No one special...
Got really exhausted on my inspiration and feeling to blog...
As time goes by,it's becoming worse!!!
Well,just make this post to ensure my blog is well-updated :p
Nothing interesting happens recently,it's all about study and hiding in a little corner of library...nerd away into books!Esp Econs...the killer subject with cobweb-shaped-barely-understandable-watsoever graphs and datas!See?! *frown*...anything else better to enlighten me?
M:I:III shown on today but faith is not on my side afterall since we've already made agreement of not to go for movie for unlimited period until the end of AS exams.Gosh!Why MI3 came at this very time!And also The Da Vincci Code too came at the wrong time!Have to catch up with the DVD later....!
To those that happen to read this post,stop cajoling me to commit in similar kinda activities!!!I'm kinda amid of abstinence now can? *
AS here I'll be defeated by my MARVELLOUS results somehow!Buahahahah!!!!!
Now,i'm heading to the library(monastery) without failing on daily basis hope to achieve to the level of nirvana somehow!!!Here I come...
Oh yea did any one told you all that I'm a total procrastinator?
Buahaha,watcha expect for?
*cue music of war plus some drum rolls*
Tada!For this time I swear,Law paper 2 falls on 16th May which is practically 13 days away only!What a judgement day to come!God bless my through thick and thin...oh yea the most important will be the 17th paper of Pure Math 1,if I ever got bad grade (below B and distinction)...someone can just hand me a sharp and instantly effective dagger/razor/sharp-blade knife in order to let me end my life as soon as possible yet at the same time retain my charming look.Jump off from high storeys may died hideously and all the brain pulps will splash to gross! *like-I-care-! expression*
p/s: ppl out there stop making fool on urself anticipating the 01 02 03 04 05 06
Although it might seems to be a vy special day and sort of thousand-years-for-once but don'tcha have other things better to do than making fun of numerical to save ur day only to know that it'll only occurs in an interval of " 1 second " tight?I'm so enraged when I saw the media keep on publishing things related to's only a trivial matter afterall.On the other hand,I can celebrate each days if I'm feel happy to do so right?Since everyday occurs only once-in-a-lifetime...!I guess I have to celebrate for today too cos this is da ONE AND ONLY "03-05-2006"...does it makes sense too?It's reciprocal mah afterall?! *roll eyes then snorts*
Ok a bit siao siao today maybe due to severely over-studied disease...chaoZ!