Can't believe I'm still eating

My initial plan for today was very healthy. It started with hitting the long lost gym and the thought of having muesli + skim milk for dinner. Uber healthy, so to say. Halt the intake of fatty things and boost bowel movement lalala. Beautifully planned UNTIL someone called and cajoled for a Japanese buffet treat AGAIN. This is like the 12128748th buffet I had within a month. I vowed to stop, vowed to replenish the hollow in savings and I break those vows 1 hour after I made them. This is why I hate making whatever festival-driven resolutions that I know I won't stick through at the end. Now look, raw example right in front your eyes.
So, I'm gonna make not-resolutions (which IMO sounds better than making typical mainstream resolutions) like certain rebelled blogger I've been stalking since eons ago.
In 2009, I. WILL. NOT :
1. Splurge on unnecessary things like T-Shirt that cost more than RM 40 in order to save more $ for whatever I'll like to do (oi food is considered essential la).
2. Have so many meals ala buffet. SERIOUSLY.
3. Stop reducing my weight.
4. Buy LOMO cam (wanted to buy a Horizon or LCA but no time to explore and it's not essential afterall).
5. Look up to people who think they lead a perfect life. Mine's perfect in its own way.
6. Make new friends in college or through other mediums for the first 2 quarters of the year (getting to know a complete stranger at this stage is a hassle don't you think so?).
7. Consume so much shishas.
8. Leave home too much.
9. Whine so much about studies and life lor...whatever will be, will be.
10.Dine in Nandos and Shogun cos I just hate them especially Nandos.
That's all about it. I will sit back and cross my fingers to see how am I gonna keep up with each and every one of them.
The head of conspiracy : Tenji at Solaris Mont Kiara