Prom night sucks, college sucks
Today I am gonna present you my usual screw-the-test rant (point of anger 1). So I screwed BIO test 2, this time is literally screwed because 1 1/2 hours were seriously not enough to flip through the pages of questions. My lecturer damn pandai one, she curi all the questions, copy-paste from OCR Cambridge Examination board aka A-levels, tadah, what a way for patchwork plagiarizm. I don't see a reason why rules only apply to students most of the time and lecturers can just get away scot free. Anything, whatever. The crucial thing is she shrunk our test time from 2 hours to 1 1/2 hours. This is unfair and to make thing sounds worse, she had the guts to come in late for class some more! What the fuck. As a result, I was unable to finish a subquestion that cost 6 marks. Fuck the what. And various other questions that muddled over as time was tickling fast, apparently her watch seems to run faster than anyone else on this planet *roll eyes*. Luckily it is only a 15% out of total assessment. But still, I'm not that kinda person who will leave blank in questions eventhough I know shits about them. That sounds like a total loser who don't give in their best to at least pen down nonsense, yes I'm talking about the effort to write at least something out of nothing so that you'll know the probability of getting zero won't be one at the end of the day. This is not even all or nothing, odd marks do help sometimes in upgrading dreadful marginal grade. Pfffftt. Naff said. I'm still left with final exam to hope for. Not the end yet. Anyways, most gruesome one is ahead on this Friday, Stats test 2, lotsa things to recall from A2 Statistics which sad to say, my short term memory has had them all. Damn, why didn't anyone tell me that knowledge is cytocidic?

Me and Qian Ning
Me and Si Xuan
Me and my boss
Table 13, I don't like this number.
Candid shot. I got accused of "pok mong" by Michelle when I accidentally tripped and my hand collide with her pelvic arch in this very photo above. Bummer.
Group shot. Our grandmaster of the play, Yat Lei got buried behind.
The venue of the ball was same as SyUC's A-levels ball I attended last time which is famous for their Yang Chow Fried Rice. Other than that, the food was pretty mediocre only la or below average. Very normal banquet dishes. Nothing to shout about. After the ball ended around 11.30 am-ish, my boss chio us to Genting, and so we went and reached there around 3 am-ish to relish the breeze. Lepak a bit then went back at 6 am-ish. Reach home at 8 am-ish! Whole night...if only my passion for revision can be that persistent also :s
Do you have the slightest idea of who is this person?
Tee hee...
It's the protoype of my "daugther" crossbreed between the "best" traits of me and Avril Lavigne unabashedly!!! I don'tknow but I think it's beyond perfection :p
I'm gonna name her Liz Lyndon Lavigne II.