To every family, there will always be an indecipherable mantra (家家有本难念的经), a loosely translation from this piece of proverb. Get me?
I was happily tagging along my uncle's car back JB last weekend since I have not been back for months, so as expected, full of anticipations because sis will be around as well. So happy happy reached JB in about 3 hours with full lightning speed all thanks to uncle, we were all safe and sound anyways. Then, I headed straight to Grandpa's house, my grandpa is on his proccess of speedy recovering, we cannot be happier to know that. Grandpa has been more talkative (in a good way) lately, so we were kind of mingling at the living room before dinner started and I was in the room doing my mofo Calculus tutorial. Suddenly, my uncle shouted and there it goes, I knew another family war has just being flamed. Apparently, grandpa was hoping that all the family members can get along harmoniously and no conflicts between each of us. Well, a piece of good advice indeed, nothing wrong. My uncle, however, which I do not wish to go on about his "unique" personality, went all frantic and agitated. He started to shout and swear about some nice familiar words start from B, F and you-know-what due to some misunderstanding and big conflict between he and my another uncle that came into the ears of my grandpa. He felt that my grandpa should not know about this unless someone told him, he was dignified. Threatened to go confront with my another-uncle with his bull like anger. Of course, what we could do was just trying to stop him. As easy as it might seems, he called my mum later on trying to give her a piece of mind with unpleasant words, yelling on the phone he went like..." this is between me and my-another-uncle, can you just mind your own business? I know you always siding him...blahs" Mum was worked up, she couldn't put in any of his words into ears anymore and hung up. I swear my eyeballs just mechanically rolled inward into my sockets upon hearing that. Who is he to say all these? Firstly, he does not have credibility, his words are very feather weighted which usually do not amount to anything that can make us put in heart. We respect him as our uncle. That is all. After this incident, I would have to reconsider our positions and his.
Again, just now, mum called me, telling me that uncle was calling for another havoc again in grandpa's house. He ambushed at the junction nearby grandpa's house waiting for my another-uncle to come visit grandpa as my another-uncle does that routinely every weekend. When my another-uncle arrived with my aunt, he went amok, came down from the car, tried to strangle my another-uncle. Neighbours were all out watching at the free good show and of course they did try to retreat my anger-driven uncle. My cousin sister (another-uncle's daughter) called the police upon my family's premonition earlier on and police came to settle in the end ON TIME. My cousin brother (the anger-driven uncle's son) apparently was begging my cousin sister for not to report to police. In my case, I will be more than happy to report because who knows what on earth will this mad dog on loose do to the rest of the family?
Before the police came, my mum urged my another-uncle and aunt to take cover in grandpa house, then she locked the door in order to block my anger-driven uncle. Well, that was an obvious act of protecting someone from getting hurt, no wrong for doing so I guess, afterall we all just do not wish to see blood. He (the out of sight and out of mind one) shouted at my mum behind the door with some really uncomfortable to hearing words. Insinuating my mum and my family. Pointed his filthy finger right in my mum's and dad's face. Out of desperation, he tossed a random brick towards my another-uncle's car windscreen along with unceasing kickings to the car body. Thus, police report was made. Thanks to his deed, bring us "fame" around the humble neighbourhood. Smacked shits into his own face, he is a big disgrace. If he cannot ever get along with my family which prefers to be in neutral position all the while, for fuck's sake, go to mental asylum for he can find all his other peers around, which I very much supposed he can get along with them very well, VERY WELL.
Not only that, he has been telling shits about my choice of taking up ADP after A-levels in ICSJ. Incurring heavy wrath in me one after another. Do not even make me go on about his past, gamble addict, domestic violence, adultery, jobless...yada yada. He is the worst person, father, husband, uncle that I have ever met. I am seriously from the bottom of my heart, despise what he did to my family and upsetting grandpa. With all my family and my respects, I wish to draw a clear and blatant line between us. The most I can give face to my cousin brother/sister and my anger-driven uncle's wife which is my aunt, to be forcefully address him the everytime I see him, NO FURTHER. I am educated and intellectual with well parental guidance, my parents teach me to respect YOU even for what you have done to us. Salute to my mum and dad for they are so bighearted. We are so fortunate to say that we are not "kurang ajar" (lack of parental guidance) as what you always hang around your mouth to condemn people's children to trigger their mind then indirectly link to their parents fault. Now, look who's talking here? He is in no position to even start off the phrase because he strongly in need of a piece of honest mirror to penetrate his stubbornness and rowdiness that I hope it can really give him a CLEAR and HEAVY piece of mind, if not more.
I feel so not worth for my family, we entertained him all the while when everyone's walking out from his life. We heard all his frivolous rants, advices and all the know how's. We excluded his hindrances and hot-temperedness, still we had tried to accept him and give him a chance. Just so that it came to a point that he seriously had us thwarted badly. He has to pay for all these. We have done what we are supposed to point of opening our heart and let him in anymore I guess. He inflicted us, humiliated our hopes and goodwills. Lastly, hope he burns!
PS : I was not around for the police report incident because I was on my way back KL. Mum called me and told me all of these. And so what, I was there on the first day he turned mad. And did I mention he is mad regardless of what day. What a family tragic.
PPS : I am sooooooooo dead, Calculus test on Tuesday and public speaking formal presentation on Friday. Not even started a single thing on them. Imagine both carrying 20% weightage to my final assessment. Soooooooo gonna die, send me your early condolences in advance, I won't hesitate to accept them! Cos tooooooooooooooooooo dead already. ;(
PPPS : Just hoping that my mum and dad don't give much damn about it. It's so not worth even though they are being underappreciated. He is puny in our lives. That's it. And also, bon voyage to sis, take care along your way back to SH k?