Worsen is the word that painted my life currently
I'm so reluctant to go to college today,thought of skipping Maths class but fear of being question about those absentism tomorrow by Ms Wong or the mahai Mrs Whore...better yet kena expelled from A-Levels and the end of all miseries!tee~hee...siao ah?!
Anyway,checked out the notice board today and noticed the A-Level Ball notice flyer has already pasted up which will be venue at Eastin Hotel at Sec. 17...RUSH?!Y dun they organise a clubbing party better off than having all this aristocratic,classy yet pointless prom party.Damn idiot lidat have to all dressed up like some kinda royalties or celebrities which in fact NO!Girls have to dress up like "cabaret" girl while guys won't look any handsome but purely the hooker look!*tht's my pet theory for this kinda event*
So,I have to borrow my dad's blazer and wear whole suit lah basically like an uncle!*again*...If my dad's one too small a size for me,does tht mean I gotta buy a new one which practically will be using for once only?WTH...rather dress up sloppily,so what if I wanna wear jeans,t-shirt and sneaker?Afterall,I paid 80 bucks to earn a ticket...it's not even 100 bucks ok?I still remember that Sunway Ball charged 100 bucks with promising performance by Jaclyn Victor and Too Phat...now what do A-Level ball has?Cheapo students performance or crappy jamming band?Anyhow,the reason that I'll be going is just bcos I dun wanna be d only one who missed the fun afterall...*they are all going so I'm forced to*...:p
Ok,then,my AS result gonna be out on 7th of August!Fuck!And guess wat?The A-Level ball falls on the same week as the week we'll be getting our freakin result,it's on 11th(Fri)!I swear if my results are bad,no way I'm gonna put on fake smiles and cheers to the ball.I'll rather choose to weep alone in the ark corner of my room watching those valedictorians wanking fall about their own result slip happily.Afterall,masquerading is not my forte.U can find a lot of expert in this field around all the colleges here.*it's true*...Fuking hypocrites fake ass...!Go fuk the clown.Ok,out of topic edi!Nope,I will be shattered for not going to the ball if my results are sucks eventhough how nice I've been predicted the party will be*rolls eyes*...Simply reason,who got that kinda mood then if the worse has yet to come after the party?Tht's y I'll be vy emo nowadays...gah!
Just when I thought things could be any worse.Again,I saw the highlighted dates on the academic calender has been altered(or tampered)...fuck...this time,my Mock exam has been pushed earlier whereby semester break got postponed to after Mock.Indirectly means we r having lesser days away from Mock,means less time for preparation...!Means more hectic and packed on our timetable cos more and more remedial classes are coming on our way!Fuck lah!1sat day of last sem already got my reserved mood exhausted just bcos of all the lecturers are saying all those pressurizing words like "...not much time left!","A2 is vy much harder than AS","we got a lot of more topic to be covered","u all gotta work 10 times harder this time...","2 months left for Mock..."...yada yada of spirit dampening talking!Walao!Got no more mood left...EMO!!!!!Stupid lecturers*sorry for the harsh words*
I'm friggin nervous about my coming AS result release...!Although I have not much parental pressure but I think I'm obliged to get fairly adequate result in order not to upset them...T.T
Still, I gotta say,I still put hopes on my coming AS result!
PS:college days for last sem is the most boring,all the housemates left,but then eatery shops remain!Everything around's the same but the personnel...pathetic!I got 2 more text books for Law yet to be finished in 2 months time each like 350 pages and 7-8 topics for Econs and a book of Statistics 2 + 5-6 P.Maths topics...revision still hasn't counted in!So what do u think?2 months to finish everything?