Friday, September 30, 2005


Today u know wat?i actuallt gotten up late for class for 1/2 hour...and the first lesson today is Econ. i gotta test from it today!Actually i planned to wake up early today cos need to go to library to study for Econ(my econ starts on 9.30am)!so last nite was juz slacking all the way cos still think of using the extra one hour tomorrow to prepare for the test...suddenly it turn out to be like this...enter class mind was empty and blank totally...the answer i wrote all sucks like hell(short and pointless...all r like useless point i think that all are base on my general knowledge bu not the econiomic principle that the ans. is this!)...i even got myself 2 alarm clock to wake me up today today...but it won't work,proven it todAY!i think i need someone to pour a pail of water on my face in order to get me up from my dream if the problem exists...(i'll depend on u my roommate...:p)...

Today Pure Math class was as usually boring and Koshy was like not really happy cos we din do his homework.WTF,the amount he given is like hell lots and come to think of it uncle Koshy,u r not the only class we have...we still got Stat.,Law,Econ...which really require a lot of writing jobs!In addition,we r still rushing like hell for Malaysian Studies pre. this few recent to meet the due date!He even said that if whoever din do his homework are require to come to his office everytime earlier to finish if off!Ma de!Pun de!U think we r mighty ke?Can u just pick some some question out of that devil sheets?U know it is unlikely to be possible to finish the entire tonnes of questions(as the question r repeated with the same theory but just diff. form can be exempted mah!)...y so stubborn...i respect u bcos of ur seniority age (70+),my oldest lecturer...pls do do us some favour in return can?

My statistics still accumulating many homework,Next week gotta Law test again and assignment Econ today done really worst of all(really this time...i swear and i pledge...-_-) imagine 1/2 hour finish off 3 essays question,how possible can write good answers right?,Malaysian Studies power point presentation really messing and arousing me(the most...bcos of this my tempo/rhythm of efficiency in doing class homework was delayed and slow down 10x...please lah,spare a thought for us...we r human too!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bad thing comes in package...

OMG...this is the worst week of all my time in SYUC!Really tensed up by loads and tonnes of homeworks and assignments!I'm forced to do multitasking and slept at 5am everyday...imagine my entire week is like hell...insufficient sleep(averagely 3.5 hours per day)...pure math tutorials accumulate like mountain high...statistics all messed>forced to study bcos test and assignment flooding!I really did bad for law test today.My 1st question only answer for 1/2 page with only few inconsolidate points scattered on my paper...i can sense that this will be my worst result for law!

Tomorrow is ECON. test,actually supposed to have this test on Wednesday,but class majority wanna postpone it to Friday...wasted my time the day before cos i was like studying like hell...and abandoned my statistics homework a side...!wtf really tired sial!hope i won't collapse in college...i can't imagine that scene happened in Inti repeat in here...totally embarassing...if that happen i think i gotta leave SYUC haha!*smirk* -_- not funny at all k,i'm serious this time!

This time around really quite a pressure when GP class,cos i got the some kind of strange feeling that my lecturer has something bad to say about me but she just coudn't bring it out...i can see from the glimpse from her eyes that she don't want me to be in her class anymore just that she can't do anything on me currently T-T.
Maybe no longer from now she'll see me in personal and persuade me to transfer back to the English class which i came from...*sigh*...blame who?

So stress out...cos next week gotta do Malaysian Studies presentation and i gotta do power point presentation all by myself(although i really illiterate in this!) but afterall the hard copy is mostly done by me alone...i need to extract some points from there to put on for presentation but i really worry my mate can't handle it cos only me that knows what i'm doing and what i desire for the presentation thingy!That's y to ease my worriness,i gotta D.I.Y by myself.I should have give up the works to everyone so that we all know what we are doing instead monocrating myself!
Arghhh...again,blame who?!

Exam is around the corner...i really don't have confident in all my subject especially law and GP...Math i'm quite concern too...!

GOd!Please give me more power to get through all these!


Killer dolphin?

"As though the people of New Orleans had nothing else to worry about, news is that there are killer dolphins on the loose. This may sound weird but there are military dolphins that may have been released to the wild and they are trained to shoot darts that could put a diver to sleep (and possibly drown in the process). So if a swimmer or diver looks like a spy or terrorist in a wet suit, they aren't going to be happy when they face the dolphins."

Would it be possible?The world is so big,maybe next time all the animal will be trained accordingly!Maybe they can train birds too?So that when bird discover any sense of terrorist in the sky can immediately shoot down the suspective aircraft or something?And then,we don't have to sacrifice human's life right?Wtf,they are really abusing animal and misuse it if really happens...WWF or other animal protecting organisation should be aware of this issue...!Human is getting more horrible...animal gotta suffer! And don't be surprise that next time when a bird fly into your house and shoot on you..."beware of bird?"



Oh ya,heard that Firefox 1.0.7 is released,so Firefox user can update now!
Update to 1.0.7 version!

There is also a 1.5 beta version of Firefox...go try out too!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang


Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.
You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.
You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!
A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

Found this things from my college mate's comment on this...

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.
Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!

Hmm...good suggestion but i prefer French or Korean...but knowing that Spanish is used as National language for most country in the world...can give it a me ames y to...quer sera sera...crapping here!

Your Career Type: Investigative

You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.

You would make an excellent:

Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian

The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.

Omh...means tht i'm not suitable to be lawyer(a bit rite cos i hate law in my course)...should i bang my head on the wall...again asking me to be Meterologist(last time when doing career counseling test oso came out the same result plus a medical technologist...)wtf...Mathematicians...are u crazy...i sux in numerical things!anyway ,i wanna be a clinical psychologist which i'm not in doubt of it...!i did like to investigate and research but the job seggested quite peculiar...dunno y all scientific job...against what i'm doing in alevel now...sigh!should i go back to science instead?round n round n round,again n again!

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

am i that bad?that means i'm not competitive?

You Are 23 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

means i'm little bit mature...but i think i'm more to immature stuffs...haha!

You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.


Your Inner Child Is Scared

Like a kid, you tend to shy away from new experiences.
You prefer what's tried and true - novelty is scary!
New foods, new places, and new friends are difficult for you to deal with.
Some say you're predictable, but you enjoy being comfortable.

wow...this is 100% accurate so far...

You Are 70% Boyish and 30% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

nowaday is hard to find 100% boyish characteristic rite?

Your Hidden Talent

You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!


You Are a Punk Rocker!

When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules
You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man
You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona
You scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!

i appreciate punk a i hate hip hop the same time!

P/s...i really dissappointed with the result of Malaysian i feel that Daniel don't have the feature of idol...although he did possess many music talent but he can't sing anyway...tht's the drawback...but tht is the most crucial thing we concern about...really Malaysian Idol not woth for a watch...American Idol is so far the best...IMO...
Daniel maybe won over by his young fan base(those little girl...or err...guy)...but his vocal really weak...i like Farah the most but she is out on the second last round...she is considered as the 2nd runner up...hope will release album!...but this is just a singing competition,pls make it more simple...ppl will get annoying if everything going on on them looks complicated...juz felt that it was not right enough dunno y...!i really get irritated when ppl cry...angry...sad...or whatever turning of emotion on them...really makes me unease...but just don't watch it will do anyway!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Everybody's changing...

i want simple things...simple life...simple car...simple house...simple mind...simple attire...simple phone...simple spec...simple friend...simple food...

why can't we just back to simple,back to basic...maybe our life will be longer...?

the fact is the situation doesn't allow me to do life changing like stage to another...

me from simple minded kid become a mature thinking teenager...

i think i'm not mature enough 'cos i got many things arousing my mind...i can't arrange them and digest them...

all happen to stuck there...i mean i always take something very serious eventhough that thing is just as simple as it if something challenged on that thought...i'll started to become misery and desperate...i can't bring it down...always take it to heart!

that's why all the simple thing accumulate and turned into a complicated form...or new element which i need a simple way to dissolve it...

actually the origin of my mind is very simple just that my interpretation is down...

since then i'm really worry about my future life turns miserable ever since i enter art fact i don't like memorizing...why give those law a damn...i really can't figure out the simple principle of economy which bond to another principle...this and that...if really i can't excel both...what am i really good in?seems that i'm just sux in everything...if after my pre-U i go back to science degree that means what i'm doing now is a waste...but other than that i really don't know what field to venture?i don't like business,i felt that law is quite boring to me,economic is so so,criminology(i don't even know what it'll study and what prospect...) the end what will my subjects help me in?i should have think a simple way just continue with science in earlier...what am i complicated...i'm changing from inti to sunway...changing my phone...changing my way of thought...i'm a 3/4 perfectionist to be frank!it'll be worse if i'm a absolute of it!my future seems dark again...

it is so annoying that when u demand for everthing but ended up in nothing...blank...u'll realise these all are not what u really need...ur eyes and minds are playing fool on u...u r caged and illused by ur immaturity & foolishness...what u want has not turn out..........think deeper.....look further.......u'll realise someday...will it be too late?beats me i dunno...

am i too weak ? can't take up challenge or trying to escape everytime...?...actually i am i confess...but what i did i just want a thing called 'simple'...

Friday, September 23, 2005


Today is parent day for A level...due to my parent won't be i juz go back JB...2nd time in this month!So happy when in JB...bcos free from my studies and homework!and then 24 hours online...woohoo can sleep as late as can,wake up as late as can...(this wat i usually do!)

But i actually bring some works come back to do...the Malaysian Studies assignment(senseless).If possible i think our presentation will be next week...thursday...i wanna finish it asap!Cos i wanna use more time to study other subjects!

Now,i'm thinking of changing new phone...wanna change to Samsung and depart from my Nokia 6670 now...but gotta wait the price for D500 fall more cos no money or else gotta buy E810 or E630 which not so hi-tech wise one lor...and also the size too small!i dun like small phone...too girlish and dun hav the sense of satisfying..kekeke!

Our GP mini debate is on monday...i'm the judge(fuk!)...still gotta do research on the topic they are debating...the hell is i dun even understand the topic myself...the topic is something concern about LAW(*blink*),but unfortunately haven't teach that topic yet...-_-! is about should we make the jury system available in Malaysia...for the sake of more equitable justice...! again!driving me crazy!JE asked the judge to do research bcos she wanted us to know what point should we expect from the speaker(debator) to said...holy shit!

i maybe will move to condo hostel after finishing this sem. cos my current room(2 share) quite small and the air stucked...poor ventilation!So asked to move to single one...but dun wan expensive!the price of that i can rent a whole house in JB per month!So maybe will just take the also 2 shared type without aircon lor...cos eventhough condo's rooms are way more bigger than apart. gua!and then there should be cleaner and brighter unlike house of dead :p!summore a unit only 6 to here 8 person...if everyone are morning class then sure will be late cos those that are inconsiderate will dunno doing what hell inside the toilet for so long...others right will be diminished(law?)...and then their study room oso not like study room noisy...n ppl occupied there to sleep summore!cos no air con,when weather hot......imagine!i encountered this way back to the haze period!damn crowded inside...tht's y i went there once and nvr ever again lor!


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Human Rights Act 1998

After finishing the topic 'Introduction to Human Rights' something flash across my mind...the issue of Homosexuality...although i know this is a case sensitive topic and many of those in 'closet' try to avoid this as far as possible but this is not about avoid or to face it,it is about the breaching of your right!I really despise those that look down on those queers and i'm totally agree with the legalized of homosexual relationship...although we know that it'll against the so called "GOD's" will and some might even think that how are they suppose to continue offsprings,to conceive children or even they have children...what are the effects to their children if they do think of adopting one?

Well,i can say that these are not considered as the major drawbacks as not much of them really adopted children in the society now...and even though those normal family with 'straight' parent do have problems too(eg. abusing,neglecting and many more)...and family/child violence rate is increasing tremendously year by year...what can you say about that?

First of all,let me point out few countries that legalized homosexual marriage: UK,Australia,Netherland,Hungary,Czechslovakia,Canada,

Countries that illegalized homosexuality: obviously the Malaysia,Singapore,Myanmar,some Indian subcontinent due to the Victorian British influence in these countries!

Well,let me talk about is very disappointed that in the light of Malaysia’s poor human rights record,a consenting gay relationship is punishable by up to 20 years jail plus flogging and this is probably one of the harshest penalties for gay relations anywhere in the world.

Look at other countries like Canada,Ireland or even UK...they do even have Homosexual MP,Cabinet,Minister or other politicians...despite their gender or sexual orientation,they have good brain with strong capable like normal people what's wrong with them,our former PM Dr. Mahathir?(For your information, he had threaten to expel the British minister from visiting our country if the particular minister does visits here with his partner)...I mean,this is people own privacy why bloated it out to the stage of politic and makes the situation so bad?We should always look on the inferior of a person right,'Do not judge a book by its cover'...sometimes 'he' may be more capable than any of the govt. servants....which one of his brain is equal as 100 of those ineligible,incapable and inefficient govt. servants k!We care as long as he can do his jobs well!

Takes the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) stated in the HRA 1998 that it would not allow countries that violated the rights of lesbian and gay to enter the EU......and the fact has proven that EU countries that legalized homosexuality are more advance than us in many way!Because they respects the human rights!

We should accept the fact that they are not born with it naturally...just like the the probability that a person which is born to be right or left handed...the theory is the same whether XXY or XY chromosomes is relies on destiny!This is what scientist still arguing about till now.But on the other side,the extremely anti-homosexuality religion like Christian,well,i respect what the bible had thought on Christian that relationship between the sexes are supposed to mirror the relationship between Christ and his perfect bride but think of other side that we are all wrong doers k?nobody's perfect in this world...and we are very much in need of God's daily grace,help and forgiveness in our lives to enable us to become more like Christ right?You should show love and compassion towards them(although i think they don't need it cos they are as normal as a human being...they practically won't need this) on behalf of Christ!Because it is possible to come to believe that god has made us physically and intends that we are fulfilled as he made us right?

So i think homosexualites should not be discrimated,even though they seek for marriage 'cos the law has never asked that a man to prove his heterosexuality in order to marry a women!Or even though you force a homo. to marry a straight,what will you think the likelyhood of the consequence?Will there be a happy marriage like this,maybe they'll also ended up is tragic,its hard to say though!

In the USA,they have the Anti-Discrimination Rights(under the division of Civil Rights movement),in EU thay have the ECHR to protect the rights of Homo.,now the question is when will Asia come out with a similar Act in considerate that Asian are mostly consevative and always avoiding such issues...face it,don't escape!Hibernating all this issues will only make the situation worse!

So,this time around if you happen to encounter a friend telling you he/she is in passion with peer/queer ,please don't stay away from he/she.Counsel him/her if she/he really need advise,if ppl started to alienated him/her bcos of that will cause him suffer from mentally torture or will most likely to end up with committed suicide!

Or if you are walking along the street and saw someone who is crossdressing or doesn't looks like what his/her actual gender tells(transsexual,transvestite...) don't give them a queer eye...when you come to think about girls can dress in baggy trouser,T-shirt,sneaker,cut her hair like a man-like....why can't then a man dress in female attires?Why double standard?....if u tell me it doesn't feel alrite,tell me why do you feel that?Can you really tell?

This is a fact that even a sociologist,psychologist or scientist can't give an absolute answer...what makes you think that you should come out with a conclusion?Let the nature be nature,homo is something that happen on earth billion years ago,only that they discovered it after we came to our 'sense'!For your information,there are a whole loads of historical person that is a homo like Hypocrates,Tchaikovsky and many of them in the Ancient China Dynasty,Ancient Greek,Rome Empire,Nazis,Graeco-Roman....................................u name it they'd have it!

In conclusion,Homosexuality is a question of the chicken or the egg come first.Nobody really knows which come first,the diffrence in brain structure or difference in sexual orientation!So before w get the absolute answer,why don't we open our heart and mind to accept this?

Everybody got the rights to live in this society,we are equal and no distinguishing...

So as for homosexualites!Their rights can't be diminish or derogate!!!

Respect the others as to respect yourself...

(Credits : A-level's Law,ELS' topic )<-----this topic inspired me in writing this,so as to GP that also bringing out my sense in writing this...i'm writing this on social point of view...not personal feeling

Friday, September 16, 2005

Malaysian Studies

Next week gotta hand in Malaysian Studies assignment and then do the presentation...


What is the use of Malaysian Studies?
I thought our 5 yrs of Sejarah education in government's knowledge is enough?
Students that formerly from government's school should be familiar with the syllabus cos there are totally the's like something we learned in lower secondary...

If it's purpose is to nurture patriotism-ship y should they use this way?
I thought NS service is a better way?

Ok,let's say if it is meant for international students or O level cert. holder(localites from International School)...y don't let those SPM/STPM cert. holder get exemption from it?Or at least let those that get C or above in Sejarah get exempted like BM does?

I thought most MALAYSIAN are patriotic?

I thought our education system had provided sufficient of patriotic's knowledge since we celebrate 1 month of MERDEKA,sing patriotic songs everyday(during Merdeka month and every assembly),sing national song(everyday),pledge on every assembly...

I thought Malaysian all very patriotic since many of our so called 'patriotic'citizens stuff up KLCC Merdeka countdown party,Putrajaya parade,Merdeka Square,disco, celebrate Merdeka almost every year...

I thought many of citizen hanging up the 'jalur gemilang' during Merdeka month at every public's or private's premises...?

I thought during merdeka month the Malaysia Book of Record crew will be very busy?Cos many of them are busying doing something 'breakthrough' like longest flag,biggest cake,largest flag...the most...the extreme...

I thought if we plant more Hibiscus in our neighbourhood would make us a patriotic citizen?

I thought if we armed our vehicle with 'jalur gemilang' shows us a patriotism passionate?The best if when we can be able to arm more flags or biggest flag on our vehicle...

I thought if the sentence 'aku cinta negaraku' or 'malaysia boleh' become our mantra,we will automatically known as patriotic citizen?

I thought if we can shown patriotism by buying proton/perodua,watch TV1,2,3(instead Astro) local product?

I thought those politicians(practically a liar) says that if we join the arm forces or police troops,we will then be a 100% patriotic citizen.Inversely,we will be treated as treacherous/traitor?

I thought if we support the ruling party(BN)...we will be standing in the same 'barisan' of our nation,legitimately means stand by our nation?

I thought if we come back here to expand our career or start off with our career after graduated,we are the group of patriotic citizen?

I thought if we sent our children to Kebangsaan school or Sekolah Wawasan,we and our children will qualified as patriotic citizen?

If we get as many A's as we can(the best is straight A's)...we are the hardcore patriotic student!


Do they know the real meaning and value behind 'patriotism'?
Which one is more essential the exterior or the interior?

We need substantially and practical action right?
We don't need others to tell us how to be patriotic...we are indirectly contributing to our country.
We are not that superficial...maybe we are not that 'semangat'(vitality) in chanting 'Malaysia Boleh','Wawasan 2020','XXX negeri ke arah negeri canggih'...and blah blah blah but we know how to implement it by our strength not our oral or verbal...

We are not that shallow anyway!
We won't be satisfied or self-pleasured just by shouting the slogan!

Be sober...wake up please!


Haiz...really no mood this week lor...cos class resume as usual!2 MONTH ++ TO GO=eXAM...hoho!Then really dun feel like wanna talk to anyone around me the first day so moody...!And then Tuesday,supposed to go to UKM for the launching of Kelab Rukun of their U...but last minute din go cos can't wake up on 6:30 am('s after meridian)....cos we need to like gather at 7 am at foyer!Who cares Kelab Rukun of UKM?Not my concern anyway...and their speech i heard was in BM...pity those international student that forced to go!

OMG...i actually failed my GP test which i dun even noe tht was a test actually...cos we already knew the question b4 tht but i thought juz normal essay writing then i dun give a damn for it...who mispreparation leads me to an E grade (40%)...fuk...summore got critized by JE said that my Englisg is very poor should juz get my ass back to the IELTS see me in personal for once and next week gotta see her 1 on 1 again...omg!what a misfortune!Summore y'know what she wants to see me this thursday...ok well i went as she wish on 8 am(my first lesson starts aat 8:30...since i live in hostel...i dun mind coming earlier..)but it turned out that she asking me to come tomorrow cos she said she needs to mark many essay...(means no time to 'entertain' me)...what the hell...feel like wanna jz go to the toilet and pick up poos and smack into her face ...holy damn shit...stupid hypertension me to meet her up so abnormally early but yet 'let go aeroplane'...with the fucked up reason...haha luckily Friday i din go to see her as she wants cos i slept at 5am...i did set my alarm clock but i press it off and continue to sleep...when i woke up is already 9 am...hoho...then i thought Abang oso nvr meet her up but at the end he immediately went to apologize...and luckily she said she doesn't feel well today nvr mind...(but yea she did meet Abang up and discuss the essay wif him....)if i go wif Abang she could be using 15 minutes on me and 15 minutes on Abg...but now...since left me alone i think she will wanna takes 30 minutes as she said to 'teach me lesson'....actually don't really like first felt tht her class quite fun cos she is 'humorous and nutcracker' but as time pass...i boring and sick of her class...what i felt funny last time is now craps...talking all those craps and bad criticism...which not please to heard of!GP really...i'm getting more and more fed up of it...cos every lesson r the same thing..."talk" least she should give us example of essays or hand out...but know wat...since i'm in her class till now...nvr ever receive any notes(not even a single piece) from herrrr!....She is da "BEST" !Disguise herself as if like a lenient teacher but inside is a devil...always talk about her almighty god Mr Jesus Christ...always gives 'Christianity' point of view on the facts and comments tht actually need social/facts/rational point of view...hello ma'am we r GENERAL PAPER ok?Facts...u get me is da FACTS...!It is not Religious Studies or Moral Studies...wake up...i don't wanna hear u talk about bible...god...10 commandments anymore...i want current issues k!Pls do what Mr Leonard did...gave out notes and hand out...he gave us the handout which are talking about the bomb blast in LONDON...which is so called the 'CURRENT ISSUE' and from there top down to discuss about humanities and social perspectives...which makes GP livelier...!I noe GP class is meant for english freak but tht doesn't means tht a person can't xcel in eng. can't even hav critical thinking too...i really dislike those person tht laughs and jokes about those sensitive topics like homosexuality,things about sex and so on...jz can;t stand them laughing all the way until the class end...ok well maybe they r really Eng. excellent ppls but tht is not the essence of GP..GP need to think wise and rational and mature...what they noe as most of them there r o level graduate which only 16,17?They still not mature enough to think...they can't talk and give good comment easily but they can't think...cos they think by their mouth not brain...!Listen up there,brats!i got really overwhelm and work up with all these!my bloods boiling...!if exceed my limits...u all will be sorry 4 that!including JE...!

Ok...let's forget bout those unhappy incident...!Today went to Borders again bought many good books and some feng shui stuffs as my luck not tht good recently and few little other things which design are really creative and somewhat special(tht's y i bought it...hehe)of cos cost me a bomb but luckily i manage to get sponsorship...hehe! will be happier after monday(monday gotta meet JE at 8 am again) and then monday i think gotta write our very 2nd GP essay(which duuno whether is a test or purely exercise...) oh life!

Friday, September 09, 2005


Today,guess what...i'm 'letting off aeroplane' cos i din go to Redbox...Know y?I can't slept the whole night yesterday and i slept like 8am in this morning(tht's rite 8am...fuk)...then my appoinment was at 12:15pm but then gotta wake up early to get ready and take cab left only like 2 1/2 hour of sleeping time!Mana boleh might as well juz call them to enjoy themselves without sad(actually my heart was there,i did think of going...)but bcos too tired and no transport car and then my father was at Senai at the time i call him...then haiz...gotta missed them all!

Again Maxis server down today i think but not their network coverage(last few day) is their website( ) know y i wanna check on the website?It's bcos they got the fuking problem on their service (caller ringtone>Rm3 per month) again...lame!i jz received a msg today from maxis saying tht 'ur caller ringtone will not be renewed due to insufficient credit in ur account'....%%#$%&^ holy damn!I encountered dis prob. like last few month back(when still in Inti.),and look at them now the problem come again...and still gotta same symptom tht their website will not work when this prob. arise...........fuk them!wat happen to them?fuk!I called the operator last time it's like talking to a crappy useless bum!totally crap...thay can't help u cos they only according to their com....if their computer is fine but urs is not working then they will said not their prob........and then still gotta charge u for Customer Service Hotline....yet get poor service...Maxis u gotta lose many subscribers in out!piss off...their website(hotlink) 9 out of 10 times u log on will be down....really perpetually down sindrome i think...-_-!geram betul!plz fixed ur service 1st b4 u talk about 3G...Maxis!

Today really no mood reluctant and gloomy...cos u know break gotta end soon.Tht means i gotta go back to SYUC again...summore there are many tasks waiting for me(test,exam,presentation,tutorial...)

p/s i really dun feel like going back sunway(i'll be going back tomorrow!-_-)...but won't be straight heading to Sunway instead will go to my relative hse 1st then will be going back hostel on the following nite gua!fuck!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Today supposingly should went for steamboat but spontaneously 'they' suggest to go REdbox instead...the time was like already 5pm...then went to ask the price rate...luckily my frens were wearing school uniform so we gotta discount and paid student price(although i did bring my student id too!but noo...jz dun felt like wanna show it to others...bleh!)...then everybody deal wif it...i can make any offence though...!F**K...but actually i really keen on tht...:p!So we pay like 23 bucks per head and enjoy 2 glass of drinks and voila...we got a buffet meal!Although the food provided were just so-so...but we seldom enjoy buffet in Redbox at this rate cos this is the 1st time we(exclude me) went in school uniform at tht time being!kk!Well,i made about 6,7 round to the buffet altar and stuff myself like hell until i can't even sing...haha!But quite worth consider!OMG my diet plan failed since the 1st day i went back JB....this is such a wonderful place...hommie!Oh ya,actually i was quite reluctant to go Redbox today cos tomorrow i gotta go Redbox again...phewww...i got no more voice lah...!Cos tomorrow Y.Fei bday again ask us to Redbox...awww gotta continue fuk...!But since we so difficult to get Y.Fei to invite us to Redbox,i accept the invitation without any doubt...boh pien mus give face eventhough damn tiring...i sang and eat until like 9pm today...then tomorrow i'll meet them at hmmm...well...jz go...!T_T!cos after this break i think i won't be coming back JB so often cos many test and exam ahead lah...!yeah...did i mention is da EXAMMMMMMM!Gosh i'm totally not looking forward to any day after my 1 week only break!Holy damn!gotta stress out!arghhhhhhhh...liak gong!

got really nuthin to do yesterday so jz did dis cut & paste thingy....

"Nothing special to grab ur attention"

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Wow,so impress by the performance of those candidates that participated in the Sentosa International Varsity Debate!They are now going on the qualified round only(shown on Channel News Asia in Singapore),this competition was held in Sentosa(Singapore)...So far i'd watched the debate between UNITEN vs Moscow State University (UNITEN won!...their performance is most impressive!) and today's Nat'l University of Singapore vs University of Electronical Science and Technogy China(China won!....Sg very disgrace as their top Uni. losses to China...blame on their poor performance and overconfident gua!)...i'm looking forward to see UM's round!

p/s: Hong Kong Disneyland is opening soon 12th Sept....tht is i think the most affordable Disneyland gua...cos
air ticket to HK quite cheap!Compared to Japan($$$) and US!


Today supposed to go Neway at 1pm but this morning Charles called me and told me that they prefer go for steamboat than Neway.So gotta cancelled our Cheung-K plan...afterall this Friday Yee Fei's birthday we gotta go Redbox might as well don't go today lor...!Hehe,i hate to say that if we go Neway at 1:30pm sure got nothing to eat one...summore normal charge y'know!

Omg,my ulcer is really killing me!So pain,whenever i eat,or do any movement on my lips i can feel the pain cos the ulcer is sooo big and is bleeding when i squeezed it!Omg disgusting betul!Arghh...i wanna eat spicy food but once i ate my ulcer will be like burning...really torturing...damn!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I want....!

I want better looking but i was born to be like this,i don't dare to put new element into my outfit too;

I want to reduce excessive weight but my absorption too good,i can't resist when the foods are in front of me;

I want to be taller but restricted by my weight,anyway i'm not interested in playing basketball either;

I want to learn Violin but give up halfway cos wanna further my studies,my brain is saturated too;

I want to make more friends but i'm not socialize enough,people seems avoiding me too;

I want to be a debater but i not good at express my feeling,my mind doesn't react that fast too;

I want to do bungee jump but no chance to go to New Zealand,i guess my leg will turn jelly before i jump:

I want to be Biochemist but i don't like Bio....,take physics instead!hmmm...nope..i dun wanna be engineer;

I want to be Lawyer too,but eversince i study law...LLB = Lullaby...put me to bed;

I want to be more knowledgeable in many things but end up none!

I try to play sports & games but i'm sucks in all!Yeah...that's right "all..."

I want to be a perfect individual but they said "Nothing is perfect in this world"...

I want this and that but none of them i can get,i want everything but end up getting nothing!

Do you know what lies beneath the smile i put on my face?

Is this life?I thought life is i too naive?

Breakthrough!!!When can i breakthrough the brick wall in front of me...?

Am i asking too much or should i made my desires simple in order to make it happen...

But then if i'm doing so,am i lying and betraying my ownself ?

What a paradox phenomenon is it?So sad but true...i'm the only one who knew that!

The path is there...waiting for me to walk on.

I need someone who can lead the way...

Anyway to be or not is up to me...the map to the pathway is holding in my hand...

All are waiting for me to unveil and discover...


Hey,just found some cool site here to enjoy with others:

This IMVU is a IM service which in 3D(animated avatar)...something like HABBO HOTEL or GAIA...but nvr try b4...sounds quite interesting but still now on beta testing.Anyway u can sign up here:

This is a government website(DBKL-Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur) means City Hall of Kuala Lumpur which in charge of the public services in KL.They actually provided a website for real time traffic information in KL as u all should know tht wat KL famous for...!So check this out b4 u went
on the road:

Well,those that shy but yet aware of ur little sex organ pls visit hear cos many info for u to find out!Malaysian education really lack of Sex education...tht's y the rapists are growing rapidly...girl can oso check out too!Be concern bout it,cos it is not only juz bout u but ur future!,forgot to say that this site is in Chinese only meant for Chinese literate!Sry!

Here's some interesting things happened at the playground of Nanyang Technological University, prepare...dun get scared! video clip) (info web about this incident!)All in Chinese only!

Here's some flash for those who like to quit game during the Warcraft DotA

NTV7 broadband live

Dining etiquette facts around the

Lovely flash

Maps collection of

Online virus scan for those who dun wanna install anti virus to scan

Online ,

Hosting for video and flash upload,diff. from photo bucket or imageshack cos it can host vid n flash:

Museum of Unnatural Mystery,nicee:

A maturity test.For those who is immature or over mature come here:

Connection speed provided),,, all can test ur connection speed...esp. for Streamyx user tht always encountered Streamyx GOOD service network!

A good collection of childish flash games,if ur felt nothing to do then come here to pass time haha:

Actually i spend my whole day looking for these stuff,cos i seldom pay attention to wat my frens sent me on Email...therefore this time around i check my mails and discovered all sorts of interesting it up to let others enjoy!

p/s...i wanna change my blogskin to other theme(oso ayu one)but soo lazy to do...can anyone tell me a more easier way to do it?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Kim Tae Hee

She is the most beautiful and cute contemporary Korean actress ain't she?She is starring in the recent drama 'Love Story in Harvard' and sometimes ago 'Stairway to heaven'.............She is...ladies and gentlemen...'KIM TAE HEE' !

Nu Skin talk!

OMG...what a torturing Sunday!I had to accompany my dear'o sister to Singapore to listen to Nu Skin talk...really sick lah!Totally no interest in MLM(multi level marketing) sales!And not to say cosmetic and skin care(dermatology) and hair care(trichology) related product!The talk r like only meant for few ppl which had done a great contribition to Nu achieved sales target and good performance award or stuff like that!Totally not my concern...fuk!And most ppl attent are like those upper class ppl(this is Singapore!)wah,LV,Chanel,GUcci here and there!Hate this...need to put on fake smile and act high class!Might as well just wear a mask?...summore the centre is in Tg Pagar damn far and yesterday still like raining cats and dogs...felt like bury myself under my fluffy pillow!My mood was damn gloomy yesterday...felt like giving those ppl there a good punch!omg!Then my very clever cousin missed his way when we wanna drove back to JB...went all the way to Marina BAy(the esplanade)...Suntec City...Bugis(The GAteway)...Kallang(Singapore Nat'l Stadium)...Geylang(emm...ahemmm!)...Jurong(PIE)....Woodlands(BKE)...and Checkpoint wah lao eh!almost one hour making detour!i slept in car but b4 that took some photo cos too boring!Sg road traffic system really cannot U turn...bad road sign oso!Luckily their country is small,so many ends meet lah!it's like every road link to Rome(Chinese quote...think urself!)...and went back home i collapse on my bed straight away without bathe until this morning baru bathe!hehe!Today nothing to do jz laze at home and watch my long lost Sg channel(channel U and 8)i!Unfortunately,can't receive the network in KL...damn!

A joke?

Jz imagine not less than a year back the USA r still rescuing and evacuating the victims of the 1226 Tsunami...and yeah their response was fast upon this incident(The FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency) as u can see their rescue works in New Orleans(Lousiana) is as slow as it looks...!The central government is so retarded on this incident!Those surviving victims are so unsatisfied with their slow response,eventhough the Lousiana's governor also critisized it as Kathleem Blanco let out his anger on this matter in front of the media last few days!Look what you'd done,FEMA....and Mr.Bush and Mr.Cheney?

The quotes:

"I've got some firefighters and police officers that have been pretty much traumatized," Mayor Ray Nagin said. "And we've already had a couple of suicides, so I am cycling them out as we speak. ... They need physical and psychological evaluations."

"The guy who runs this building I'm in, emergency management, he's responsible for everything. His mother was trapped in St. Bernard nursing home, and every day she called him and said, `Are you coming, son? Is somebody coming?' And he said, `And yeah, Momma, somebody's coming to get you. Somebody's coming to get you on Tuesday. Somebody's coming to get you on Wednesday. Somebody's coming to get you Thursday. Somebody's coming to get you on Friday' — and she drowned Friday night. She drowned on Friday night," Broussard said.

"Nobody's coming to get her, nobody's coming to get her. The secretary's promise, everybody's promise. They've had press conferences — I'm sick of the press conferences. For God's sakes, shut up and send us somebody."

State and federal officials are all facing public criticism for a slow response to the crisis. Behind the scenes, each suggests the other is to blame.

Bush hasn't gone a day without a public event devoted to the storm and its aftermath. But none of those trips so far — nor appearances by several Cabinet members in the region — has quieted complaints that Washington's response to the disaster has been sluggish. Congress already plans hearings on the response.

To know more info about y FEMA missing in action in this incident read

It's yet another tragedy of the USA...although the humanitarian action had been given as many/soon as possible...but still we can't deny the fact that it is way too slow for the central government to react!But thank god they still have many non-government humanitarian organization out there to give out 'FIRST' aid!This time i'll say,"Shame on u Mr. Bush!"...u'd make the greatest joke on earth and disgrace ur own citizen...STAND UP NOW!All the Yankees...all the cowboys!

P/s For ur information those state that affected by 'Katrina' are mostly populated by black...Hope tht they aren't any discrimination or racism things happen...esp. New Orleans and Baton Rouge!<----Baton Rouge was one of my former university choice's location(Lousiana State University at Baton Rouge)-_-!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


What do u know about it same as privatisation or deregulation?Will every country benefit from it?What will the socialist and economist said bout this?....well,actually i will say that globalisation is not a's rather a process...bcos nobody will know the yardstick to measure the term 'Globalisation'...but as i know it happened rapidly after the Cold War...and those company like coca-cola,mcdonald...will most likely to be the winner under the globalising processing...while those poor country will most likely to be poorer and more poverty!Well,this is still left unknown as i said nobody will know the outcome of globalisation yet...only the time will tell!Read the explanation below to know more about the globalisation...........

'Globalisation' is the latest hope embraced by capitalist commentators for the salvation of their system. They argue that a new era of unprecedented opportunity is opening up before the world capitalist class. As billionaire James Goldsmith put it, 'during the past few years four billion people have suddenly entered the world economy'.
But what exactly is globalisation? The problem with trying to pin it down is it's not so much a theory, more a buzzword. The general idea is that the whole world is being opened up to world capitalism. All the old barriers are coming down. Capital flows will bring a transfer of technology to the poor countries - which soon will be rich! Extreme versions suggest that all national cultural differences will disappear in a homogenised world of global brands. International capital flows are acting on the world like a giant blender. In this form, the theory is nothing but globaloney.
But if globalisation is really happening, the system has not passed its sell-by date and we socialists are all wrong. On the contrary capitalism's great days are only now beginning. The trouble is - it's not happening. There has been no convergence between rich and poor nations. The gap has actually widened, and global capitalism is the reason why.
Millions of anti-capitalist protestors have also made the connection between globalisation, capitalism and the impoverishment of the third world from an opposite point of view from the apologists. They argue that all protection from the looting of the world's poor by global capital is being dismantled. For this they are routinely denounced by government ministers. Jack Straw calls them the 'stop the world' movement. The establishment argues that trade is better than not trading. 'Do you want to be like North Korea?' is the constant refrain. These people are wilfully missing the point. As we pointed out last month, the institutions that regulate world trade are set up so that big business can systematically mug the world's poor. The anti-capitalist protestors want the mugging to stop - and they are right.
Globalisation and the 'demise of the nation state'
Proponents and enemies of globalisation alike suggest 'the nation state' has become irrelevant, helpless to deal with rootless international capital. On the contrary the decision-making of the 'enforcers' of global capitalism (the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation) is driven by the advanced capitalist countries, the muscle men of the multinationals. The domination of international capital is the domination of the strong nations over the weak. Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz puts it like this, "Countries find themselves in situations where they are having policies imposed on them. It is not unlike the 19th century opium wars when countries were told to open up their markets and this threat was backed up by military force."
Marxists understand that world trade is the way a world division of labour is established under capitalism. Potentially that division of labour can help every country to grow faster. We do not believe a socialist society of abundance can be built in a single country. We have to take advantage of that world division of labour to help the world's poor. But it is a fact that the division of labour imposed upon the less developed countries by the imperialist powers perpetuates them in the position of 'hewers of wood and drawers of water'.
And it's true that capitalism is a global system. It always has been. Who said so? "The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country...All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are destroyed by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that work up raw materials drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed in every quarter of the globe....The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication. draws all, even the most barbarous, nations into civilisation'." Thus said Marx and Engels in the 'Communist Manifesto', written over one hundred and fifty years ago.
They go on to draw the conclusion, "The communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality. The working class has no country...national differences between people are more and more vanishing owing to the development of the bourgeoisie, to freedom of commerce, to the world market". World capitalism begets a world wide enemy in the shape of the working class.
Does globalisation mean that living standards will rise throughout the less developed countries as capitalism spreads its blessings throughout the globe? The record of the recent past speaks otherwise. The overwhelming picture is of a massive impoverishment of the poor countries. According to the economic statistician Angus Maddison, from 1820 to 1997 National Income per head (the best indicator of the standard of living) rose nineteen times over in the advanced countries. In the less developed countries the increase was just 5.4 times over. No sign of 'convergence'! Throughout the capitalist era the gap between rich and poor nations grew ever wider. And it's getting worse. According to the World Bank's 'World Development Report' average income in the richest twenty counties is 37 times as high as in the poorest 20 - and the gap has doubled in the past twenty years.
At present 1.3 billion humans subsist on $1 per day or less. Another 1.6 billion inhabitants of the planet make do on between $1 and $2 each day. These people are in absolute poverty, and there are nearly 100 million more of them than ten years ago. Together, this is half the world's population . Thus capitalism, even as it has developed the productive forces. at the same time has failed to eliminate poverty. Actually capitalism creates rich and poor, just like it creates McDonalds and Coca Cola.
Lenin's 'Imperialism'
And it is marxists who have explained why. Marxists regard the law of combined and uneven development as the motor of the historical process. Imperialism is the way that law of development manifests itself in the modern epoch. Lenin showed how the advanced capitalist countries drew the rest of the world into the capitalist orbit through the mechanism of imperialism. In doing so capitalism creates rich and poor nations just as it creates rich and poor within each nation.
The main planks of Lenin's theory were -
the increasing concentration of production and creation of monopolies in place of free competition
the rise of finance capital the export of capital becomes more important, as against the export of goods
the division of the world among associations of capitalist firms
the division of the world between the great capitalist powers
Point for point, Lenin's theory of imperialism explains what is really happening in the modern world of 'globalisation'.
Concentration of capital
First, take the concentration of capital into giant multinationals. According to the 'Economist' there were 35,000 in 1990. Between them these multinationals employ more than 65 million workers. In that year General Motors had three quarters of a million on its payroll. GM's sales were twice as high as the entire National Product of Venezuela.
Finance capital Globalisation means two things. First there is the globalisation of money capital summed up in the $25 trillion of 'derivatives' swilling around in the world economy. The arcane financial instruments of swaps, forwards and options are all a bit like betting on a dog. It is obvious that capitalists can make money if their dog wins. It is not obvious how the system gets any richer for running like a casino.
Movement of money used to be analysed in terms of trade. Just like you buy a pound of tomatoes - goods go one way and money the other. Now that's all old hat. The movements of foreign exchange are now no longer the handmaiden of trade. For every dollar that crosses the exchanges for trade, sixty go for pure speculation. Speculative capital capital movements now overwhelm trade in their importance for the balance of payments. Financial globalisation has simply become detatched from the real world of surplus value production. Capital strives after its ideal of a circuit of pure money without going to the trouble of being involved in the bother of production.
Actually, as Marx tirelessly explained, capital is not a thing - it's a social relation. It transmutes into different forms - from money in the hands of a capitalist - to the commodities, such as raw materials, he buys with it - to the process of production itself - to selling the produced commodities - to money once again. Neither money nor commodities nor production are necessarily capital unless they are linked to the extraction of a surplus from the working class. What is the significance of the circuit of capital? Money is infinitely flexible and can go anywhere. It can become a steel mill in Pennsylvania or a pineapple plantation in South Africa. But once it's taken a particular form, it's stuck like that. It's not really true that capital is footloose and fancy free.
The export of capital Since the 1980s the growth of Direct Foreign Investment (DFI) i.e. investment abroad by multinationals has been far more striking than the growth of trade, and may well be the real engine of growth. DFI grew by 30% a year while trade grew by less than 10%. By 1990 the world's total stock of DFI was reckoned to be $1.7 trillion. Multinationals now control 80% of world trade. In fact much of this to-ing and fro-ing is difficult to describe as trade at all, for two fifths of this multinationals' trade takes place between branches of the same firm. Multinationals have been around for quite a while. But the massive acceleration of DFI since the War and particularly over the past decade has only been made possible by the technological revolutions in communications (IT) and transport (containerisation). It is easier these days to shop around for the most favourable (profitable) places to locate. So globalisation is presented as a threat to the day to day working class struggle for better living standards in every country.
Globalisation as ideology
Actually they're trying to scare us with the concept of globalisation. Capital can shop around. What is capital supposed to be shopping for? Cheap labour of course. Places like China where they're 'happy' to work a 14 hour day for 50p. And there are four billion new suckers out there to exploit. So that's where they'll be heading.
Exploitation doesn't always just mean cheap labour. According to an 'Economist' Survey (Oct 1st 1994) labour often only accounts for only 5-10% of costs in today's high tech products. German capitalists for instance pay $25 per hour for a worker (that doesn't mean the worker actually gets $25 - that includes National Insurance and all the indirect costs of employment). So Germany should be an industrial wasteland? Fat chance! German workers are worth $25 per hour of any capitalist's money because they're so productive. Investment always beats cheap labour. More generally what capitalists are interested in is what they pay you compared with what they get out of you and the high wage economies are usually the high productivity economies.
Yuppies looking at screens can move millions around in nano-seconds. This seems to pose a threat to even a mildly reformist government. What about controls to stop economic activity mucking up the environment? Don't even think about it - it's bad for business. Going to raise taxes on profits? We'll pull our money out before it happens, then. Wouldn't it be popular to raise the minimum wage? Not with capital it wouldn't - we're outa here. So governments bow the knee. The stark message is - financial markets won't wear reforms. The balance of forces has moved decisively against the nation state in favour of global capital. It's a race to the bottom.
The logic of the globalisation thesis is that the nation state is becoming powerless and irrelevant in relation to global capital flows. Actually small nations are only powerless because they are bullied by big nation states in the interests of big business. This shows how the concept of globalisation is really an ideological weapon against the aspirations of working people for a better world. Tony Blair told the1998 WTO meeting that 'globalisation is irreversible and irresistible'. That's a convenient excuse for him to do nothing to offend capital. But that's what he always wanted to do anyway.
Sure, multinationals can shop around. Other things being equal they'll always go for cheap wage locations - but other things seldom are equal. Multinationals need a technological infrastructure and an educated workforce - they don't want to pay for it, that's all. That's where the nation state comes in - as an enabling institution for global capitalism. Multinationals are not really rootless. Ford has been established in the UK since 1912 yet it remains the case that 80% of its assets are stashed away in the USA. This is also the case for more than half the assets of Pepsi and McDonalds, which should surely be regarded as symbols of global capital. And multinationals retain the habit of screaming for the help of their nation state whenever their profits are threatened.
Division of the world between associations of capitalist firms
So where do the multinational firms fit into all this? The position is complex. On the one hand almost all of them have a regional, indeed a national, home base. On the other hand the tendency to global autarchy threatens their global profit-making. In addition the cost of innovation is soaring, threatening the capabilities of even the biggest firms to keep up. If they ever do get round to developing the global car, it's going to cost £2 billion. A new mainframe computer will set the innovators back £500 million. So they have to get together. Even IBM is not big enough. IBM is currently in bed with - Xerox, Siemens, GEC Plessey, NTT, Corning Glass, NEC, Mitsubishi, and Northern Telecom. The name of the game is strategic business alliances. The first thing about IBM's alliances is that it gives them a foot in each of the three camps. SBAs are part of the multinationals' response to regionalism.
Division of the world among the capitalist powers
Not through conquest, but through the stranglehold of the world trade mechanism itself, the poor countries are subordinated to the rich. Clear cut 'spheres of interest' emerge in the world, a polite term for what is really humiliating colonial dependence, economic imperialism.
Other theorists have talked not of globalisation, but of 'regionalism'. It is now the case that 75% of trade and 80% of production is located within three great regional trade blocs. Western Europe lays claim to Eastern Europe and the Maghreb. Japan has taken the other East Asian economies under its wing. The USA has always regarded Latin America as its backyard. Nobody much wants Africa south of the Sahara - there's no money to be made there. So people have got absolutely poorer for the past twenty years. These three regional blocs are responsible for 80% of world trade. Trade alliances are cementing the relationships. Alongside the EU we now have NAFTA. What else are these regional trading blocs clustered around a regional hegemonic power but the division of the world pointed to by Lenin as a central feature of his theory of imperialism?
Most capital flows are between the advanced capitalist countries. Poor nations don't really get a sniff. What capital does flow to less developed countries heads for client states within these regions - for instance from Japan to Korea and other East Asian countries. In the 1990s 4/5ths of US investment abroad from the multinationals went to Canada, Japan or Western Europe. The poor countries got just 1%. No wonder the gap between rich and poor countries has continued to widen.
So what exactly is globalisation? Is it a trend or an ideological weapon in the locker of the ruling class? Globalisation is a tendency, not an accomplished fact. There are tendencies working the other way. Nor is regionalism the main trend of our time. The only way to understand the contradictory movements of our time is with the concept of imperialism. Imperialism is the way the law of combined and uneven development manifests itself under conditions of advanced capitalism.
Uneven development means a dog eat dog world of firms fighting each other and nation states at one another's throats. At the same time shifting alliances of big business try to subvert the intentions of national governments while states huddle together against the pressure of international capital. That is the real picture of the world economy. It's complicated and contradictory, but that's how capitalism is.
The concept of globalisation is an attempt to understand reality. It is also a way of influencing its development. It is the language of a ruling class assault on working class living standards worldwide.
Socialists are not the only critics of the globalisation myth. "The rising tide of the global economy will create many economic winners, but it will not lift all boats. [It will] span conflicts at home and abroad...[Its] evolution will be rocky, marked by chronic financial volatility and a widening economic divide. [Those] left behind will face deepening economic stagnation, political instability and cultural alienation. They will foster political, ethnic, ideological and religious extremism, along with the violence that often accompanies it." So its capitalism as usual, then. Who says so? The quote is from the CIA.


Hey,this is Ayu's latest upcoming single cover titled 'Heaven' ,it's a cover song for a j-drama called 'Shinobi' ...well this song really catchy and nice...slow...Ayu always won't let his fans down!Good job ayu~ ^0^

to watch ayu's latest cm on panansonic fx 9 with her new song also called'Will'from Heaven's maxi single...go this link:

And feel free too to browse her official's updated:

You can listen to the 45s clip preview of


Well...some thing to enlighten u....

Graffiti 1
Here I lie in stinky vapor,
Because some b@stard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie, or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.

Before he graduated to be a poet, he wrote this...

Washroom Graffiti 2
Here I sit Broken hearted
Tried to sh!t But only farted

Some one who had a different experience wrote...

Washroom Graffiti 3
You're lucky You had your chance
I tried to fart, And sh!t my pants!

Perhaps it is true that people get inspiration in toilets...

Washroom Graffiti 4
I came here To sh!t and stink,
But all I do Is sit and think.

Toilets walls are also job advertisement places.......

Washroom Graffiti 5 - (Written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line, the Singapore Fire Department wants you.

Ministry of environment advertisement...

Washroom Graffiti 6
We aim to please!
You aim too! Please!

Washroom Graffiti 7
Seen above a urinal:
Please do not throw cigarette butts in our urinal.
We don't piss in your ashtrays!

Washroom Graffiti 8
On the inside of a toilet door: Patrons are requested to remain seated throughout the entire performance.

Washroom Graffiti 9
A sign at a swimming pool bathroom:
We don't swim in your toilet, so please don't pee in our pool

Washroom Graffiti 10
Another sign seen at a swimming pool:
Welcome to our ool. Notice there's no P in it. Please keep it that way.

This should teach you a lesson...

Washroom Graffiti 11
Sign seen at a restaurant: The hands that clean these toilets also make your food...please aim properly

Pre Holiday week!!

OMG,i'm gonna enjoy my first ever official 1 week break from SYUC A-level...So i was like so happy through out the entire week!

Well,although is the black day as usual but dunno y i'm feeling so fresh...quite abnormal...especially like the feeling when the breeze 'slap' on my face softly...haha!Most probably is because of the break i'd been waiting for few month.....yes it is!But last night was like rushing for law assignment bcos due today...anyway just got 75 marks for the 1st one and only 58 marks for the second...fuk up this is my worst assignment result ever...!Anyway it didn't spoil my pleasure anyway...cos next week is H-O-L-I-D-A-Y....!hurray!

Well,suppose to have Statistics test today but due to Ms See emergency leave then it call off!Shit,i was like preparing for it the whole night last night...yet it turn out to be like this but can't affect my mood...bleh!But then since like this we won't be having mentor mentee session but then stat, is only 1 slot...after tht still gotta go The IRONIC P.Math class conducted by our fellow Mr Koshy...da veteran senior kutuk kuku then we were like evil mind rooted and think of just skip Koshy class and use the double slot to lepak in pyramid...afterall we already decided to go bowling...then we r like making up story and sent our rep. Isti to Koshy said tht all the others din come and might as well cancel the class...aha...then the class finally cancelled off juz like dis...*evil*...but anyway i dun like Koshy!
Then after dis we just like rocket with full power on rush to pyramid(thx to Faiz little wonder)...but then when reached the pyramid bnowl they are having tournament...tht means lane lah!then dunno wat to do and some idiot suggest to Ice Skating...omg i won't wanna embarassed myself in the public so i just suggest to go for archery afterall we all din try b4...fair and square!Then we r like paying 10 bucks each for 10 arrows...finished it within 10 minutes...tht's turns to arrow and shoot back to them!damn....not satisfied then went arcade babe!!!Daytona...........!and after tht lepak a while then blah!they went back cos no more still gotta go for law class...damn!

And yeah...we have our clubbing session tonight cos the next day is Merdeka we just sambil celebrate it lah!Emily suggest to Rush so just went there to meet them up at 10 lor...when i went pyramid for taxi,it was like crowded...bcos everyone here r goin to celebrate the so called MERDEKA DAY...and the well known sucker taxi driver..hehe it's their day to slash us with abnormal excessive charge although the night still young like only 10...we were like no choice so juz hop in with reluctant...but neway the driver is more 'Kind' than the others,he charged 10 bucks less...then everywhere was like jammin'...i'm still wondering r those car r goin to celebrate merdeka?when is it msian becoming so patriotic?..........few minutes later we reached Eastin Hotel in Damansara...and waited in front of Rush for the other to come about 1 hours...(damn again...)and only went in by around 11.30pm...the place is small but abnormally crowded today(thx to merdeka day,but still curious tht when msian youngster bcome so concern bout merdeka ah?) as usual just dance and drink lor...then parted at around 2 am...Vid. suggested to go Asia Cafe to play pool...damn!i sux in tht!...but jz follw them n play until like 5 am then wen tback to hostel...damn dead meat tired!and slept immediately after lying on my bed!
Well, Drinking lots of alchohol can be quite fun but irritating as toilet visits rise exponentially...damn!and my hand also full of disgusting rashes and blisters where i think is alcholic allergy gua!fuk up!

Today is Merdeka Day but yesterday drank too much so kinda headache today and wake up at 2pm...then rush for my law assignment again(new one)...and at nite jz ate dinner wif Susan lor...then she said she felt so sorry for sumthin....(....) then she paid for me...i so i asked her to go Kim Gary after holiday lor...of cos bill on me lah!

Nuthin much but quite happy since law test cancelled...cos only 2 of us present for class...the other still like suffering from the consequence of clubbin'....then yay again cancelled...but after tht still gotta do stat test...omg i was so careless on one question tht will ate me 7 marks(grand total like 20 marks)...fuk up...!I wanna get 100!Then damn,gotta go Msian Studies agian...many of them was already tookearlier holiday the class so quiet...n less ppl!but as usual,we chit chat behind lor...and discuss bout GP(we r on the Homosexuality topic,damn interesting man!) and M Studies presentation(hate it -_-!!)...after class went to find Vid. and stay in his room for the whole day lepaking and watch movie lor...(Son of the MAsk)damn funny...but doesn't make sense!At night i went down to do laundry...and call it a day lah....finally!

After class then come back JB...where i am now here............................................!My precious hometown...i am the king again!alive!asked fren to yum cha and sing k looor!so happy...!