Unproductive weekend
Went parasited at someone's place for past weekend, very unproductive, thought of doing homeowork but ended up hogging the bed more than 12 hours a day. Turned nocturnal on top of being an unwelcomed guest. How sad yerr...
See, it's been so long since I last posted the divine photo of me. So, in order to spice up my boring blog with a bit visual effect (not), I feel that I'm compelled to post some visual aids here. That my English is not powerful, entries are long winded and cheong hei without content and all about my ramblings/rantings, frivolous ones.

Happy belated birthday to Jessica Octaviani Kwee, don't be so depressed k? Looking forward to see you soon this holiday! Can't wait at all! It will be so weird to see you in Sg. Just like seeing Britney Spears turn up in my house toilet. Haha. I mean in a good way...ahem.
Before I went dead for impromptu speech and make up test later, sempena I still in the mood let me greet you peeps a goodnight sleep. Sleep tight and sweet dreams. I'm on severe caffein shot now, hell, only 1 packet of 3 in 1, getting so caffein intolerance these days. Class at 8am on Monday, as if not worse enough, rainy day. Therefore, it should well explained why I am down.
I'm gonna die so bad (u must have been wondering since when I'm not dead on this blog?), final's approaching, assignments/tests choking, friendship deteriorating, biological clock went cuckoo, heart freezing, $ draining, mood swinging, boring holidays ahead. Everything just went out of hands la.
Now, tell me honestly, does my blog looks better with the addition of 2 more photos above? *eyes wide open*