Rest. Weekend.
Wohoho, I skipped work today all thanks to the me who couldn't wake up on Friday morning. Sounds like cliche to you no? I don't know I guess I should just let pass the entire thing about fitting more moolahs in pocket and ready to see the world afterall that job is really bootless. I've learned nothing from it but sore eyes after hours of gluing those eyes in front of that tiny little world on the otherside called the monitor, and sore fingers from all the numerical data keying. I have excellent speed in typing numbers now (come challenge me!) but I think the longer I stick on to this field the higher chance of becoming a carbon copy of Carol Beer is quite high before long. Whatever it is, I still have 2 more days to report in on next week before I got unbound from the contract. What I'll definitely miss about this job is the colleagues, the SPAREST work schedule I ever encountered and well...the pay rate la, it's consider quite high in its kind compared to working as a Starbucks' barista or some really cheesy jobs that require you to work your ass off like donkey. So much for praising this job but I didn't reap much from it also la since I've been so lazy to work full time and rather spend my time idling in front of monitor or staring into blank at home thinking what should I eat for brunch/hightea/dinner/supper. No breakfast la of cos, how to wake up at that kinda ungodly hour, even if so, the only thing I'd think about upon waking up in the morning is to sleep for another 1 hour and usually it would gone up to another whooping 3-4 hours when lunch hour is already long gone. I love alarm with snooze function that's it and yes I got no life.
Speaking of life, my life ahead in 2009 is still pretty on the undetermined side. Part of me wanna continue with AUP but part of me don't. And bless your wisdom, the latter dominates. College life after Sunway is so dull and uneventful. I can't justify where the problem lies but there seems to be a little lump of problem blossoming somewhere around the pursuit of so called campus life or well maybe like what I used to say, I'm misfit just because I'm obnoxious afterall cos I eat more salts than they eat rice, no no no I don't wanna sound arrogant but it's just that the clique for me is missing and I'm the one who has all the problems to deal with instead of them. You know the organic relationship we used to foster with people around us during high school times is not there, none. We share tips, do assignments, discuss about tutorials, organize events, find break partners/go home partners, hi-bye etc. Things that bring us together are so mechanical that there's no room for liveliness apart from that to unfold. It's only confine within the boundary of college and matters pertaining to it that's all. Alright, I'm the one who's having this problem so I shouldn't be ranting any further to showcase my weakness in socializing. But seriously I don't really care that much since long ago and I have more important things to worry about. In that case, I probably won't be in this divine college anymore by next year so I don't really need any advance enrolment. Gonna sign and declare a 8 months break to AUP office for personal reasons, again damn mafan.
What I'm planning to do before I transferred is probably take up a serious Español course with formal assesments at Aula Cervantes. Haih if that's the case I may need to shift house again just like how someone whom I know described, 孟母三迁 (Confucius and his mother were leading a nomadic life for sakes of his educational well being). Sounds too heavy aye? Well you don't need to understand in any case haha.
N/B : I must take up my long desired PADI course this time no matter what. Nothing's gonna stop me already :)
Not sure whether those aforementioned ideas are of good ones but for sure I have got nothing to lose no matter what is the consequence. Don't you realize they are all value-added? Lovely isn't it? And EVEN IF I'm forced to do Orgo I and Bio II on January 2009 it will still be fine for me afterall my academic transcript is not gonna include this heavenly duo by the time I submitted my applications. Will it be a wiser choice if I take the both of them at the States instead? Perhaps a change of environment will do good on my studies which I believe it's valid after badly screwing my General Chem I & II under the same circumstance/people/place. Now I'm soooooooo regret of not putting enough effort in General Chem I & II back then as I was completely oblivious about them being my core major subjects and now that they are the obstacle of my college application process. Definitely not a good thing. I should just go and fuck myself this time.
The best thing is, my parents are totally cool about it. Well no bad comments from them so I assume that's it. What they stress is for me to really think twice before I made any determinative decision in fear of history repeating itself again which does not deserve a mention here since some of the people have already knew what's it about. Anyhow, I feel blessed but that's not gonna stop me from making long rants and endless complaints about college application process. It is the most tedious paperwork ever I swear. How should I kick off with my why-I-choose-your-divine-college essay and that part to fish for recommendation letter? I don't mingle around with lecturers/advisors and what's worst, my face is one of the most easily forgettable in college T.T. I know it's time to break the ice and pretend to be very close with someone whom I hardly even talked to this time. Ugh, a very shitty thing to do for the sake of future.
On a completely irrelevant note, Dido's new album is finally out after much anticipation. Well I think her fan base has shrunken and much of it migrated to Jem's or NB's. Still, she is fabulous although she's on the road less taken and rather low profile all these years but those are things that made her worth all the respects especially to those who feel helpless listening to songs of Beyonce, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears (wtf)...looping over and over again on air, don't you just wanna swallow arsenic so badly? Fret not, here's the light! I've been telling my friends how disgusting those radiostations in Malaysia namely Fly FM and Hitz FM for these two stations only designed to play songs by Rihanna, Beyonce, PCD, Metrostation, Akon, Pink, Chris Brown...not that they are bad but it's annoying to keep on playing it in each 30 minutes interval. Like hell no better songs to play. Don't they have some sort of policy to not to repeat on playing the same song within few hours at least like Power 98 and Perfect 10 in Singapore? Let's see, maybe radio media in our country has reached bottleneck? Now, even Mix FM is playing Rihanna's...*role eyes to the back of head*. Shallowness. And don't even make me started on Chinese radio stations which are tad too much of talking instead of playing songs and why must they be mainly of Cantonese medium and sometimes a little bit of Mandarin? It's so rojak and do they not know that majority of Chinese in southern and northern part of peninsular Malaysia can't understand shits about Cantonese? Bummer.My shallow conclusion for this album can only be narrowed down into one word : quiet. More for emo babies. See, she doesn't even appear on her own album cover! That little spaceman is so cute right? But does it reminds you of the beginning part of that "boom de ah da boom de ah da" commercial ad on Discovery Channel?