Human Rights Act 1998
After finishing the topic 'Introduction to Human Rights' something flash across my mind...the issue of Homosexuality...although i know this is a case sensitive topic and many of those in 'closet' try to avoid this as far as possible but this is not about avoid or to face it,it is about the breaching of your right!I really despise those that look down on those queers and i'm totally agree with the legalized of homosexual relationship...although we know that it'll against the so called "GOD's" will and some might even think that how are they suppose to continue offsprings,to conceive children or even they have children...what are the effects to their children if they do think of adopting one?
Well,i can say that these are not considered as the major drawbacks as not much of them really adopted children in the society now...and even though those normal family with 'straight' parent do have problems too(eg. abusing,neglecting and many more)...and family/child violence rate is increasing tremendously year by year...what can you say about that?
First of all,let me point out few countries that legalized homosexual marriage: UK,Australia,Netherland,Hungary,Czechslovakia,Canada,
Countries that illegalized homosexuality: obviously the Malaysia,Singapore,Myanmar,some Indian subcontinent due to the Victorian British influence in these countries!
Well,let me talk about is very disappointed that in the light of Malaysia’s poor human rights record,a consenting gay relationship is punishable by up to 20 years jail plus flogging and this is probably one of the harshest penalties for gay relations anywhere in the world.
Look at other countries like Canada,Ireland or even UK...they do even have Homosexual MP,Cabinet,Minister or other politicians...despite their gender or sexual orientation,they have good brain with strong capable like normal people what's wrong with them,our former PM Dr. Mahathir?(For your information, he had threaten to expel the British minister from visiting our country if the particular minister does visits here with his partner)...I mean,this is people own privacy why bloated it out to the stage of politic and makes the situation so bad?We should always look on the inferior of a person right,'Do not judge a book by its cover'...sometimes 'he' may be more capable than any of the govt. servants....which one of his brain is equal as 100 of those ineligible,incapable and inefficient govt. servants k!We care as long as he can do his jobs well!
Takes the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) stated in the HRA 1998 that it would not allow countries that violated the rights of lesbian and gay to enter the EU......and the fact has proven that EU countries that legalized homosexuality are more advance than us in many way!Because they respects the human rights!
We should accept the fact that they are not born with it naturally...just like the the probability that a person which is born to be right or left handed...the theory is the same whether XXY or XY chromosomes is relies on destiny!This is what scientist still arguing about till now.But on the other side,the extremely anti-homosexuality religion like Christian,well,i respect what the bible had thought on Christian that relationship between the sexes are supposed to mirror the relationship between Christ and his perfect bride but think of other side that we are all wrong doers k?nobody's perfect in this world...and we are very much in need of God's daily grace,help and forgiveness in our lives to enable us to become more like Christ right?You should show love and compassion towards them(although i think they don't need it cos they are as normal as a human being...they practically won't need this) on behalf of Christ!Because it is possible to come to believe that god has made us physically and intends that we are fulfilled as he made us right?
So i think homosexualites should not be discrimated,even though they seek for marriage 'cos the law has never asked that a man to prove his heterosexuality in order to marry a women!Or even though you force a homo. to marry a straight,what will you think the likelyhood of the consequence?Will there be a happy marriage like this,maybe they'll also ended up is tragic,its hard to say though!
In the USA,they have the Anti-Discrimination Rights(under the division of Civil Rights movement),in EU thay have the ECHR to protect the rights of Homo.,now the question is when will Asia come out with a similar Act in considerate that Asian are mostly consevative and always avoiding such issues...face it,don't escape!Hibernating all this issues will only make the situation worse!
So,this time around if you happen to encounter a friend telling you he/she is in passion with peer/queer ,please don't stay away from he/she.Counsel him/her if she/he really need advise,if ppl started to alienated him/her bcos of that will cause him suffer from mentally torture or will most likely to end up with committed suicide!
Or if you are walking along the street and saw someone who is crossdressing or doesn't looks like what his/her actual gender tells(transsexual,transvestite...) don't give them a queer eye...when you come to think about girls can dress in baggy trouser,T-shirt,sneaker,cut her hair like a man-like....why can't then a man dress in female attires?Why double standard?....if u tell me it doesn't feel alrite,tell me why do you feel that?Can you really tell?
This is a fact that even a sociologist,psychologist or scientist can't give an absolute answer...what makes you think that you should come out with a conclusion?Let the nature be nature,homo is something that happen on earth billion years ago,only that they discovered it after we came to our 'sense'!For your information,there are a whole loads of historical person that is a homo like Hypocrates,Tchaikovsky and many of them in the Ancient China Dynasty,Ancient Greek,Rome Empire,Nazis,Graeco-Roman....................................u name it they'd have it!
In conclusion,Homosexuality is a question of the chicken or the egg come first.Nobody really knows which come first,the diffrence in brain structure or difference in sexual orientation!So before w get the absolute answer,why don't we open our heart and mind to accept this?
Everybody got the rights to live in this society,we are equal and no distinguishing...
So as for homosexualites!Their rights can't be diminish or derogate!!!
Respect the others as to respect yourself...
(Credits : A-level's Law,ELS' topic