Orientation Nite post-post
I think these are the most I can post as of now because if I post too much photos of myself my committee members will surely sound me for makan ular (which I didn't). Haha. See the connection or not?!Kennard's band performance which I think he overly engrossed in his own playing. Blink 182 and heavy dose of pop rock simply not my forte.
We got Inti guards to protect us leh, and spot Juliet's double chins at the corner or not?
The crowd, quite a lot of people came considering the fact that the entire student population of ICSJ is only 2K plus. A world No. 1 champion Yo-Yo player from Japan was swinging her Yo-Yo at the runway on above pic.
Yan Ming's band performance. Ma ma dei only but Samuel's drumming skill is really second to none. Spot me and my miserable look at far right corner behind the board? Haha. I'm one of the men behind the success story of ON. Low profile is the way don't you agree?
Actually, I'm not really present in most of the photos taken that night (except for those taken accidentally, hogging actions and group photos) simply because I was extremely busy with my stuffs. Never eaten for whole day and never sat down for one whole day lo. Have to bear with the aftermath of afternoon incidence summore, remember my previous post about the unexpected storm that swept away everything?
Le sigh. A memorable night without photos to commemorate is just like body without soul, banana without skin :((
Honestly, I've noticed that I've written a lot of insensible remarks along the way of organizing this event. I swear I was so close to giving up but nonetheless I stemmed the tide. The moral of the story is jangan mudah putus asa! But being whiny a bit no harm right? You know my character la...