Hey,just found some cool site here to enjoy with others:
This IMVU is a IM service which in 3D(animated avatar)...something like HABBO HOTEL or GAIA...but nvr try b4...sounds quite interesting but still now on beta testing.Anyway u can sign up here: http://imvu.com
This is a government website(DBKL-Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur) means City Hall of Kuala Lumpur which in charge of the public services in KL.They actually provided a website for real time traffic information in KL as u all should know tht wat KL famous for...!So check this out b4 u went
on the road: http://www.jpbdbkl..gov.my
Well,those that shy but yet aware of ur little sex organ pls visit hear cos many info for u to find out!Malaysian education really lack of Sex education...tht's y the rapists are growing rapidly...girl can oso check out too!Be concern bout it,cos it is not only juz bout u but ur future!
sulei6863.vip.sina.com.Ohya,forgot to say that this site is in Chinese wording...so only meant for Chinese literate!Sry!
Here's some interesting things happened at the playground of Nanyang Technological University,Singapore...be prepare...dun get scared!
campaign.hinet.net(the video clip)
http://www.ettoday.com/2004/02/10/521-1584478.htm (info web about this incident!)All in Chinese only!
Here's some flash for those who like to quit game during the Warcraft DotA game...flashplayer.com
NTV7 broadband live TV:broadband.bluehyppo.com
Dining etiquette facts around the world:fekids.com
Lovely flash stories:kokoro.com.tw
Maps collection of Malaysia:entertop.net
Online virus scan for those who dun wanna install anti virus to scan disk:housecall.trendmicro.com
Online translator:babelfish.altavista.com , Dictionary.com
Hosting for video and flash upload,diff. from photo bucket or imageshack cos it can host vid n flash:
Museum of Unnatural Mystery,nicee: http://unmuseum.org
A maturity test.For those who is immature or over mature come here: http://xlzx.com
Connection speed tester:direct.tm.net.my(tmnet provided),
http://www.netfront.net/speedtest/speedtest1.htm?imageField.x=133....these all can test ur connection speed...esp. for Streamyx user tht always encountered Streamyx GOOD service network!
A good collection of childish flash games,if ur felt nothing to do then come here to pass time haha:
Actually i spend my whole day looking for these stuff,cos i seldom pay attention to wat my frens sent me on Email...therefore this time around i check my mails and discovered all sorts of interesting sites...post it up to let others enjoy!
p/s...i wanna change my blogskin to other theme(oso ayu one)but soo lazy to do...can anyone tell me a more easier way to do it?