Man, have I told you all that those medicines prescribed by the dermatologist simply kick ass! Like some sorta wizard drugs that yield apparent result in less than a day. Whatever dead sea mask, skin lifting, antiaging, antioily skin care products that you have now, chuck them aside. Resort to a proper specialist is the bestest way. I no longer having stray, oily and gross pimples and acnes bugging out my face anymore. It's only the 3rd day of medication. I'm gonna pray and worship dermatologist from this entry on. However, there IS a trade off to every good thing. I'm suffering from dry scalp now and dry scalp means DANDRUFFS. Fucking say bye bye to my black tees for the time being.
Not forgetting, Yun Nam Haircare called! I have an appointment with them this Friday. I'm entitled to 1 thoroughly scalp screening, 2 hair treatment sessions and 1 set of haircare kit. With all these for a measly RM 22 nia! Super wu hua! But the drawback is, I have the omen that they are going to preach me further for signing up their exorbitant monthly package eventhough the result is significant and extremely effective. Come on, do you expect an uptight budget bound college student like me to fork out a few grands monthly just to have few more strands of hair rooted? Not until I found a proper job after graduated. Nah, screw them, I am just gonna carry a mere RM 22 in my wallet and see what can they do to me. CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Learn this line! *roll eyes*
I tell you this is all karma, it goes around and comes around. The more I'm telling myself to tighten up my wallet, the more inducements of flowing out are gonna cast upon my moolahs! It's psychic and crazy. So I'm not gonna make any rubbish statement of saving money anymore even if I do, oh well. Let's make it this way perhaps, I AM GONNA BE SPENDTHRIFT!!!!! -_-
So it was a damn contented meal I had just now, Summer BBQ steamboat at Dataran Mentari, we're gonna try out all the steamboat eateries in KL soon! Followed on with shisha, man, what a nice day to start off my SAVING plan. Fortunately my date with Ian tomorrow has cancelled, if not the rate of flowing out will just increase by 3 folds :/
PS : lapsed into the last week before my first final paper (10th of August NEXT Friday, ANT 101), this weekend is nothing but study and isolating away in room only. Miss Lim is so goddess cos she reduced the exam topics from 18 to 9 topics only! Wish Miss Jane can do the same to Chemistry as well, 17 topics wei! T.T
I feel so linear and boring towards the days ahead until the 18th. Freaking predictable...robotic.
Da medications...
Caught u! For licking your monitor (Strawberry Sorbet)
Love is in the air :p