A season to .....
Problems and vexation...
I'm sitting alone couting down the days left to mock...apparently 13 more days only!
Progression on Law-(0%)
Progression on Econs(4 papers!)-(0%)
Progression on Pure Maths-(0%)
Progression in Statistics-(2%)
What am I suppose to do now?So laid back it seems!
A lotsa things happen around recently :(
But no doubt,mock and A2/AS are what most the thing that I'm worrying about.
Somebody please slap me hard at this point of time.What am I doing?Procrastinating?!
Supposed to finish off my Stats. homework yesterday but ended up hooking on shisha(so nice,mint + 2 apples flavour).I'd overlooked the curfew and stayed over in Eunique's place,crammed on a tiny bed...dozed off at 5 am I think.
Couldn't sleep,too tension and too much caffein (2 cigarettes,2 cuppa overdose coffees,shisha)...eyelids refused to reunite until the morning.
So dead like vampire today in class...brain saturated...saggy eyelids...heavy bones...jellied-legs!
Am I look like a person which soon going to sit for a life-n-death exam?Is it proper and adequate for me to potray a potential 'good grades' exam candidate in this way?
Fucked ans screwed everything up...
I'm gonna seriously work my ass off this time,dun ever come near to me until Nov. ends.