Snow Patrol - Run
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all i've done.
And I can barely look at you
But every single time I do
I know we'll make it anywhere
Anywhere from here
Light up, Light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
To think I might not see those eyes
It makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do.
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
Louder, louder
And we'll run for our lives
I can hardly speak I understand
Why you can't raise your voice to say
Slower, slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads
Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess.
Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I'll be right beside you dear
I just can't stop repeating this song above on my speaker.I'm too obsess to this song currently and it really strikes my perceptual for some of the lyric's lines.It's just so sad and unacceptable to fall apart sometimes.But come to think of it,it might not be as bad as you can think.Seperation may be the hardest and final resorting way to solve a problem it seems and so it hurts both.However,it is the most direct and straightforward way to prevent from further bruising and hurting on each other.You might as well as end at this point than having more suffering in future.If you think it won't bloom,there's no point keep on cultivate on it and realise the waste of your effort too late.
Well,come back to the meaning of the lyric,my interpretation is that a guy that having sense that he's going to be seperated from a girl that fails to express herself eventhough their freedom is at stake.The guy is so depress over this and feels like running away either alone or along with the girl to somewhere where they can be able to enjoy more liberty.And if not,the guy will choose to leave unilaterally but sworn to stay by her side eventhough he is physically absent beside her.It's kind of a typical lovey-dovey lyric but the point lies in the melody and composing of that song really materialize every meaning in it.The lyric has yet again alive!
"Puppy love is dessert and bound to be greasy overtime and tend to be sicked of it too fast;True love is the main dish where it serves with true anticipated purpose and often unforgettable after the meal"
Well,In my 20 cents,I feel that true love is really hard to achieve in this world and rarely happens.If it ever had,won't be lasting for too long.Because humans are fond of new things according to the nature principle.Once they get sick of somethings,although the love is still there but it's left to be defiled,it's just a matter of time only.Where the love exhausted,there,left only the spiritless shell that spell out how glamour WAS the true love USED to be THEN in contrast of what is it now!Sometimes,we just have to learn to let it go without nostalgia because the world changes uncertainty as to the feeling of the mankind.It's made of flesh and blood with emotions and perceptions implanted.When it comes to the time you have to let go,don't be hesitate,just tell yourself to relinquish it.You should feel better off because the next best thing will be coming on your way soon...
My Pure Maths. 1 exam is just 10 hours away and I bet you'll ask what the hell am I still doing here where I'm suppose to snuggle myself in my blanket and go on to build my dream castle.Aha,I'm kinda suffering from pre-Exams phobia.Well,besides feeling tensioned,I feel like walking around and making myself at awakening state.Maybe partly due to my over-actived brain cells or maybe the effect of caffein since yesterday morning.Bah,I just don't care a damn shit about that.Exams sucks as well as study!This is what I hate about the British education system so far.Exams sovereignty!No motivation at all for students and practical works seems to be deteriorated on its amount each year in Cambridge A-Levels.We hardly having any project or assignment.What we have to do is just study and do tutorials to call it a day.We have been taught to be result oriented and grades/marks will definitely going to determine what you are in future in this case.Lower grades/marks most probably potraying the obscurity of future prospect,worse to worse,left abandoned and defined as a bunch of fruitless.It's so sad that our colourful life is only worth a single piece of paper called the certificate.Without that we are undefined and be prepared for all sorts of reprimand that going to evaluate and assess your past performance nakedly.On top of that,I don't believe the thing as persistently working hard,you may find the light.If that so,why the needs for lecturer then if everyone cease to find a lecturer instead they deliriously carrying this stupid concept and believe to work on their on pointlessly.In my opinion,I think success has to depend on the tendencies and potentials lying beneath an individual too.If none of anyone there to exploit and discover the tendencies of someone,that someone in particular might just bring along their potentials and tendencies that they strongly believed to have into their tomb someday.What a waste and pathetic presumption to be made here huh?Well,we have to accept that these all are none other than the facts,no further.And sometimes those that having "stand-out" result in his/her little community circle tend to be overestimate themselves as they are blindfold by their own foolishness and short-sighted view.The world is beyond their imagination where there could be any other possibilities occur in front of them but the sad thing is they are all monocular vision-ed.Those narrow minded are them,those imature are them,yet,they crown themselves as elite and live in their own little limited space which full of foolishness.I so wanna laugh at these kind of people sometimes.They are very well-deserved for that!