Dolce Vita?
What more can I ask for in extreme wee hour of Sunday?
Life can't be any better than staying up alone at the isolated 2.50 am whilst indulging in a slice of sinful Chocolate Indulgence and a rather mundane cup of instant coffee which in my humble opinion, taste equally nice as any other coffees serve in overpricing coffee franchise outlets.
Simplicity of enjoyment, little things that spice up my life in this very time, an instant indulgence that follows on by dreamless slumber. Blunder? To hell with it.
Off stress, off emotive, off the worldly wisdom, off the robotic routine, off the unreachable affection, off the sightlessness, off the books...away from eveything but the ego. That's what I called life. Simple as it seems.
Heighten up with the rare bossa-nova, jazz soul and contemporary genre. Sipping the cup of cheap instant coffee with tatty mug. Savouring every mouthful of dense chocolate mousse. It's satiable for the day to come.
Anyhow, it's called the capable of living my own life euphorically like hell you don't need any other to make you feel better. I'm more or less an autonomous one like how I do not potray.
Bless my soul with tranquility and serenity, take my life away to eternal rest if you were to take them away from me.
Whining and being emotional nowadays are too remote and insufficient an outlet of feelings. Am I moving towards a next good level or reverting back to the worse self? Beats me, seriously, my brain is made paralysed in form of stone now. Of 30 words that I go through, 25 of them will slip away. Could be short term memory but I beg to differ, compulsive-oppressive-optional memory lost would be more appropriate to term my disposition. Bah!
ps : and yea, I was supposed to congrat Mark who scored straight As in his recent A-levels
result. All the best in England.*throws confettis silently at a corner with jealousy*
pps : kinda screwed Anthropology, didn't know what I'm writing also. Lack of sleep is evil! My
another hope for A- confirmed went bubblish again. If only I can work harder which I think
I didn' point crying over spilled milk now.

Some parts are missing. Anyone has second opinion? I know I'm suck in pointless line-sketching but do you think I give damn?

Layering of whipped cream and pastries to perfection
ppps : if you're so convinced that I'm being emo and hiding away at some corner or in my blanket weeping at this point, then you're so wrong. Quit thinking otherwise. Chocolate Indulgence may taste nice but it can also be too filling and overpowering that leads to feeling of disgorgement at the moment you swallow in the last one piece forcefully. The thirst of water afterthat and the remorseful feeling of boosting up weight, sugar level and etc. are just so unloved. That it all left nothing but some stray sticky dirty chocolate and cream smudged all over, yet to be either discarded, cleaned or replaced. Possibly, try a new flavour that is not so sickening next time :)
Life is so simple as it is.