which also co-host one of the food hunting prog. "Ho Chak(delicious ala Hokkien)" with another girl in 8TV as well currently.Can recall?Anyway,he wore a thick black frame spec and leaning against the grip bar in front of MJ...then while I took a "non-secret" peep at him to double check his identity...he suddenly turned around and facing me and when he saw that I was looking at him he quickly turned backward facing me again as if scared I eat him or wat...c'mon lah...u think I wat?Fucking free issit like those idol-worshipping mui mui ah?Fuck off lah...u r not famous oso and ur hosting skill is as bad as my standard 1 classmates doing public speaking.Hell!Even I saw Amber Chia standing bside me at the cashier counter last time at TOUGH Times Sq. I also acted nonchalantly la...dun even wanna take photo wif her...jus stare at her high rise figure and admiring her...she smiled at me though *awwwwwww* bluek!

So now,tell me who r u to me and to all the national tv viewers?As trivial as particle of sands!U r lucky that someone gave u the chance to host that pointless and useless tv prog....I rather watch Tamil series than wasting time watching u.Nice foods will all turn bad as long as u describe them...I started to lose appetite once I see u,let alone the food!Pui!

Anyway,I spent like crazy just now in MV.I went to Topman(didnt buy any cos sick of it la...),FCUK(bought a super cheap basic tee for only 49.50), a super cheap double layers tee for only 39.50),Esprit(bought a vintage button shirt that I've been eyeing for quite long 119.50),ZARA(bought a very nice worn-and-torn denim jeans for 129.90 only!),Guess(not impressive also,stingy discount nia!),3.6(didnt buy any cos sick of it as well)!Like this can spent me 4 hours...time flies~

I went at 6 and came back at 10.30-_-with the feeling that my body is not belongs to mine anymore...legs turned jelly!FUlly exhausted...

Pocket dah berlubang now...gotta wait for August allowance edi!Not gonna shop anymore la...(I think la!)...gonna be thrifty and save money from now on until the end of my pre-U studies,keep for next year or end of this year Xmas sale la...seriously this time.I went for 3 retail therapies edi so far,scared edi!Spent almost 1K on clothes O.o

I still kinda remember that my AS result gonna be out next monday(the unofficial release)...but I started to feel numb about it.Afterall whatever has done,has done!No point crying over spilt milk(I hope my milk is still all remaining in the cup)...anyway who doesn't want gooooood result?If it comes in handy,then what's the point of study so hard since everything is in the distance of a stone throw away...get a life.Look into the future and stop looking backward!


Yayay,goin back JB tmr!!!But coming back on Sunday perhaps with bad mood I think cos still I gotta face the reality the next day...Gah!Fucking care!

PS:FHM 100 hottest females beach party is gonna held in Sunway Lagoon!Surf Beach gala!11th of August and entry tic. only 10 bucks...but too bad lor...I got A-levels ball on the same day...celaka!If Jessica Alba coming,I fucking care the ball also...