Don't cry for me argentina
Argentina vs Serbia & Montenegro 6-0
omg!They scored 3 goals at the first half match and the rest!!!Argentina rocks!
Anyway,I haven't been meeting my friends ever since I came back,so just called up them yesterday and still we got no where to go but Redbox as they are having this very nice promotion for student + 50% discount where we sang from 2pm-7pm(extended) with 2 drinks and few titbits with a free Ribena packet drinks -.- for only over 10 bucks!If lunch time they told me it could be 3 bucks only(woot!)...and so we were crazy as usual as we requested to change to a big room and someone spilt the water all around,screaming,jumping on the couch,throwing mic and handphone(N91),playing with flashlights and cams...yada yada!I came out the room with perspiration.Damn tiring man!And I swear no more cheung K in 2 years time after that!!!
Then after that,we just went to eat the noodle that I missed so much opposite of Plaza Pelangi,and I bought a lot of bread from Lavender just becos I simply lurrrve them so much!!!My sis came picked me up at 8pm and headed to town again for Indian food(fyi,my Aunt from US married to my uncle which is an Indian from India).After dinner we shot ahead to Danga Bay(the place that I dun actually like except for its lightning) cos it's built on a reclaimed land and it extended the coastline even nearer to Singapore's border plus they destroyed all the precious wetland creatures just to build all those silly projects,really makes my blood boils!Like hell we dun hav any better land in JB.Stupid!So,we just strolled around the walking path(stretched around 2KM,fuck!)...and that place is always full of Malays!Dating spot mah!Then free entry oso!Yucks!Damn tiring also after that plus on the tiredness accumulated from cheung K-ing made me even more tired!I can hardly stand straight and walk.....I went back home just simply take a bathe and sleep!Shit,I slept for 13 hours continuouosly!Like a dead man...-.- Stupid...
Da pointless theme park in Danga Bay but the ferris wheel is nice and romantic!
See my handshake effect -.-
I was really annoyed by my father that he will always telling me just simply choose a course to study in future but in fact he didn't even ask me what I'm feel studying before.Partly due to I keep on changing my mind I think and so I consolidated all that into 5 big main fields I wish to pursue :
1. Bio-combination's field-Bioinfomatics/Computational
Biology/Nanotechnology/Microbiology/Molecular Biology
2. Economics/Maths' field-Actuarial Science
3. Chemistry's field-Pharmacology and Toxicology (could be pharmacy also)
4. Social Science's field-Psychology
5. Business/Law's field-Economics/Law/Risk Management/Real Estate
Of cos I still prefer technical field like the sciences over the arts.The reason is vy simple,what can I do with an arts degree where all I'll do in my undergrad. studies is just studying and memorizing to pass the final exam?I'm not that scholastic and nerd afterall...wth...Law????omg kill me off better!