700th - Curi Ayam
Can you believe this?
Can't say I'm totally smitten but heck, time really flies huh!
I swear, to organize this event is 100x stressful than having History test in Borges' class.
Howdy~there's a rodeo!
I apologize on behalf of our
kindergardencollege for putting up an infantile banner that didn't reflect the average age group of college's population. I think they hired some retards to paint it. Le sigh.
Sumo wrestling, pay to wrestle or be wrestled. Good source of emotional outlet if you encounter some cock sucking dickheads in life of late.
Qian Ning and Ah Sim who will be leaving for Montana this fall! I think they burnt that pot of spaghetti after this shot.
Us in really chippy looking bandana. And I've totally no idea why mine looks espcecially like those of China maiden coolie who came mencari rezeki at Malaya during war times ala 河水山. Yea I know my GAP tee has been worn too many times, no $ for retail therapy, obviously.