Monday, August 13, 2007


Was browsing through some old photos, old comments and old message history...everything seems so fine back then. I was practically smiling from my heart while reminiscing to those has-been's. Too bad things changed and cannot be reverted.

Food for thought, am I better off than the retrospect self? Of course I'm asking myself, not you!

The difference might be subtle but clearly there ARE changes somewhere beneath which I can't even tell. I'm starting to drift away from conciousness. I'm getting less familiar to myself, every movement of mine is getting unpredictable to the complicated self these days. Oh well. I hope it has nothing to do with identity crisis. Best believe that I'm still wide awake to be able to put trust on myself, can I? Maybe I should I don't really trust myself nowadays. Whatever that I told myself not to do, I'd surely ended up doing it and the vice-versa.

See! That's how I'm contradicting my innerself, the ego.

In any case, still cracking my tiny lil' brain on Chemistry paper. It's a mind-boggling challenge. Shall call it a day and continue tomorrow.....brain just begging me to stop, it's already saturated. Even coffee doesn't suffice to keep my perseverance running.

Oldest photo (the one and only I have) of me so far in my lappy. I hate to take photos back then which totally unlike the poser-dom and camwhoring addicted moi now, told you people will change from time to time. And I thought taking photos were blasphemous act...haha how naive! Anyhow, I wasn't an Interact Club member, it's because I had to do some Pendidikan Moral project thus tagged along IC members to an Orphanage home. This is the group photo taken after we completed our quest of the day. Spot the chubby me who nearly got squeezed out from the lens? I was once told that I've occupied too much pixels in it :( to hell with those meanies.....