Final week ranting 2
We were having this petition in COM 11o class just now, Ben was asking our favourite lecturer Ms Kalai to teach English Literature on next semester but the amount of students has to be a minimum of 10 in order to fire off the class. But I didn't sign haha, cos my English sucks and lack of analytical mind to excel English Literature unlike the rest of them. Come to think of it, I can even screw my Calculus with ANALYTICAL Geometry II, so how far is it true you think? And I heard the purpose for make-up test is mainly to give us a chance to do well before the final assessment cos final exam will be a lot tougher, so they kinda open their Buddha's hand and bestow us with the chance in the sense that they foresee something bad might be happened ahead. Good, now I'm so anal, cos I screwed the make-up test, apatah lagi dengan I punye final yg disangka lebihhhhhhhhhhhh tougher than the rest of the tests. I think I'm going to temple this time.
Anyways, I went library after absent from that trashy place for months, you know la, ICSJ's library is just like a tiny enclosed place with one roof overhead and 4 walls surrounding. The size of each floor is equivalent to your house living room, soooooooooooooo tiny and I have to stifle a laugh whenever I go in, cos it's like a difference of heaven and hell between SyUC's THOL Library and ICSJ's library. Should I even call it a library or just a place with some books and study tables? So yea, I went to discussion room with Jasmine and Cheryl joined later, we studied kononnya. Then went BBQ plaza in Pyramid upon their spontaneous urge to do so. I finally went to Pyramid 2 but a lot of shops still yet to be opened includes J.CO Donuts. Diu! It says too good to be missed. *shrugs* So we went back without donuts but cream puffs :(
And I slept from for a good 10 hours from 7 pm to 4 am. Siao eh right? I can't help since my blardy bioclock insisted.

Jasmine insisted on taking this
Parting shoot :
The girls can seriously eat man, are hell little did I know that they are actually freaking foodie, especially Cheryl! She loves nice food like me and can drive alone all the way to Klang for Bak Kut Teh spontaneously. We love Korean food too which hardly got anyone share this sentiment with me except Susan. Duh!