Getting on nerves
I suspect Paypal is some kinda syndicate that will withdraw money from your bank account/credit/debit card without authorization and then earn a fortune from it. Ironically, they even go all the way trumpeting that they are the safest medium on their website (kononnya) but I just wonder how do they justify their claim when they can even let pass transactions that are obviously, if not too obvious enough, phishing scam and spoof? I have a Paypal account ever since 2007 just for the fun of eBay and has never remain activated ever since for quite some time UNTIL yesterday when I received 2 emails from sender saying that I have deals with a VoIP provider or something like that called Betamax which for the love of my life, I have never ever came across this company at all! So I thought it might be a spam or what that did not go into spam folder instead. Somehow, I could still smell something fishy in this matter and so I logged in my Paypal account to find out that they had restricted my account due to security purposes (apparently they found out there has been a third party trying to access my account, indeed accessed and completed the freaking transactions in matter without my permission at all). So I was told to change my password and security question again but then I couldn't close my account or remove my card because my account is in dispute (wth?). This is really not intelligent anymore in the sense that my account was being restricted for some reasons that I did not understand and worse of all, my card got charged for payment that I did not approve. Double jeopardy! As a result, I filed 3 angry emails over to sound and complaint about this matter as they needed proof of address in order to restore my account otherwise it will be a no-end. Heck, the only way to get proof of address is to send them a copy of any utility bill under my name + street address except mobile phone bill and online bill statement to prove that your are the resident in that particular street address you registered with them. Fuck these shits la, like hell I'm the one who's paying for all the utility bills back home 400 km away from where I'm residing right now is it?
I'm still consider a minor despite my age since I don't work for living and the like. Due to the extreme ridiculousness, I even called the bank at 3 am just to inform them about the fraud and luckily the amount is still pending by 3 am when I called. At last, they refunded the sum which previously debited in Euro into my Paypal account again but will put on hold until they resolved the matter with that stupid seller which means before this I will still lose an amount in my card to Paypal because I did not have stored value in my Paypal account all the while unless I request for withdrawal from my card which will be approved by the bank and Paypal of course. Yea, and that is what the extremely unintelligent bogus seller did and I do not know how the hell they manage to do this unless assisted by Paypal because this problem has been lying around for so long but Paypal still can't seem to work on that efficiently or may be intentionally overlooked. So if that's the case, it led us to the suspicion of JV where they share information with each other behind the curtain. I don't know. It sucks. I need to wait for another 30 business days just to allow the refunded $ being held in my Paypal account currently to be credited back into my card again. I seriously never made any purchase from Betamax at all you see. All these happened for nothing but their negligence!
Fine! I know I've swear upon my blog to whine a little lesser but look at those things that coming in to me one after another. But well I'm optimistic cos I'll be seeing it as a phase before all good things happen afterall! Surely there must be bounce back from the valley extreme of luck in the promising year of Ox, hopefully. Somebody just tell me can I get anymore unlucky in time to come?