Wednesday, September 19, 2007


We went Ikea for lunch after my class, right after doing all the monkey businesses with the furnitures only to realise that Mich lost her phone :( super unfortunately cos inside the phone contains a lot of photos and videos of our now and then crazy footage which shouldn't be exposed! Fuck wei....seriously damn anal. Potong stim terus.

Memang malangnya today, mula-mula screwed Calculus test I (as usual la...all test screwed...roarrrrrr!), then came this party pooper who didn't wanna return the phone or at least send it to the customer service counter for lost and found. We lodged a report to the management though but to no avail la...hope the bastard or bitch who chanced upon the phone gets burn in hell, contracts STD and impotent for entire life, kena dumped or whatever it is, cos he/she so anal enough to switch off the phone immediately! We had sent lotsa SMSes to him/her, waiting for reply if he/she ever switches on the phone for good. Hope he/she does really has conscience about his cruelty sempena bulan ramadhan (if the fuckface is a Muslim). Otherwise, insyallah let him/her be anak jahanam and anak syaitan! ..........can't stop cursing.

I'm in bad mood now. Gloomy. Everything is going against my way :(

" No one dies a virgin, cause life always fucks you over " - Menaka June George (secretly quoted from her haha)

Should have opted for Intro. to Philosophy...Mr. Eddy looks promising, in terms of TEACHING.