Tales of a jelly
You know what is the thing that all Malaysians could have done long ago but we didn't?
I know this post ain't gonna boost my bandwidth but I need all you people out there to prepare globs of fat and juicy maggots and DO THE RIGHT THING! Super volcanic now. The fucking connection hasn't been great ever since months ago and still persisting at no signs of getting better you see. What are we waiting?
On a heavier note,
i'm typing out this entry in flaccid muscles. Every force lay upon those keys now can be the one last drop of strength before I kicked the bucket. Therefore I'm risking my life to finish this entry, and youuuuuuuu are bound to read.
My studio assignment mark is very earth shattering. Uber disheartening. No more A I guess. And for the love of god, who the fuck care about art appreciation since it is there to ruin lives.
Oh and please don't invite me to any ENO-worthy meals anymore! I'm sick of the taste of ENO after every meal. And when was the last time I ate modestly? Can't fucking remember!
Life after final hasn't been very good so far, in fact, more energy needed to be consumed each and everyday which lovingly reminds me of the need to make a trip to the embassy tomorrow before 11 am. Totally blasphemous working hour where to find huh? Hate dealing with intricate applications as they make me wanna swallow arsenic so badly. Red tape is seriously driving me nuts.
Much of blessings, tomorrow is a longggggggggggggggg day. So as Friday. So as the whole of next week until the end of my 3rd liberation - TOEFL. Work work work, study study study, sleep sleep sleep, eat eat eat. Endless of shits. So much for leading healthy lifestyle but bah! Long gone.
I wish I was at home!
I don't like this place, it's so mierda!