Monday, May 29, 2006


10 reasons I should stay away from the stereotype :

1. It's generalising.
2. It's utterly pointless.
3. It mean no difference from being a copy cat.
4. It's a big turn off where u can find someone similar like u in the street
eventhough given the probability is 1 in a million.
5. It indicates u r lack of creativity and innovative.
6. It doesn't potray ur personality and characteristic from beneath u.
7. It stopped u from any revolutionary changing and sustain u in a small little
8. It makes ur life miserable and addictive where u blindly follow the trend of
what other people do.
9. It keeps u isolated from the others but u'll most probably feel that people
that do not stand in ur circle are those do not have sensitivity of what's
happening around in ur own tad pet theory.
10. It'll transform into double standard sometimes and formed 2 pronged
common yardsticks to judge a person.

For examples of stereotype person :

1. Soccer maniac
2.DOTA/CS/PS2 and whatever contemporary games addicts
3.Braniac that think they are a bunch of elite
4.Typical guy that so into automotive stuffs
5.Girls that love pink
6.Guys that smoke
7.Party queen/king
.................................there's so many more in each different fields!

Although,I have to confess that I do commit to some of them in the list above but I have to emphasize that it's mere ocasionally and mood dependent.I won't allow myself to be perversely addicted to something with the exceptions that I know what I'm doing and I won't pawn my precious time off for that.For instance,those people willing to sacrifice their sleep to watch dramas,soccer matches,games are really a big no-no cos what will u get in the end?Nothing but saggy eye lids painted with black rings.U spent the whole night to watch a soccer match just to know either win or lose?If ur favourite team lost,u'll "lost" along too,your soul.It's not enough to compensate for what u do for the rest of the time.But please make it as a distinction from being a nighthawk cos afterall not every nighthawk stay up late due to all these courses.

In short,this kinda people is annoying and irritating.Although it's not my business but they are affecting the others by using their own peculiar standard to measure a person.If the others are not on the same boat,queerness is what they'll give to others.For me,these kinda queasy people is what I feel to be treated the other way round.Afterall,"it's not that I'm different,but u all r the same"!I like this quote cos it's an inversion from certain angle and it re-defines those that seems remote back to the nearness that they suppose to be,and bring those that still foolishly down to their own ground!

Cheer up for those that constantly bump into this kinda person!U should feel lucky to be the "oddball".Nothing wrong and no use to make urself wearing the same shoes as them too :p