Assorted blahs
OMG who would have known that the one who taught us US History was once a wrestler. This is definitely new.
Nope, I'll still love him despite the B- he gave me in HIS251 since there was only 1 in 50 of us barely got an A-.
*stifles laugh*
He's a lecturer who once threw a student's handphone out of class, habitually lock the door when lecture commences, pwnn someone if he ever heard the S and F words before him and his pro-American quality is beyond question because we are not allowed to question the sanctity of US Constitutions let alone derogatory comments on the many doubts of the tyrannic US goverment. Well, if any of you can't care less about your grades then go ahead fire him questions and come back next semester repeating the same subject. If you agree with him on US policies, your life will be easier than those who are not :p Shut up, we ain't no bootlickers!
Anyways, this is way too classic.
I'm so happy that I didn't screw all my test 2 like how I did in past semesters. I critically need to boost up my CGPA in order to tell the embassy officers to just STFU and issue me the F-1, cos apparently my friend who score 3.xx faced hard times at the embassy a while ago while applying for F-1. I mean wtf, just get over it already since the uni has all the says, well at least 90% of it.
2+ more weeks to final! Heck.
My dad has urged me to apply for uni but I have no idea which to go although I've already told them my premium choice but my CGPA is seriously not enough to cover my complacent to gain admission to that particular uni said. Of cos it meets the minimum requirement but have to play safe also right? Then I need to inform my cuzzies over at the States about all my choices and shits...mafan.
AND ALSO, TOEFL which I'm totally reluctant to take! I'm really not into those language proficiency tests one lor, I'm sure no one does (duh) but it's a shame to say that my IELTS has gone wasted due to the limited validity of 2 years. Yes, it's been 2 years can you believe it? Back then I was so determined and aspired to become a lawyer or economist until I was about to join some UK degree twinning programme, and I got accepted into RMIT and UniSA for double major despite my fucked up A-level result. However, I'm not too fancy Oz so decided to give the nearest neighbour country a try without realising how bad is my A-level result haha. I actually applied for NTU and SMU which the latter even demanded for SAT I with score of >2000 qualification, heck, if I can get 2000 for SAT I I would have gotten into some Ivy Leagues already lah! It's ok, I got 1500 only. Nothing to be ashamed of and I don't care, because having to sit through the whole test statically is an total agony per se, all I hoped was to leave the damn exam hall in sonic manner after approx. 7 hours of torturous butt sticking. 10 sections were enough to put me in coffin. This is not an overstatement. Go ask around and see!
Anyways, lotsa things to be done for ON's celebration cum members gathering.
I'm sleep deprived.
Adios amigos.