MJ tote
A historical moment in my life I must blog about. I know it might sounds obsolete and 70's but at least been-there-done-there haha...
So last week before I went out for bowling with helpians, I saw one brown package in my mailbox (woot!someone might gonna took it if I failed to notice or wasn't in!), I knew it was my parcel! So I just grabbed it and stuffed inside my bag then off I went.
Anyhow,Tadah! I've got mail from another side of the globe in another hemisphere!
Priority Mail, a bit snail mail-ish but cheaper, it took about 1 week or less but still fucking not cheap, shipping+misc. altogether burned me around 15+ USD! EVEN MORE COSTLY THAN MY STUFF ITSELF!

Spent like 29.78 USD in grand total. Which is approx. RM 110! Not to say a rip off but I'm pretty satisfy with it.
The bottom line is, it looks kinda girlish and tad too simple (frugal) cos it is a tote afterall. But who cares? I'm gonna use it for shopping and gym. I'm always very environmental friendly and I detest retailers who give out plastic bags. IMHO, all of us should just carry our own totes whenever we do shopping. Global warming alert!!! Are you not aware of that yet?
All in all, eBay-ing was fun but you need to aware of what you buying as you might be caught in lawsuit later if there are unresolved disputes going on such as you agreed to bid something and once you won it, you are compelled to buy it and abide to the regulations otherwise have to settle with the seller personally off-policy. Beware of imitation goods as well and some stuffs are really not worth to buy. Some are cheap though. If I got the $ I'll surely go for more significant MJ or Paul Smith stuffs, irresistable! And the MJ tote is one of the cheapest piece of garments in Marc series. haha. Thus, I can afford for it lo...
Bulan September must have recorded the highest birthrate over the years, why must everyone born on September? That means coughs...se...coughs...xual...coughs...intercourse...coughs for reproduction is extremely high during December and January cos people might have already got their allowances :D . Digress....
Sempena bulan 9 wishing,
Yee Fei (9th)
Terence (11th)
Ben (11th) - both the terrorist guy
Cheryll (15th) - previously mistaken as 14th
Mummy (28th)
Hooi Ching (7th)
and all the anak-anak September...HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance or belated! It's the heart that matters most, not presents. Something I've been telling myself all the while...*smirks*